Wednesday, September 8

Rise of Fascism

Although the “Safe Access O’ahu” apartheid mandate was just announced last week, the associated Web site (by virtue of its elaborate detail) clearly indicates that the mandate was scripted way in advance. And, given that an inefficient government bureaucracy is involved, the planning must have been initiated many months ago. Can you say, “playbook”?

The daily reported “cases” of “super-duper corona” has dropped to 380 from 499 on Tuesday. On Monday, the free testing center at the airport switched from the bogus PCR test to the quick antigen test. The reported results lag by at least a day. So, on Monday, the reported “cases” were close to 800 (from the last series of PCR tests administered on Sunday). None of this is being reported in the local “fake news” media. Instead, the fearmongering about the new “Mu variant” has been introduced. Yeah, more “playbook” stuff.

The ‘Alohilani Resort Waikiki Beach and Highgate Hawaii’s collection of seven hotels will require all employees and guests to be fully “vaccinated” commencing October 15th. This will clearly be an accelerating trend amongst private businesses as predicted in Notes.

Pre-registration for the “super-duper corona” antigen test (at the airport location) was completed on-line. So, next Monday, the first test will be administered. The goal is to pre-register for two tests per week during the “Safe Access O’ahu” mandate. Even given the 48-hour window of validity, at least three to six visits to the gym will be possible (along with dining privileges at the Makai Market food court in Ala Moana Center). The workout regimen now has been sufficient to transition to fewer days. And, the exercise bands remain a viable contingency.

However, make no mistake, the “vaccine passport” is permanent. The expansion will continue for the rest of the year. If a national “vaccine” mandate is issued by the “Joe Headroom” administration, which is highly likely, the entire corrupt process will be complete. Remaining in the islands will become precarious.

The growing congregation of the Church of Comirnaty should expect that their “vaccine” tithes will continue indefinitely, sort of like a subscription. The “booster” (third) dose will be declared necessary to combat “Delta.” The fourth dose, probably early next year, will allegedly be for “Mu.” All of the available “vaccines” and “boosters,” mRNA or otherwise, involve the creation of spike proteins in the human body to generate antibodies. As stated in Notes, the “super-duper corona” mutations involved only the spike protein because the latter was the only target of the “vaccine.” The virus itself was not affected and mutated the spike protein for survival.

Update! It’s here!

The governor of Hawai’i just announced the digital SMART Health Card “app” with QR code generation for “vaccination” verification. It will be accepted at all venues, public and private. He stated that it’s voluntary for now. Everyone should be aware of where this is heading. The whole operation was planned in secrecy months ago. Obviously, gym workouts are the least of the personal problems now.

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