Wednesday, September 1


The fearmongering concerning the “unvaccinated” has ramped up considerably. Here’s an excerpt of the latest propaganda piece spewed by the local “fake news” media:

The Chief of Honolulu Emergency Medical Services (read: ambulances) said nearly all calls for ambulances due to COVID-19 were from those who are unvaccinated.

“I looked at the calls yesterday for 911. Anytime during the day, up to a fourth of them, or a third of them even, were COVID calls,” he said. “Fever, shortness of breath, low oxygen numbers and, sadly, even people who were in cardiac arrest at the time they called. So we really, really want those kinds of calls to go away, and really the only way to do that is vaccination.”

He described a scenario where dispatchers were giving cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or CPR, instructions over the phone. “It’s that bad,” he said.

Read that carefully and note that none of the symptoms listed, except fever, are indicative of “super-duper corona.” He is attempting to confuse cardiac events with a viral infection. That’s the kind of media deception that is being used to support the “vaccine passport.”

The propaganda appears to be effective. Currently, 76% of the population in Hawai’i is fully “vaccinated.” Remember when the goal was 70% “vaccinated” for “herd immunity”? Yeah, yeah. How many more will desperately prostrate themselves before the demagogues of totalitarianism?

Further analysis of the situation solidifies the belief that mandatory “vaccination” is coming, and “vaccine passports” will become a permanent fixture. The 60-day “emergency order” is just a cover for the covert deployment of a full digital health ID “passport.” In three months, that “passport” will be required everywhere.

Right now, these disgusting criminals are attempting to coerce young people, including pregnant women and adolescents, into submitting themselves to a horrible medical and pharmaceutical experiment gone wrong. There is no way to even describe that kind of evil.

Spri® 3-in-1 Resistance Bands

A $17 Spri® 3-in-1 resistance band kit was purchased at Walmart® for what might possibly be a permanent hiatus from the gym. What is most annoying is that the gym membership is part of the Medicare Advantage program, which is deducted from personal retirement income.

Miscellany: A couple of on-line accounts, including Subway® and Yahoo! Mail, were mummified for security reasons.

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