Friday, September 3

Heroes & Faggots

Dr. Lorrin Pang, the State health director of Maui, is another local hero who must be recognized. He is currently battling with State lawmakers who called for him to be fired over statements that he made to the media in support of the use of Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine for early treatment of “super-duper corona.” This, of course, confirms that State health “authorities” endorse absolutely no treatment until hospitalization is necessary. Notes always mentions the names of true heroes, as opposed to cowardly faggots like the mayor of Honolulu and governor of Hawai’i.

The Aloha Freedom Coalition staged a protest at City Hall over the upcoming “Safe Access O’ahu” (read: preliminary “vaccine passport”) program. There apparently was a verbal confrontation between an activist and the turncoat mayor over the bogus PCR tests. The mayor, of course, “doubled down” on his Fascist beliefs.

The PCR test will be exploited to rig “case” counts until December 31st (when the worldwide EUA expires). Case in point, the current round of free PCR tests for the general public will end on September 4th. It served its purpose in bringing the first iteration of the “vaccine passport” to fruition. There will most likely be at least one more “false flag” operation to introduce a full “vaccine” mandate with no opt-out and the digital “vaccine passport.”

Waikiki has experienced a significant reduction in tourist arrivals, probably down 50% or more. So, potential visitors actually heeded the warning from the governor. In any case, less tourists means that a “lockdown” could be quickly mandated with little ramifications. The downside is that businesses are suffering again. Even Ala Moana Center has realized a reduction in local patrons. Fearmongering is probably the only effective tool these days.

There are a few other interesting tidbits:

  • Dr. Mike Yeadon and Dr. Vernon Coleman issued a warning that UK health “officials” have mandated the mRNA “vaccine” for children 12 to 15 years of age with or without parental consent
  • The Fauci caricature has stated that the mRNA “vaccine” may become a series of three shots followed by “boosters.”
  • There are currently two “variants” of “super-duper corona” on the waiting list to replace “Delta.”

What should be plainly obvious by now is that every action by “Western” governments and vassal states had nothing to do with protecting health. The focus has always been on the “vaccine.” All roads lead to a eugenics pogrom.

Edward Snowden has again issued a warning about the Apple® on-device AI “kiddie porn” scanner. The same concerns were independently determined in Notes. At the same time, more and more documents (i.e., driver’s license, “vaccination” card) can be verified and archived on “smartphones.” What is to made of that?

Update: The Apple® on-device scanner has been put on hold, which is very good news indeed. Unfortunately, the delay appears to be temporary. No plans to scrap the project were revealed. There are no personal plans to use any iCloud services or store personal data on the device ever again. ProtonMail has built-in calendar and contacts, as well as VPN!

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