Monday, September 27

Kabuki Death Theater

“Joe Headroom”

The mainstream “fake news” media reported that “Joe Headroom” gleefully accepted the “booster” mRNA “vaccine.” To go through the whole fanfare of such a spectacle can only mean that the latter was about as fake as the media coverage. Then, the holographic putz launched into a tirade about the “pandemic of the unvaccinated.” Sadly, there are so many gullible fools who are easily duped by extremely bad kabuki theater. Seriously, though, the global ruling élite could be attempting to use the spike proteins to remove “Joe Headroom” from office.

There is now very little value placed in any interaction in the bad joke known as “society.” Testing for “super-duper corona” at least twice per week has allowed passage into the privileged world of the “vaccinated.” What a farce! There is absolutely nothing in common with those fools. Obviously, a solid percentage of the “vaccinated” are completely overwhelmed by thanatophobia. Many of them are suffering from various forms of psychosis. In other words, they are mentally-disturbed hypochondriacs.


The truth about the “super-duper corona” plan-demic and the “vaccines” is gradually forthcoming. The main problems with the dissemination of the latter are censorship, fake “fact checking,” and “deplatforming.” For the time being, there is some hope that resistance to the “vaccine” regime will increase. To be honest, the entire global ruling élite and its underlings need to stand trial before an international tribunal for crimes against humanity, and each perpetrator must be publicly hung from the gallows.

Addendum: Light coverage of “breakthrough cases” of “super-duper corona” has appeared in the local “fake news” media. The intent is not to inform the public about the ineffective “vaccines.” Rather, the goal is to promote the “booster” shots. And, yes, the blame is still being cast upon the “unvaccinated” and the “variants.”

Miscellany: Most of the free time in the evenings is spent viewing numerous videos from a variety of sources, all concerning the “vaccine.” Interested parties should peruse the Global Research site, the Stew Peters Show on Rumble, the German Corona Committee with Reiner Füellmich, and the Project Veritas site.

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