Thursday, September 2

Golden DNA

There’s a nice solitude to Notes now, what with near-zero readership and all. That’s excellent, though. People who departed were most likely “vaccinated.” They’ll be back when the spike proteins start working their magic. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

The “unvaccinated” now live in apartheid (as can be personally attested to). Every social framework, every “safety net,” the entire “fabric of society” has disintegrated. The “vaccinated” have become a death cult, the Church of Comirnaty. They, the Comirnatarians, thrive on intense fear hidden by a smug false bravado.

Deep down inside, the Comirnatarians know that they were “rooked” by the Fascists. Now, they have a “ticking time bomb” in their innards that could chaotically manifest itself at any moment. Then, they will make the ultimate sacrifice to the Church. Obviously, they are seething with rage, too.

Their worst nightmare is that the “unvaccinated” have the “Golden DNA,” as Dr. David Martin has stated. The Comirnatarians could end up with a permanently altered genome by means of RNA reverse transcription. Sure, the “fact checkers,” all laymen, have labeled that as “misinformation.” However, the possibility does exist.

Of course, the global ruling élite have no intention of protecting the “Golden DNA” of anyone other than themselves. These filthy criminals will not stop until the masses are 100% “vaccinated.” Only the “unvaccinated” can save humanity and the world. Rise up now!

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