Wednesday, February 27

Shades of Shit

An attempt to establish an appointment with the optometrist at Shades of California in the Executive Center in town was met with derision by the older fat Filipino ho’ who is employed in some low level capacity there. The point of contention was the Quest/Medicaid insurance. Apparently, Medicaid clients are only accepted on certain days, and frames and lenses had to paid for in cash only. What the fat ho’ probably didn’t realize is that she was deriding someone who has a net worth over 4,000 times her own.

The initial choice of that particular shithole establishment was a matter of convenience. However, the condescending manner of the fat Filipino ho’ has caused the loss of a potential long-term customer. Look in the mirror, you fat ugly twat! Any establishment that has an apartheid-type policy for (allegedly) poor and destitute people will not be patronized.

Sunday, February 24

Waikiki Update - 6

An attempt was made this morning to relocate coffee time from the fast food joint at the Discovery Bay at the edge of Waikiki to the downtown location. Overall, coffee time has become a tedious experience. The whole mood of the day is established by coffee time, so the latter must be improved.

The brief tenure in Waikiki has reinforced the previous unfavorable opinion that was forged during the era of ownership of the detestable “condotel” unit. In fact, Waikiki has degenerated into an even more cheap and tacky tourist grotesquerie. This is not Hawai’i.

The “old folks home” in Waikiki is not creating any kind of fondness. Rather, it has become somewhat detestable. The view from the hallway balcony is fairly nice, though, with an unobstructed view of the Ala Wai Canal and onward. The mauka-facing mausoleums share the same view.

The makai-facing mausoleums share a wonderful view of the inner ghetto of Waikiki. Well, that’s where the “old folks home” is located, so no surprise. The older building of the “old folks home” appears at the left in the photograph. Incidentally, several tenants have already moved out of the newer building. Again, no surprise.

At this point in time, the decision to remain at the “old folks home” beyond the expiry date in November is not favorable at all. However, the motorhomeless option has yet to prove itself viable. In the end, a desperate decision may result and only the best can be hoped for.

Thursday, February 14

Valentine 2019

The consultation appointment with the dentist at the Makahiki Clinic today was primarily to establish a treatment plan which now involve two extractions and eleven cavities to be filled. That’s right, eleven cavities. A total of $2,000 was allocated earlier to cover dental costs and new “old man spectacles.” The total cost for all of the dental work, however, is estimated to be $550 with no cost for the extractions. Apparently, tooth extractions are covered by the Medicaid/Quest insurance.

Surprisingly, extraction of the troublesome molar, the one that already had a root canal procedure performed upon, is first up. The root is apparently fractured and infected. And, there is significant erosion. It is also threatening to become a bigger problem very soon. The cavities will subsequently be filled, possibly more than one at a time. And, the wisdom tooth will be extracted in between. All in all, a few months will be required.

The curious full insurance coverage for tooth extractions may lend an explanation concerning the proliferation of homeless and impoverished people in Hawai’i with missing teeth. They cannot afford to pay for treatment, even at “sliding scale” rates. However, since extractions are “free,” they are able to solve dental problems with extreme prejudice.

The security fob for the older building (with the laundry appliances) at the “old folks home” in Waikiki was finally obtained. It was confirmed to be operational. The fob for the newer building was also confirmed to still be operational.

The surrogate “living room,” the new International Market Place, has now been christened as the official Senior Citizen Command Center. All important work, usually requiring on-line access, is accomplished there daily from 9pm to 10:15pm. News on various non-“mainstream” sites is read, and RT news streams are viewed as well. All work is facilitated using the iPhone XR, currently the only material possession with a resale value.

Finally, no Valentine’s Day celebration occurred today. A pariah is a loner, an outsider. There are no friendships or relationships, only a discrete singularity. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

Addendum: Recent bad weather has brought rain, gale force winds, and extremely cold temperatures to the islands. So far, two weeks have elapsed with no break predicted.

Addendum: Adoption of CarShare has been rapid. There is little remorse for selling the minivan. As the weeks go on, the process is being further streamlined.

Friday, February 8

What is the “Old Folks Home”?

The “old folks home,” any “old folks home,” can be described as the last place of residency before death, the interim residence before moving to an assisted care facility (i.e., convalescent home), or a temporary residence until money runs out and homelessness ensues.

Seriously, though, who really desires to spend the last years of life in such a place? Yet, that’s exactly what happens. Many of the senior citizens have been tenants of the “old folks home” for many years or decades, for that matter. Moving from one “old folks home” to another is possible. However, the result is the same ol’ shit. Only the affluent class of senior citizens can afford to reside in a halfway decent facility instead of a dump.

Addendum: For a pariah, the the “old folks home” creates a tremendous amount of existential angst. The thought of perishing in total anonymity (with the cadaver being discovered several weeks later after a pungent rotting odor is detected by other senile geriatric residents) is unnerving. The better option is to expire in a homeless motorhome (i.e., cargo van camper conversion) because the corpse will most likely be discovered within a day or two.

Thursday, February 7

Waikiki Update - 5

Upon return to the “old folks home” in Waikiki yesterday, the discovery was made that the primary security fob no longer opened the lobby entrance door of the new building. Earlier, the second security fob (that was obtained a couple of weeks ago) had been returned for recoding because it did not allow access to the older building (which is necessary to perform laundry chores). Apparently, the primary security fob was deactivated during the recoding process.

After some amount of nonsense to gain access to the older building, a phone call was made to the resident manager. The resident manager reluctantly responded and subsequently attempted to recode the primary security fob, but the level of incompetence with respect to the associated computer software became blatantly obvious. Fortunately, the numeric access code for the new building was provided. No security fob necessary.

Upon finally entering the newer building, the second security fob was found packaged and taped to the mausoleum door. The second security fob was apparently recoded for the new building, so a return to “square zero” was painfully evident. In other words, still no easy access to the older building to perform the laundry chores.

The laundry rooms on each floor of the new building are empty, the same as it has been for months. There appears to be no indication that any laundry appliances will be installed anytime soon. How do the other senior citizens tolerate that shit?

There is no question that the staff of the “old folks home” is most likely overburdened and underpaid. However, there appears to be a lot of resentment towards the senior citizen tenants. In empire, people are indoctrinated to despise the weak and the feeble. Why not have more compassion for decrepit senior citizens at the twilight of their lives? The case for motorhomelessness grows stronger by the day.

Tuesday, February 5


Closure of yet another era of foolishness was finalized when payment (by check) for the Nissan® Quest minivan was received and deposited. Deconstruction, at least for the time being, has been accomplished. What more can be said? All that remains of worldly possessions can easily fit into two gym duffel bags. Add in the actual workout gym bag and the small safe ... and, that’s it. Nothing except the iPhone XR has any tangible resale value.

Without the minivan (read: senior citizen mobile command center), major inconveniences have surfaced. There’s a lot more walking, a lot more commuting on the bus, and a hell of a lot more waiting for the bus. Unfortunately, the previous life-style was completely absurd and unsustainable.

What about the exodus from society? What about the “old folks home” in Waikiki? The work of a pariah is never done. There will be a serious rethinking of the current situation. As it stands, the target date for motorhomelessness is still sometime in November when the lease for the “old folks home” expires. All objectives will continue as planned coincident with the latter event.