Monday, October 31

Day of Samhain 2022

Keep trying, baby!

The Daily Stormer has been featuring a lot of commentary about the sad state of what was once known universally amongst the infamous B-Team as the “situation.” Nothing ever changes. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

The return to the Institute of Hair Design in town for a haircut finally occurred. Even Leo was amused. There’s nothing like a real haircut. The self-barbering era is over. The Wahl® self-barbering kit has been cleaned and readied for donation to charity.

The evening outing at the International Marketplace was not canceled even though Day of Samhain revealers were running amuck. Of course, no attempt was made to venture out onto the main promenade. There was some kind of “trick or treat” event for the keiki, but participation was minimal.

The only spookiness going on is the increased episodes of anxiety. There has been some temptation to procure “cheap booze” as an adjunctive remedy. However, the option has yet to be exercised. Otherwise, an uneventful Day of Samhain.

Miscellany: The very odd event at the home of the Democrat (sic) Speaker of the House of empire, which involved the latter’s husband and another faggot, is obviously being covered up. The “conspiracy” version of the events appears to be the most plausible. No doubt, Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping know exactly what happened through their own intelligence sources. The question is … what do the esteemed leaders think about the depraved state of empire?

Postscript: Lots of bullshit is being spewed by the lower level Fascists about “COVID-19 Amnesty.” Running scared, are they? Yeah, they are seeking protection from retribution. Notes suggests only one form of amnesty …

The Beloved Chair

As Stew Peters has stated on numerous occasions, “Indict, try, and fry.” Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

Wednesday, October 26

Preaching to the Choir

The acceptable reading list (links available in Notes) of factual on-line news has been pared down. The truth has been personally accepted. “Preaching to the choir” is not necessary. And, to reiterate, discussions of the latter are limited. Content in Notes will focus only on the mundane.

The latest version of iOS was downloaded and installed on the iPhone on Monday morning at 7:15am. Such foolishness! Of course, none of the new “feature drops” were of any interest, just more gimmicks. The sole reason to update is the bug and security patches.

The iPhone 12 was rejuvenated on Monday during the evening outing at the International Marketplace. The process, essentially “wiping” the device to its generic state and manually restoring all settings, was completed in 1.5 hours. Prior to the overhaul, some functions were not operational. Now, the iPhone 12 is almost like new. Yes, the iPhone is being prepared for longer service. Replacement may not be possible at all for months since Apple® Store inventories are non-existent.

The annual recertification for residency at the “old folks home” in Waikiki has commenced, although somewhat later than usual. Financial documents were downloaded and forwarded by e-mail to the management on Tuesday during the evening outing at the International Marketplace.

Sadly, the bouts of anxiety and melancholia have not abated. Perhaps the on-going, albeit slow, projects (e.g., terminating Post Office mailbox rental) are clearly obvious preparations for death. Certainly nothing to celebrate.

Addendum: As of this week, Apple® has increased the number of advertisements appearing in its App Store. The next system “app” to be saturated with advertising is Maps. No doubt, advertising infestation will include more and more system “apps.” Each of those “apps” will be mummified immediately, if possible, on the personal iPhone. Unfortunately, the App Store cannot be mummified.

Miscellany: The BQ.1, BQ.1.1, and XBB.1 “variants” of “super-duper corona” are allegedly spreading in the islands. That explains why full-time face mask usage has increased recently. Ho hum.

Postscript: There has been some kind of upheaval within the German Corona Investigative Committee which resulted in the departure of Dr. Reiner Füellmich. The whole affair has tarnished the good work of the committee. However, previous archived sessions will remain in Notes.

Friday, October 21



The “clusterfuck” just never ends, does it? In fact, the situation is just getting worse by the day. Having additional funds is of no utility at this point in time. The recent assessment that about $200 (originally $400) of “stuff” on the personal wish list needs to be downgraded again. Replacement blades for the Norelco® electric shaver cannot be found anywhere, even on-line. The clothing selection at Ross® (the senior citizen “go-to” source) has been completely depleted. So, there’s absolutely nothing to purchase.

Well, the only recent acquisition was a Swiffer® Starter Kit for $16 from Walmart®. The floors in the mausoleum at the “old folks home” in Waikiki have been cleaned for years by getting down on hands and knees, using paper towels (courtesy the gym). The less expensive generic version of the Swiffer® was not considered. Is a $4 difference in price really going to matter? So, that’s the only wish list fulfillment so far.

The so-called “Operation Clean Slate” has commenced with preparations to mummify the Post Office mailbox rental at the end of next month when the six-month term expires. The change of address form has already been submitted. Changing addresses on-line has been a “mixed bag” so far. The big problem will be the sole credit card. On-line sites used with the credit card will for purchases require deleting and replacing the credit card data because the address on file is used for verification. Well, the only problematic vendor is Visible. No surprise, eh?

Of course, Visible offers even more problems. The old credit card data cannot be deleted. So, any changes requires setting up the same credit card as a new one. There have been many reports that the new data cannot be set up as the default. So, the payment is rejected. Translated, that means a new Visible account must be established with a new phone number (unless ported out to another wireless provider and ported back into a new Visible account).

Then, there’s the iPhone … which may or may not be replaced soon. The only model worth purchasing is the iPhone 14 Pro which is currently unavailable anywhere. The trade-in credit for the iPhone 12 is very good, by the way. Unfortunately, the new iPhone line is eSIM only. If the current Visible account cannot be transferred using the unreliable “app,” then a new account must be established (with new phone number).

Apple® has been on a downhill slide. Perhaps, the recent emphasis on “woke” bullshit has simply been too much to maintain product quality. The iOS 16 upgrade is nearly worthless, the main focus being on customization (barely) of the lock screen. The eSIM exclusivity has also been plagued with a few software problems. The only selling point, which apparently seems to really appeal to the marginal mind, is the ludicrous “Dynamic Island.” Even the bogus name seems to suggest that Apple® has lost its way.

These are definitely the “twilight years,” and the entirety of “Western” civilization is in the “twilight zone.” Endless “clusterfucks” and more! Too bad there isn’t a big enough Swiffer® to really “wipe the slate clean.” Sheesh!

Addendum: The bed sheets from the Sand Island homeless shelter are still being deployed. The Nike® gym bag is well over 15 years old. Nothing is replaced unless some necessity is identified. Frugal or miserly?

Sunday, October 16

Video — Delusions

A mini-documentary produced by Mike Adams of Brighteon. The message is clear.

Saturday, October 15

Meme of Death

The previous Notes post is mostly “rubbish,” as it attempts to reduce the on-going anxiety to financial stress. The real issue is the “denial of death,” which was hinted upon in one of the paragraphs. These are the “twilight years,” the root cause of it all.

Most appropriate, the Great Prophet Ernest Becker insightfully observed:

On the one hand, we see a human animal who is partly dead to the world, who is most “dignified” when he shows a certain obliviousness to his fate, when he allows himself to be driven through life; who is most “free” when he lives in secure dependency on powers around him, when he is least in possession of himself. On the other hand, we get an image of a human animal who is overly sensitive to the world, who cannot shut it out, who is thrown back on his own meagre powers, and who seems least free to move and act, least in possession of himself, and most undignified. Which­ever image we choose to identify with depends in large part upon ourselves.
Clearly, the latter explains the psychological projection to financial stress or, frankly, any other seemingly tangible problem. The human life-span has clearly become identified with “immortality projects,” which tends to buffer the reality of imminent death. Becker describes a duality that exists in every human psyche.

All humans experience the duality (or paradox) of primal existence. As the individual duality clashes with the local collective duality and, eventually, the societal and global collective dualities, the outcome is a huge “clusterfuck.” What else can describe the state of current affairs?

Needless to say, the concept of entropy also comes into play. A “clusterfuck” is a high state of entropy and, of course, irreversible by natural means. Thus, there will be a temptation to use artificial means to reduce entropy. That’s the futile and destructive goal of the Fascists as described in Notes ad nauseam.

On a personal level, the high state of entropy created by individual duality can only be reduced by artificial means as well. Hence, the new proposal labeled, “Operation Clean Slate.” No doubt, it will be a futile attempt at deconstructing existing “immortality projects.” Or, perhaps it is another attempt at “obliviousness to fate.”

Addendum: Three senior citizen acquaintances at the gym have been full MIA for three months. And, the formerly-homeless buddy has not been seen or heard from for over nine months. All of them were most assuredly “vaccinated” and “boostered.”

Miscellany: Certain models of the new iPhone 14 (unlocked) line are currently not available at any of the Apple® Stores in Hawai’i or anywhere else.

Postscript: The proposed “Operation Clean Slate” is now operative. Its purpose is to complete the remaining mundane tasks mentioned in the previous post.

Thursday, October 13


Tick Tock

Chronic insomnia continues unabated, now in its third consecutive week. Rooting out the cause seemed hopeless at first. Now, the issue has finally been identified … financial stress. Almost laughable, really, given the context.

There’s no need to rehash the antecedents of financial stress. The life savings were simply dwindling away from years of ZIRP and extreme mitigations were imposed to stop the financial hemorrhaging. The triage included the mendicant monk life-style and the miserly ways.

Now, with the central bank of empire raising short-term interest rates sharply and the newly acquired funds from Aunty Lyn’s annuity, the financial emergency has abated. Surely, sleepless nights would have faded away. Not so.

The Social Security Administration announced today that all current recipients will benefit from a 8.7% COLA increase commencing next year. For the lowly amount personally received, there will only be about $65 monthly increase. Still, that’s more money coming in.

In addition, the alleged high inflation figures have now suggested that the central bank of empire may increase the interest rate by 150 basis points by the end of the year. Translated, that means even more dividend income from personal investment accounts.

Why is this news causing sleepless nights? Essentially, there could be more money coming in than going out. Excellent, eh? Well, maybe for someone younger. For an old codger, more income is meaningless. Essentially, there’s a clash between the latter and mortality (and life-style). Translated, there’s nothing to spend any money on. The “stuff” on the personal wish list amounts to $200 or less. An old codger doesn’t need a full wardrobe. Nor does he need a lot of expensive and useless “toys.” These are the “twilight years.” No one notices or cares about old codgers, not even other old codgers. Sheesh!

The Medicare Advantage plan covers the gym membership. It also provides the health rewards (which may be a $140 gift card this year) and the OTC card ($200 for over-the-counter health and dental products). The senior citizen annual bus pass is $35 per year, but will go up to $45 on next renewal. And, the sole credit card provides 1% cash rewards, which is good since all purchases are made with the card.

The “super-duper corona” plan-demic was the impetus for more self-reliance. So, services such as haircuts were no longer sought. Mummifying the rental of the Post Office mailbox will remove the final superfluous expenditure. This is the full extent of the miserly ways. Money is only being paid out for rent at the “old folks home” in Waikiki, for food, and cellular phone service. That’s it.

The decision to not replace the iPhone 12 is now in question. It has a $320 trade-in value for a new iPhone, or up to $645 trade-in value for a new Pixel 7 device. In addition, the problems with Visible are moot. The remedies have already been described in a previous Notes post.


Well, all of the preceding bullshit just to declare that personal financial policies need to be revisited. The real test will occur during this coming holiday season. Will canned beans still be consumed for dinner on those major holidays?

Addendum: Much gratitude must be expressed for joining an excellent and stable Visible Party Pay group. The membership has always remained at four people, the minimum required for the maximum discount. As of October 28th, all members will be “grandfathered” in to the $25 per month rate (until the forced change next year). Oh, the miserly ways!

Tuesday, October 11

Room Full of Mirrors

The number of morons outstanding was severely underestimated, which resulted in several recent outbursts reminiscent of the training provided by the former Lou’s School of Etiquette. Even the affable Paul Craig Roberts, in a recent post on his site, asked:

How can a country with a population this utterly stupid continue to exist?

Make no mistake, even the Fascists are keenly aware of the rampant mental midgetry that is festering in all of “Western” society. Why else would depopulation be a priority for the megalomaniacs?

Perhaps the Fascists are correct. A thermonuclear war, one that they are eagerly attempting to ignite, is the only answer to rampant stupidity. Alas, a Great Re-shit (read: “Great Reset”) is urgently needed.

On a positive note, former Hawai’i congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard has left the Democrat (sic) Party for good. “I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party that is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers,” she declared.

Tulsi Gabbard

Gabbard further added that “Joe Headroom” and other sleazy Democrat (sic) politicians are “driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us by racializing every issue and stoke anti-white racism, actively work to undermine our Gid-given freedoms, who are hostile to people of faith and spirituality, demonize the police and protect criminals at the expense of law-abiding Americans, who believe in open borders, who weaponize the national security state to go after their political opponents, and above all, who are dragging us ever closer to nuclear war.” Gabbard also urged other disaffected party members to join her at the exit door. So say we all!

Rain prevented the evening excursion to the International Marketplace. So, a dismal night was spent in the mausoleum at the “old folks home” in Waikiki. So pathetic.

Insomnia has been a real problem for over three weeks now. Every night, there are a series of dreams that cause sudden awakenings and require “draining the lizard.” The fatigue is felt all day. Coffee does nothing to remedy the problem. There was, at first, some hope that the alleviation of financial stress would lead to a more comforting existence. That apparently was not the case.

In addition, breaking the miserly ways and battling the mendicant monk life-style has been physically and emotionally taxing. So much effort must be put forth to consciously stifle the urge to “pinch pennies.” In addition, the issue of terminating the Post Office mailbox rental, the decision to return to the Institute of Hair design for haircuts, the on-going “snafu” at Visible, and the increasing possibility of moving away from the iPhone platform has all caused a lot of anxiety.

Again, on the positive side, there has been only one external visitation to Notes per day. Notes posts are now designed to discourage any visitors, so its true purpose as a private chronological archive can prevail. In other words, visitors are discouraged from returning. So say we all!

Miscellany: Three years have elapsed since any contact was made with immediate family. There will be no change to this policy. There have also been no attempts to maintain any contact with acquaintances or friends, given the monk life-style. Incidentally, there have been a few people who have disassociated from the ol’ lavahead for some inane reason. Good riddance! Life is really too short to deal with the “silent treatment.”

Friday, October 7

Fool’s Errand

Vladimir Putin

Reading the transcript of the speech given by Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin (refer to the Notes post, “Clown Show”) has really provided a lot of insight on what is transpiring in Ukraine. And, what’s really clear is that Vladimir Putin knows that the real enemies are the Fascists behind the Great Re-shit (read: “Great Reset”) using the “West” as a front. Putin stated:

Meanwhile, the West continued and continues looking for another chance to strike a blow at us, to weaken and break up Russia, which they have always dreamed about, to divide our state and set our peoples against each other, and to condemn them to poverty and extinction.

Say, that’s exactly what is happening in empire. Yet, the rank-and-file peons are placing hope on yet another round of bogus elections. What a joke! Placing any trust upon sleazy empire politicians is a fool’s errand. Nothing will stop the Fascists from reducing the populace to a loose collective of bug-eating fools.

There’s not much to delineate upon this matter that hasn’t already been delineated. News sources, links of which are incorporated in Notes, are constantly being perused. As outlined in Notes recently (refer to the list, “Epilogue: Perdition”), discussion of the latter has been minimized. Only extremely pertinent issues will be exempted.

The evening outing to the International Marketplace was rather solemn. Perhaps the recent chronic insomnia is to blame. Or, perhaps there are just nagging signs that societal collapse is accelerating. In other words, a total “clusterfuck.”

The annuity payout was successfully transferred to one of the personal investment accounts, which will slightly increase dividends. So far, no other considerations have come into play. The miserly ways have been difficult to break.

On the positive side, the intolerance for stupidity has waned considerably. That’s a milestone considering the sheer number of morons who are present everywhere. Many of them can be identified by the face masks that they are still donning to this day.

Miscellany: The search for replacements (or parts) for many worn out possessions has resulted in frustration. Now that adequate funds are available, the supply chains are completely broken.

Thursday, October 6

Sigh of Relief

The beneficiary claim to Aunty Lyn’s annuity was processed and a lump sum (less 10% withheld for tax purposes) was deposited in the local bank today. The annuity apparently did not lose any value. The entire amount is the equivalent of 57 months of current rent at the “old folks home” in Waikiki.

Nearly all of the newly acquired funds was transferred to one of the investment accounts in order to benefit from higher interest dividends. Last month, all of the investment accounts yielded about $750 in dividends.

There is a lot to be thankful for at this point in time. Thus, a moment of silence was dedicated to Aunty Lyn. And, plans for the immediate future were contemplated. Obviously, there isn’t going to be a wild spending spree. The only focus, for now, is to eat healthy. So, no more miserly cost-cutting for food.

Aside from food, there are really no other pressing purchases. The iPhone 12 will not be replaced this year. Rental of the Post Office mailbox may be discontinued next month, saving another $200+ per year. Taxes will be high (several thousand dollars) for the 2022 year, but that is a moot point. For now, there is a major sigh of relief.

Addendum: The temporary relief from financial stress will be reflected in personal outlook and attitude. The formerly strict intolerance of stupidity will be waived in the interim. Matriculation at Lou’s School of Etiquette has been mummified.

Miscellany: There will be a review of the current miserly ways to investigate whether relevant changes are necessary.

Monday, October 3

Sheer Chance

An e-mail response was received concerning the FOIA request “clusterfuck.” The original query was transferred to another agency, as previously delineated in Notes. The issue of two duplicate FOIA requests was not discussed. Nor was the issue of a refund for one of the duplicate requests. Instead, the e-mail stated that the FOIA request was denied because there was no record of Aunty Lyn’s death. Say what? A PDF copy of the death certificate had been submitted with the second on-line FOIA request, by the way.

Just mere seconds before launching into a homicidal rampage, a quick double-take of the subject line of the e-mail immediately terminated the rage. Apparently, Aunty Lyn’s social security number appeared next to her name, probably added as a reference. After all the bullshit, the last bit of data was finally retrieved by sheer chance.

Later in the afternoon, back in the mausoleum at the “old folks home” in Waikiki, the completion of the Lincoln Financial claim documents commenced. However, after the FOIA ordeal, the on-line filing option was chosen instead of mailing the documents. Thus, the beneficiary claim is now being processed. Wheee!