Saturday, October 15

Meme of Death

The previous Notes post is mostly “rubbish,” as it attempts to reduce the on-going anxiety to financial stress. The real issue is the “denial of death,” which was hinted upon in one of the paragraphs. These are the “twilight years,” the root cause of it all.

Most appropriate, the Great Prophet Ernest Becker insightfully observed:

On the one hand, we see a human animal who is partly dead to the world, who is most “dignified” when he shows a certain obliviousness to his fate, when he allows himself to be driven through life; who is most “free” when he lives in secure dependency on powers around him, when he is least in possession of himself. On the other hand, we get an image of a human animal who is overly sensitive to the world, who cannot shut it out, who is thrown back on his own meagre powers, and who seems least free to move and act, least in possession of himself, and most undignified. Which­ever image we choose to identify with depends in large part upon ourselves.
Clearly, the latter explains the psychological projection to financial stress or, frankly, any other seemingly tangible problem. The human life-span has clearly become identified with “immortality projects,” which tends to buffer the reality of imminent death. Becker describes a duality that exists in every human psyche.

All humans experience the duality (or paradox) of primal existence. As the individual duality clashes with the local collective duality and, eventually, the societal and global collective dualities, the outcome is a huge “clusterfuck.” What else can describe the state of current affairs?

Needless to say, the concept of entropy also comes into play. A “clusterfuck” is a high state of entropy and, of course, irreversible by natural means. Thus, there will be a temptation to use artificial means to reduce entropy. That’s the futile and destructive goal of the Fascists as described in Notes ad nauseam.

On a personal level, the high state of entropy created by individual duality can only be reduced by artificial means as well. Hence, the new proposal labeled, “Operation Clean Slate.” No doubt, it will be a futile attempt at deconstructing existing “immortality projects.” Or, perhaps it is another attempt at “obliviousness to fate.”

Addendum: Three senior citizen acquaintances at the gym have been full MIA for three months. And, the formerly-homeless buddy has not been seen or heard from for over nine months. All of them were most assuredly “vaccinated” and “boostered.”

Miscellany: Certain models of the new iPhone 14 (unlocked) line are currently not available at any of the Apple® Stores in Hawai’i or anywhere else.

Postscript: The proposed “Operation Clean Slate” is now operative. Its purpose is to complete the remaining mundane tasks mentioned in the previous post.

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