Monday, September 6

Apartheid Redux

In one week, Hawai’i will be a full apartheid state. Segregation will be mandated and enforced by the Fascist governmental regime. The fake “cases” to justify the action were facilitated with the bogus PCR tests. As of tomorrow, there will be another round of free “super-duper corona” testing available for the masses, but the antigen test will now be used.

There’s not much to segregate since only about 10% of the adult population here is “unvaccinated.” Quite a few have given in to the apartheid pressure already. There are huge lines at the various “vaccine” outlets. So, after the 60-day “Safe Access O’ahu” apartheid mandate is over, the “unvaccinated” may be down to 5% or less. Then, the Fascists will “go in for the kill.”

Incidentally, 78% of “super-duper corona” patients in hospitals are obese. Of course, that fact is covered up because “fat shaming” is not “woke.” Notes had cited that observation well over a year ago. Obesity is usually accompanied by Type II diabetes, which is an acute inflammation disorder. Little wonder why those fat slobs are succumbing so quickly.

Personally, the apartheid will only increase the affect of isolation. Frankly, the situation is already grim. Every acquaintance is fully “vaccinated.” Thus, even small talk eventually converges on “super-duper corona” topics about “vaccination” and face mask usage. These fools are fully “vaccinated,” yet they are adamant about apartheid as well as full-time face mask usage. They seems to be even more terrified of death than they were last year. There is no way that a personal contribution can be made to the latter discourse. What is there to say?

Before the plan-demic, pleasant conversations were possible and certainly filled the social void. Now, conversations are barely legible with face masks, and the topics are laborious as just mentioned. Even sitting alone in the crowd at the Makai Market food court for dinner, there is a deep sense of alienation knowing that everyone else is fully “vaccinated.” Prior to the plan-demic, there was at least a sense of being part of society.

As the number of “unvaccinated” decreases, the danger to the remaining few increases. Aside from psychological duress, there is the real threat of violence being unleashed on the “unvaccinated” by the Comirnatarians. In other words there will be a “vaccine” crusade. The Comirnatarians have already explicitly stated that they want to kill the “unvaccinated.” The Fascist politicians, the “fake news” media, and entire medical establishment are cheering them on. It’s going to happen.

Miscellany: There was some concern that Notes would “go dark” after an unusual number of page views were observed for the post, “Heroes & Faggots.” False alarm. Thus, the contingency Gab account has been deactivated.

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