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“Joe Headroom” |
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“Joe Headroom” |
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Justice |
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Delsey® Suitcase |
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Nicki Minaj |
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The Gates One |
The State of Hawai’i has adopted its “Crisis Standards of Care Triage Allocation Framework.” Of interest:
Evidence from multiple countries including the U.S. show that age (greater than 65 years old) is an indicator for poor prognosis in COVID-19 patients. If the triage score is equal between two individuals, the Triage Officer/Review Committee should use the consideration that a patient (greater than 65 years old) who is also COVID-positive is less likely to benefit from the scarce resource.
That’s right. During a “super-duper corona” health crisis (as is allegedly happening now), poor old senior citizens will be denied healthcare. The Fascists call that, “triage.”
An astute observer has most likely ascertained that the exact same policy is being rolled out worldwide. Dr. Vernon Coleman reported that the UK now has that same policy in place. Eugenics in the form of healthcare rationing has arrived. The global ruling élite has spoken.
The “vaccine” mandates have affected the healthcare sector as nurses and doctors either resigned or were terminated for not submitting to the mRNA “vaccine.” This was a manufactured crisis in order to usher in the rationing of healthcare. Then, the “triage” policy was enacted to target the most vulnerable of “useless eaters,” senior citizens. The global ruling élite, like the Church of Comirnaty, is a death cult.
People may also recall that “super-duper corona” patients were deliberately put into senior citizen care facilities worldwide last year, which resulted in the deaths of thousands of frail senior citizens. Now, the death cult is at it again.
Really, there is no escape. The ruling élite are attacking from all sides with sporadic volleys that are designed to weaken the resolve of the rank-and-file peons. The only course of action now is to mount an offensive. Kill, or be killed.
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Ernest Becker |
The final word should be given by the Great Prophet, Ernest Becker:
The logic of killing others in order to affirm our own life unlocks much that puzzles us in history, much that with our modern minds we seem unable to comprehend, such as the Roman arena games. If the killing of a captive affirms the power of your life, how much does the actual massive staging of life-and-death struggles affirm a whole society? The continual grinding sacrifice of animal and human life in the arenas was all of a piece with the repressions of a society that was dedicated to war and that lived in the teeth of death. It was a perfect pastime to work off anxieties and show the ultimate personal control of death: the thumbs up or thumbs down on the gladiators. The more death you saw unfold before your eyes and the more you thrust your thumbs downward, the more you bought off your own life. And why was the crucifixion such a favorite form of execution? Because, I think, it was actually a controlled display of dying; the small seat on the cross held the body up so that dying would be prolonged. The longer people looked at the death of someone else, the more pleasure they could have in sensing the security and the good fortune of their own survival. The whole meaning of a victory celebration, as Canetti argued, is that we experience the power of our lives and the visible decrease of the enemy: it is a sort of staging of the whole meaning of a war, the demonstration of the essence of it - which is why the public display, humiliation, and execution of prisoners is so important. "They are weak and die: we are strong and live." The Roman arena games were, in this sense, a continued staging of victory even in the absence of a war; each civilian experienced the same powers that he otherwise had to earn in war. If we are repulsed by the bloodthirstiness of those games, it is because we choose to banish from our consciousness what true excitement is. For man, maximum excitement is the confrontation of death and the skillful defiance of it by watching others fed to it as he survives transfixed with rapture.
From “Escape From Evil.” So say we all!
PSA: Church of Comirnaty member has been engaged in acts of “terroristic” threatening against allegedly “unvaccinated” individuals in Target® stores.
The suspect is considered mentally deranged and dangerous.
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Apartheid Food Court |
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Downtown at Night |
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Near Empty Airport Terminal |
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Waiting Line For Testing |
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Testing Stations |
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“Vaccine Rebellion” |
The United States is no longer in a situation where it needs to fast-track approvals of Covid-19 vaccines for increased supplies to immunise its people. The country, through its Operation Warp Speed initiative, had invested $18 billion in the development of various vaccines for its population last year. It has already granted EUAs to the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna-NIAID mRNA vaccines, as well as Johnson & Johnson’s viral vector jabs.According to Bharat Biotech, the country (US) has managed to vaccinate a “significant” percentage of its population and has also achieved “good” herd immunity.
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“Joe Headroom” |
“Joe Headroom,” stood at the podium and read the script handed to him by the global ruling élite. “Our patience (with the “unvaccinated”) is wearing thin!” bellowed the geriatric demagogue as spittle spewed everywhere from his puckered orifice. He resembled an old rabid dog, ready to be “put down” at a moment’s notice.
The obese and diabetic parishioners of the Church of Comirnaty were sitting at home in front of the tube, gallon of ice cream in hand, watching the pitiful spectacle. They perceived that the old fool was speaking for them. So, they yelled in unison, “Kill the unvaccinated!” at their screens.
The message delivered was directly from the global ruling élite. The cabal’s plans have somehow been delayed, most likely by lower level incompetence. Nearly 100% “vaccination” should have been accomplished by now, what, with the EUA for the bogus PCR tests ending just a few months from now. Had the “sock puppets” done what they were told to do, the remaining “unvaccinated” could be easily rounded up and “re-educated.”
So, the ruling élite must now resort to extreme Draconian measures. And, they now need to enlist the aid of the Comirnatarians to do the “dirty work,” that is, to kill the “unvaccinated.” The Church must engage in a crusade. The ruling élite has spoken.
The Comirnatarians believe that life will return to “normal” when the “unvaccinated” are vanquished. Fools! They will soon discover the truth the hard way. And what about other foolish beliefs?
Do fools really believe that the whole purpose of the “vaccine” gauntlet is universal digital ID for everyone? Do they really believe that the sole purpose is to track and control the masses? Why would the ruling élite waste time, money, and valuable resources on “useless eaters”?
Do the “vaccinated” believe that they are valued by the ruling élite for whatever skills they possess? There are plenty of very skilled people in other nation-states who can be imported to perform the exact same functions, probably better, with fewer demands. And, there’s plenty of unskilled labor squatting at the southern border of empire right now.
And, what about the “vaccine”? Why is it so essential to inject that crap into every rank-and file peon? All the “vaccine” does is cause human cells to produce S-1 spike proteins. That’s it, unless there are other unknown active ingredients. Otherwise, it barely does anything to combat “super-duper corona.” If the nefarious aspects (as discussed in Notes) are ignored, why is there such a push to turn peons into spike protein factories?
Addendum: The governor of Hawai’i has announced that visitors and contractors entering any State facility must be “vaccinated” or provide a negative authorized “super-duper corona” test result.
Miscellany: The gym has apparently modified its membership database to include a flag for members who are “vaccinated.” Members do not have to show “vaccination” papers once the flag is set. Preparations for permanent “vaccine passports” is in “full swing.”
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Stalin, Hitler, and … |
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WHO Fascist |
Although the “Safe Access O’ahu” apartheid mandate was just announced last week, the associated Web site (by virtue of its elaborate detail) clearly indicates that the mandate was scripted way in advance. And, given that an inefficient government bureaucracy is involved, the planning must have been initiated many months ago. Can you say, “playbook”?
The daily reported “cases” of “super-duper corona” has dropped to 380 from 499 on Tuesday. On Monday, the free testing center at the airport switched from the bogus PCR test to the quick antigen test. The reported results lag by at least a day. So, on Monday, the reported “cases” were close to 800 (from the last series of PCR tests administered on Sunday). None of this is being reported in the local “fake news” media. Instead, the fearmongering about the new “Mu variant” has been introduced. Yeah, more “playbook” stuff.
The ‘Alohilani Resort Waikiki Beach and Highgate Hawaii’s collection of seven hotels will require all employees and guests to be fully “vaccinated” commencing October 15th. This will clearly be an accelerating trend amongst private businesses as predicted in Notes.
Pre-registration for the “super-duper corona” antigen test (at the airport location) was completed on-line. So, next Monday, the first test will be administered. The goal is to pre-register for two tests per week during the “Safe Access O’ahu” mandate. Even given the 48-hour window of validity, at least three to six visits to the gym will be possible (along with dining privileges at the Makai Market food court in Ala Moana Center). The workout regimen now has been sufficient to transition to fewer days. And, the exercise bands remain a viable contingency.
However, make no mistake, the “vaccine passport” is permanent. The expansion will continue for the rest of the year. If a national “vaccine” mandate is issued by the “Joe Headroom” administration, which is highly likely, the entire corrupt process will be complete. Remaining in the islands will become precarious.
The growing congregation of the Church of Comirnaty should expect that their “vaccine” tithes will continue indefinitely, sort of like a subscription. The “booster” (third) dose will be declared necessary to combat “Delta.” The fourth dose, probably early next year, will allegedly be for “Mu.” All of the available “vaccines” and “boosters,” mRNA or otherwise, involve the creation of spike proteins in the human body to generate antibodies. As stated in Notes, the “super-duper corona” mutations involved only the spike protein because the latter was the only target of the “vaccine.” The virus itself was not affected and mutated the spike protein for survival.
Update! It’s here!
The governor of Hawai’i just announced the digital SMART Health Card “app” with QR code generation for “vaccination” verification. It will be accepted at all venues, public and private. He stated that it’s voluntary for now. Everyone should be aware of where this is heading. The whole operation was planned in secrecy months ago. Obviously, gym workouts are the least of the personal problems now.
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Waikiki Beach Pavilion |
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Homeless in Waikiki |
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The Real International Marketplace |
The gym at 1pm yesterday … looks like a real “super-spreader” of “super-duper corona,” eh? That’s pretty much the same daily during what was once peak hours.
Another view, this time of the cardio area. By the way, members are required to wear face masks even during a cardio session. The motive for mandating “vaccine passports” to enter the gym becomes fairly obvious, eh?
At the present time, the situation in Hawai’i is becoming untenable. Thus, a few preparations are necessary:
There is now an emphasis to reduce reliance on Google® services. There was some indication of covert monitoring of Notes yesterday. Anyway, as the situation in empire (and locally) deteriorates, the personal digital “footprint” must be reduced in order to thwart any surveillance.
No further analysis of the motives and timeline of the Fascists is necessary. The predictions in Notes of a few days ago still stands. There will be a full mandatory “vaccination” requirement for all businesses and their employees. In addition, all businesses, government entities, and public (and private) transit will require a newly introduced digital “vaccine passport” for entry. The aforementioned will be in effect by December.
The pent-up rage that is swelling amongst the “vaccinated” is approaching “critical mass,” thanks to the Fascists and the local “fake news” media. There are already many thinly-veiled threats circulating and aimed at the “unvaccinated.” Not much will be required before actual violence ensues. There is absolutely no doubt that many of the psychotic Comirnatarians are ready to commit homicide.
As discussed in Notes yesterday, collapse is imminent. What is really important, though, is to recognize that entire calamity was completely avoidable. The very same “mistakes” are occurring everywhere in the “West” and its vassal states, which is proof positive that there is a playbook being followed.
Incidentally, the only safe and effective vaccines for “super-duper corona” are Covaxin and CoronaVac (or SinoVac). Both are traditional vaccines using an inactivated form of the suspect virus rather than the deadly “gene therapy.” Of course, none are approved in empire.
Addendum: About 30,000 people have exhausted their unemployment benefits this weekend. Another 45,000 people are losing the extra $300 weekly unemployment stipend this weekend, too. The majority are “vaccinated” and will be ready to scapegoat and seek vengeance on the “unvaccinated.”
Miscellany: Registration for free “super-duper corona” antigen testing was accomplished on-line. The bogus PCR tests are no more. The testing begins on September 6th and appointments are also scheduled on-line. The testing location is at the end of Terminal 2 at the airport.
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Plan-demic Waikiki |
The number of tourists in Waikiki has obviously dwindled. There are still waiting lines, but only a fraction of that just a few weeks ago. And, dining areas in fast food joints around the island have been cordoned off again, so everything is now take-out only.
As stated previously in Notes, shopping traffic in Ala Moana Center has also dwindled. Many new businesses popped up there and in Waikiki after the last “lockdown.” How long before they close their doors? Sadly, one of the legacy Ala Moana tenants, Shirokiya, has also shuttered. Truly an end of an era.
Homelessness is definitely on the rise, even though the local rent moratorium is apparently still in effect until the first week of October. Homeless camps are appearing everywhere. In Honolulu, the homeless presence is most visible along the King Street corridor. The new homeless certainly could not have come from abroad since there are severe travel restrictions in place here. So, are the new homeless recently evicted renters?
The number of clinically insane people out on the streets has also increased. The only explanation is that patients from the Kane’ohe State Hospital have been released early en masse. Nearly the entire Fort Street Mall area in town is occupied by the latter demographic. Since the Diploma Mill moved its campus to Waterfront Park, the area has turned into a business “ghost town” and a squatter’s paradise.
Finally, an inquiry with a couple of other tenants at the “old folks home” in Waikiki revealed that there was a small crime ring operating on the premises. Motor scooters were being stolen and stripped for parts in the parking lot. The perpetrators were apparently affiliated with one of the tenants. Hence, they were observed entering the building in an unauthorized fashion on numerous occasions. That’s the reason for the posted notices everywhere. Crime ring in the “old folks home”? Everything is “going to hell in a hand basket.” Sheesh!
Miscellany: One option being personally entertained is working out with the new exercise bands in either Ala Moana Beach Park or Fudgepacker Park during the exile from the gym. Working out in the fresh air would be invigorating as opposed to the tiny mausoleum in the “old folks home.” In addition, the parks have small exercise stations which would accommodate sets not possible with the exercise bands.
Update: About 890 government employees, about half of which include “first responders,” are asking for religious or medical exemptions from the Fascist mandatory “vaccination” requirement. The “vaccinated” are apparently outraged that anyone would dare refuse the “vaccine.” Some of them are claiming that they would refuse any assistance from anyone, including “first responders,” if “unvaccinated.” Apartheid is here!
Dr. Lorrin Pang, the State health director of Maui, is another local hero who must be recognized. He is currently battling with State lawmakers who called for him to be fired over statements that he made to the media in support of the use of Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine for early treatment of “super-duper corona.” This, of course, confirms that State health “authorities” endorse absolutely no treatment until hospitalization is necessary. Notes always mentions the names of true heroes, as opposed to cowardly faggots like the mayor of Honolulu and governor of Hawai’i.
The Aloha Freedom Coalition staged a protest at City Hall over the upcoming “Safe Access O’ahu” (read: preliminary “vaccine passport”) program. There apparently was a verbal confrontation between an activist and the turncoat mayor over the bogus PCR tests. The mayor, of course, “doubled down” on his Fascist beliefs.
The PCR test will be exploited to rig “case” counts until December 31st (when the worldwide EUA expires). Case in point, the current round of free PCR tests for the general public will end on September 4th. It served its purpose in bringing the first iteration of the “vaccine passport” to fruition. There will most likely be at least one more “false flag” operation to introduce a full “vaccine” mandate with no opt-out and the digital “vaccine passport.”
Waikiki has experienced a significant reduction in tourist arrivals, probably down 50% or more. So, potential visitors actually heeded the warning from the governor. In any case, less tourists means that a “lockdown” could be quickly mandated with little ramifications. The downside is that businesses are suffering again. Even Ala Moana Center has realized a reduction in local patrons. Fearmongering is probably the only effective tool these days.
There are a few other interesting tidbits:
What should be plainly obvious by now is that every action by “Western” governments and vassal states had nothing to do with protecting health. The focus has always been on the “vaccine.” All roads lead to a eugenics pogrom.
Edward Snowden has again issued a warning about the Apple® on-device AI “kiddie porn” scanner. The same concerns were independently determined in Notes. At the same time, more and more documents (i.e., driver’s license, “vaccination” card) can be verified and archived on “smartphones.” What is to made of that?
Update: The Apple® on-device scanner has been put on hold, which is very good news indeed. Unfortunately, the delay appears to be temporary. No plans to scrap the project were revealed. There are no personal plans to use any iCloud services or store personal data on the device ever again. ProtonMail has built-in calendar and contacts, as well as VPN!
The fearmongering concerning the “unvaccinated” has ramped up considerably. Here’s an excerpt of the latest propaganda piece spewed by the local “fake news” media:
The Chief of Honolulu Emergency Medical Services (read: ambulances) said nearly all calls for ambulances due to COVID-19 were from those who are unvaccinated.
“I looked at the calls yesterday for 911. Anytime during the day, up to a fourth of them, or a third of them even, were COVID calls,” he said. “Fever, shortness of breath, low oxygen numbers and, sadly, even people who were in cardiac arrest at the time they called. So we really, really want those kinds of calls to go away, and really the only way to do that is vaccination.”
He described a scenario where dispatchers were giving cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or CPR, instructions over the phone. “It’s that bad,” he said.
Read that carefully and note that none of the symptoms listed, except fever, are indicative of “super-duper corona.” He is attempting to confuse cardiac events with a viral infection. That’s the kind of media deception that is being used to support the “vaccine passport.”
The propaganda appears to be effective. Currently, 76% of the population in Hawai’i is fully “vaccinated.” Remember when the goal was 70% “vaccinated” for “herd immunity”? Yeah, yeah. How many more will desperately prostrate themselves before the demagogues of totalitarianism?
Further analysis of the situation solidifies the belief that mandatory “vaccination” is coming, and “vaccine passports” will become a permanent fixture. The 60-day “emergency order” is just a cover for the covert deployment of a full digital health ID “passport.” In three months, that “passport” will be required everywhere.
Right now, these disgusting criminals are attempting to coerce young people, including pregnant women and adolescents, into submitting themselves to a horrible medical and pharmaceutical experiment gone wrong. There is no way to even describe that kind of evil.
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Spri® 3-in-1 Resistance Bands |
A $17 Spri® 3-in-1 resistance band kit was purchased at Walmart® for what might possibly be a permanent hiatus from the gym. What is most annoying is that the gym membership is part of the Medicare Advantage program, which is deducted from personal retirement income.
Miscellany: A couple of on-line accounts, including Subway® and Yahoo! Mail, were mummified for security reasons.