On Monday, the first of July, the changeover to EAH Housing supposedly occurred. The only difference was that the rent payment could be made in-person at the office in the other building at the “old folks home” in Waikiki.
The office was supposed to be open at 8am. However, the resident manager, the same holdover employee from the outgoing management, was late. She is the young ho’ with no personality, no customer service skills, and no competency. A simple submission of rent payment required five minutes of useless paper shuffling. Incidentally, no representatives from the new management were present.
In chatting with a few of the other senior citizen residents, a state of bewilderment and disappointment was observed. Yeah, unlike the others, there was no personal hope for change. Same ol’ shit. All slumlords are alike.
The bout with “COVID” … errr, the common cold … continues. The symptoms have gradually decreased, but illin’ is still official. The Watch Series 9 has logged higher resting heart rates with other metrics unchanged.
Slave Day was nearly the same as Slave Day of the last two years including the bout with “COVID” … errr, the common cold. Quite odd, eh? Anyway, there was no need to detour elsewhere for morning coffee and brunch. Same ol’ workout at the gym, too, as expected.
Dinner was expedited at Subway® in town because of light rain. However, once back in Waikiki, the late afternoon outing to the International Marketplace was not postponed due to weather. Downloading more hurdy-gurdy videos over the free wireless network was the main priority.
On the way back to the “old folks home,” an encounter with neighbor Ignacio blossomed into a long conversation. The core of the discussion was the “old folks home,” of course. Lots of strange bullshit going on there these days. And, the new management is nowhere to be found.
On a side note, the vast hurdy-gurdy video library (HGVL) on the LaCie® SSD is now up to 128 works of art. There is really no point in collecting these “gems” since there is no routine “testing” of the Vienna Sausage anymore. Yeah, a real waste of time. Sheesh!
Addendum: The sole reason to celebrate Slave Day 2024 is the recent release of Julian Assange from the dungeons of the “West.” The rank-and-file peons, however, are still indentured slaves.
Miscellany: Excellent Slave Day reading is courtesy Simplicius, the Thinker. The “West” is in full collapse mode.
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