Tuesday, July 30

Cardiology 2024

Last night, another cardio event occurred. The latter was essentially the same as last week, only two hours shorter in duration. A simple EKG was recorded using the Watch Series 9 device. The average heart rate was 84bpm with a peak of 133bpm. HRV spiked twice over 133ms. The cardiac event of last week spiked at 233ms.

The only other cardiac event occurred over a month ago during the bout with “COVID” … errr, common cold. No EKG data was recorded, and the heart rate data has since been deleted.

In all cases, the cardiac events triggered around midnight. The duration was between 2.5 to 4.5 hours. The palpitations were not steady. Rather, the high heart rates alternated between delayed heartbeats. Very minor cardiac events occur during odd times in the waking hours and tend to be only a few minutes in duration. Otherwise, heart rate and EKG are normal. That’s the reason why tests performed by the cardiologist were inconclusive.

There are probably a few factors that can be implicated:

  • Sleep deprivation
  • Dehydration
  • Diet
  • Coffee consumption
  • Workout overexertion
  • Stress
  • Melancholia
  • Anxiety

The synergistic and cumulative effects of the aforementioned factors are most likely the triggers of the cardiac events. Unless these factors can be effectively mitigated, there is a high probability of a fatal event in the near future.

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