Wednesday, July 24

Degeneration 2024

Yesterday, sheer boredom was once again the motivation for a late afternoon outing to Target® in Ala Moana Center. Three pouches of Purely Elizabeth® Blueberry Hemp granola, a banana, and a pint of Häagen-Dazs® coffee ice cream were procured.

Later in the evening, the dreaded heart palpitations returned with a vengeance. The cardiac event was brutal and continued non-stop until 3:30am. A simple EKG was performed at 1:15am using the “app” on the Watch Series 9 device. The result indicated the possibility of atrial fibrillation and an average heart rate of 92bpm (palpitations). Sleep was not an option during the event. Remaining awake and conscious was necessary in case a call for an ambulance was required.

For some reason, the Watch Series 9 failed to log the event independently. The Health “app” is most likely malfunctioning. Nonetheless, the high heart rate was tracked by the device consistently (sans notifications) during the ordeal with 98bpm being the peak. At this point in time, the cause of the cardiac event is unknown. The likely culprit is the ice cream, with all 800 calories of sugar and carbohydrates consumed in one sitting. Glucose overload is a possibility, which could indicate that residual blood sugar levels are in the pre-diabetes zone again. The decrepit geriatric body is probably not able to produce enough insulin.

This most recent cardiac event emphasizes just how little time is left. A major incident could be “right around the corner.” Obviously, the liquidation of the entire squalid “estate” (read: assets) must be expedited.

Anyway, with less than three hours of sleep, the workout at the gym today was tedious. The weight portion remained essentially the same. The cardio workout was less strenuous than usual for obvious reasons. No outing was planned for later in the day.

On a side note, Notes offers no further commentary on the attempted assassination of Orange Bad Man. No comments on the “Joe Headroom” removal from the upcoming (s)election as well. All of that contrived bullshit is cheesy kabuki theater. The assassination attempt appears to be genuine. However, the truth about what really transpired may “never see the light of day.”

The rank-and-file peons are getting “fired up” about voting. Seriously, what is the point? The “garden variety” Fascists have already exposed the fact that they control the entire political process in empire. The solution? Boycott the voting charade!

1 comment:

  1. Look after yourself. Concur 220% with last sentence of this entry.


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