Sunday, July 28


Sleep deprivation continues to be a relevant personal issue. At 2am and at 4:30am on Thursday, ambulances broke the silence at the “old folks home” in Waikiki with sirens blaring and OSHA reverse alarm beeping. Yeah, lots of noise while carting off decrepit senior citizens to the hospital. Sleep, who needs sleep?

Late Friday afternoon, an outing to Target® at Ala Moana Center was made to purchase a few necessary sundries and food products, a couple of which were on sale. No ice cream this time, though. The rank-and-file peons in the store were at their worst yet insofar as behavior is concerned. A few of the idiots required verbal chastisement. The intensity of the stupidity invoked much tension and resulted in another sleepless night.

A little before midnight on Saturday, the mangy mutt commenced a barking spree. The non-stop barking continued until 4am. Previously, the owner was thought to be a kindly old gentleman. The latter assumption has now been revised. The Section 8 owner (with “disabilities,” no doubt) of the mangy mutt obviously went out to the bars in Waikiki to engage in an alcoholic binge leaving the mangy mutt to its own devices. Being an inconsiderate asshole, he left the windows wide open instead of closing them and turning on the air conditioner. Again, another brazen example of sheer stupidity and self-serving behavior.

This morning, minor injuries and bruising on the right forearm resulted from a collision with an ignorant derelict on a bicycle while attempting to cross the street. He was traveling the wrong way and was on the wrong side of the one-way street, by the way. “Sorry, man,” he said as quickly peddled off to purchase cheap booze. Stupid mofo!

The bus ride to Ala Moana Center was pleasant until a little old lady boarded the bus. A rancid odor, reminiscent of dung, permeated the entire cabin of the bus. How can any knucklehead not know that an open package of pickled daikon radishes is not going to “stink to high heaven”?

As usual, a stopover was made at Target® to procure a banana and a package of Orowheat® English muffins. A young Asian guy was having extreme difficulty controlling his hyperactive son. Three times with a short distance of ten feet, the ADHD son nearly caused a tripping incident to occur. The third incident required verbal chastisement. Why didn’t the moronic father “slap his head”? Liberal parenting, as actually discussed in the old “blog,” is responsible for the several generations of arrogance and stupidity.

To be perfectly honest, “culling the herd” is the only solution to the breakdown of “society.” The rank-and-file peons are “damaged goods.” They have been indoctrinated to be assholes through all of the media venues. The aforementioned peons are monkeys, chimpanzees. They need to be eliminated (read: “neutralized”) because deprogramming and retraining are not possible. Obviously, the latter cannot be allowed to reproduce either. Otherwise, stupidity will spread unimpeded like a malignant tumor. Such a tumor must be extracted and completely destroyed.

Incidentally, insofar as the AirPods Pro 2 earbuds being deployed as ANC earplugs, that’s a “non-starter.” The silicone ear tips provide an excellent physical seal to the ear canal similar to passive earplugs. Unfortunately, the same kind of sinus imbalance occurs and produces post-nasal drip (which sound like explosions inside the cranium). Thus any noises outside the mausoleum can only be attenuated by closing the windows, a very bad solution during the hot season.

The Watch Series 9 will continue to monitor heart rate since minor palpitations and irregular heartbeats are still occurring. The HRV metric has taken a whole new meaning, by the way. Rather than indicate stress and anxiety, HRV seems to correlate strongly with irregular heartbeats. And, irregular heartbeats correlate strongly with sleep deprivation.

In retrospect, the curious origins of heart palpitations at age 59 years has provoked some current thought. After the month of tests, no culprit was identified. All of the EKGs did not exhibit any anomalies. Since the palpitations and irregular heartbeats are now occurring regularly, they will probably display predominantly in the results. If that is the case, a return to the cardiologist will mean being prescribed medication that must be taken for the remainder of life.

As previously mentioned in Notes, the central bank of empire is slated to begin aggressive interest rate cuts as early as the month of August. Rate cuts will be between 0.5 and one percent per month. ZIRP will be accomplished by next Summer, al least according to the financial “pundits.”

The best hurdy-gurdy video streaming site has seen a serious reduction in uploads by users because of rapid DMCA deletions. In fact, nearly all of the 186 selections in the vast hurdy-gurdy video library (HGVL) on the LaCie® SSD have disappeared from the site. Civil strife and unrest in empire is likely to see an increase in violent outcomes because “incel” guys no longer have a pacifier. Sheesh!

Thought Exercise: Procure a cheap wireless speaker, pair it with the iPhone 15 Pro, and play this audio clip out the window of the mausoleum in the wee hours of the morning.

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