Saturday, July 13

1 Ik' 5 Xul

An attempted assassination of Orange Bad Man has generated all kinds of speculative nonsense and bullshit whitewashing in the “fake news” media. There’s fairly good coverage on alternative Web sites. However, a lot of unsubstantiated rumors are circulating wildly. Take mostly everything “with a grain of salt.”

Whether the shooter is a lone psychopathic killer or a state-sponsored (directly or indirectly) assassin, that’s all irrelevant. Orange Bad Man needs to “wake up.” He is now a living martyr and will most likely win the November (s)election, that is, if the process is not rigged again. Nonetheless, he needs to “drain the swamp” as he promised over eight years ago. Otherwise, he may not be so “lucky” next time.

Of course, empire is now careening down the path towards anarchy. Many of the “garden variety” Fascists exposed themselves during the course of urging the removal of “Joe Headroom” from the Democrat (sic) Party ticket. So much for democracy, eh? And, another rigged (s)selection may be the “straw that breaks the camel’s back” for the rank-and-file peons and result in “unintended consequences.”

On Friday, another discussion with Ignacio yielded the tragic news that the buddy from the other building in the “old folks home” in Waikiki has passed on. The last discussion with the buddy was just a few days ago. Instead of a cane, he was using a walker. He mentioned that he was diagnosed with cancer and was awaiting treatment. So far, cause of death is not known. However, the buddy was most certainly inoculated with the mRNA bioweapon. The buddy (Chuck, not to be confused with Chuck at the gym) will be missed.

Ignacio added that the buddy’s death was now incentive for him to expedite a trip to Japan. So, Ignacio will be leaving in a week or so. He is also considering a permanent move to Thailand if his health doesn’t worsen. He resided there many moons ago, so he is acquainted with all aspects of the nation. “I need to enjoy what’s left of my life,” he added.

Also, earlier that day at the gym, fellow senior citizen, Bob, said that he had experienced vertigo and passed out a couple of days prior. He ended up in the hospital. The problem appears to be some kind of heart condition, so he is wearing a monitor for ten days. Bob is most certainly inoculated with the mRNA bioweapon. Heart problems, of course, are one of the major contraindications of the latter.

On a side note, there are now 158 choice videos in the vast hurdy-gurdy video library (HGVL) on the LaCie® SSD. Unfortunately, new additions will be slowing down due to rapid DMCA deletions.

Miscellany: Notes makes no endorsement of any candidate for office in empire for obvious reasons.

1 comment:

  1. Chump was and is now all chummy with your guy Putin..(?)


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