Saturday, June 29


Monitoring the sad state of affairs in world events has become a melancholic experience even with limited exposure to approved Web sites. With the latest “terrorist” attacks on Russian soil (Crimea) perpetrated by the “West,” the “garden variety” Fascists are increasing the probability of a “hot” global war. Meanwhile, the clueless rank-and-file peons are subjected to comatose events such as the recent farcical empire presidential debates or bombarded with endless propaganda about AI bullshit. So, the only recourse is to rapidly populate the vast hurdy-gurdy video library (HGVL) on the LaCie® SSD.

What is most interesting is the proliferation of hurdy-gurdy (read: pornography) streaming Web sites. A few years ago, the entire “adult” content industry nearly collapsed. Only a few of the larger “studios” prevailed. Now, after a surge in “woke” (i.e., LBGTQ+ and “toxic feminism”) and the “super-duper corona” plan-demic, the “adult” content industry is booming. Just perusing the free hurdy-gurdy streaming sites is mind boggling.

The only logical conclusion is that a large sub-population of mostly biological males are paying big money for numerous hurdy-gurdy subscriptions. Why? Does the answer correlate to the ever-increasing “incel” demographic? Probably.

The curse of toxic feminism was discussed way back in the days of the legacy journal and the old “blog.” Apparently, the situation has worsened exponentially over the last few decades. The Daily Stormer often focuses on the subject matter, and the observations of the latter are extremely accurate. Guys would rather not deal with the bullshit, so they instead invest in huge HGVLs.

Well, the moratorium on mainstream “fake news” and entertainment media continues unabated. Only the approved content, albeit limited, is perused. So, why are hurdy-gurdy videos exempt? The most obvious answer is that there is no hidden agenda, no embedded propaganda, and no subliminal messages in the latter. Just (mostly) young hotties doing “da wild thing.” Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

Late afternoon or evening outings to the International Marketplace still occur daily. On Thursday, a late afternoon outing to Ala Moana Center was on the agenda. Another plantar wart removal kit was purchased at Longs®. And, a big pack of generic cough drops and a pint of Häagen-Dasz® ice cream (for dessert) was purchased at Target®. Wheee!

The time spent at Ala Moana Center, whether late afternoon outings or Sunday morning coffee time, has yielded an interesting observation … the rank-and-file peons just love to go shopping. They have no problems purchasing large quantities of useless or redundant junk (toxic consumerism). Shopping just makes them so elated. Shopping on a personal level is a disdained activity. That’s the main reason why personal expenditures cannot be increased.

The bout with “COVID” … errr, the common cold … continues. There was only one night of extreme nasal congestion, nothing that the Vicks® menthol nasal inhaler could not cure. Otherwise, the post-nasal drip is the big problem, what with the coughing and all. Most likely, a packet of generic Sudafed® (pseudoephedrine HCL, not phenylephrine HCL) will be purchased, although there is still much personal resistance to using medicinal interventions.

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