Monday, June 3

Conundrum 2024

The dividend income for the sole non-retirement investment account surged to $1,786 last month, a record. The retirement accounts also produced dividends, but none are taxable until next year when required minimum distributions must be taken (age 70.5 years).

The central bank of empire may not move toward ZIRP until the end of the year, if at all. The personal situation, of course, is that net worth is increasing. So far, expenditures are not keeping pace. Last month, total expenditures (not including rent) were $2,200 or so, mainly because of the purchase of the iPad Pro M4 doorstop … errr, device.

No other large expenditures are slated, so monthly expenses will again hover around $800 or so. There has been an increase in food consumption and associated expenses, but the latter is unsustainable. Transitioning to a fat slob is obviously not a desirable objective.

The idea of purchasing a new automobile has been mummified. The additional expenses including registration, insurance, maintenance, and fuel outweigh any practicality. Furthermore, the drivers in Hawai’i are not proficient, many roads are in a sorry state, and the salt in the air is very corrosive. The only practical logistical solution is another car share subscription.

The acquisition of a MacBook Pro M3 notebook computer is another ridiculous idea. It would only sit idle like the iPad Pro M4 tablet computer. In addition, there are no plans to subscribe to cable Net services. Nor are there plans for cable tube service or the procurement of a large screen OLED tube.

On a side note, an encounter with neighbor, Ignacio, during the walk from the bus stop to the “old folks home” in Waikiki occurred yesterday afternoon. He was heading to the International Marketplace. Arrangements were made to meet there later.

Ignacio treated for a gelato cones for dessert. Time was then spent relaxing in the mall and “talking story.” There was some discussion about his past history. He’s originally from Cuba. And, of course the gamut of topics came up including politics, the disintegration of empire society, and senior citizen concerns. The conversation was mostly one-sided in order to avoid any kind of clash of opinions.

A few minutes were spent looking down into the closed off center courtyard from the second floor balconies. Live entertainment was underway as part of the ripoff $100 per head weekly luau event. To say that the spectacle was cheesy would be an understatement. Well, the tourists loved it. That’s all that matters, eh? Fuck it!

Addendum: The new AirPods Pro 2 (USB-C) earbuds have finally been set up and charged. For what? Who knows?

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