Tuesday, June 18

FUBAR 2024

Ambulances come and go at the “old folks home” Waikiki. One of the “little old ladies” from the other building was taken to the hospital on Sunday evening.

Last Thursday, a massive power outage occurred in town. Underground power lines (dating back over 50 years ago) apparently gave out causing a surge at the Iwilei substation. The outage happened during breakfast at the fast food joint. Of course, everyone had to exit the premises. The outage lasted over a day. Needless to say, the gym workout had to be completed at the Kapi’olani location. The favorite Subway® location was also closed. Yeah, “things fall apart.”

On Saturday, the usual laundry chores were made even more unpleasant when the shitty washer stole $2 in quarters. Upon completing the laundry chores, an evening outing was made to the International Marketplace. The outing was ruined by an encounter with two young tourist punks in the restroom. The two smarmy faggots (as they were loudly called) were somewhat belligerent. No further details are necessary.

The entirety of computer systems serving the local public transportation went down on Saturday. The main Web site and the GPS arrival site are still down as is the Holo Pass fare system. The computer systems were allegedly disabled by a Malaysian hacking group in a “ransomware” scam. Needless to say, not having the GPS arrivals available on-line is a major inconvenience. “Things fall apart,” eh?

Another six months and another bout with “COVID” … errr, the common cold. This time, the symptoms commenced last night with the dreadful post-nasal drip. The sleepless night has also triggered the heart palpitations. The heart rate has gone over 160bpm nearly all day long. Dizziness also accompanied the symptoms, which may suggest something more serious.

To add insult to injury, another power outage occurred in town sometime early this morning. Some parts of town were unaffected. Again, aging underground power lines gave out. So breakfast was courtesy the other fast food joint. Coffee had to be procured at Starbucks® at a premium. The gym workout had to be relocated to the Kapi’olani location again. Can you say, “Things fall apart”?

The heat palpitations and dizziness continued throughout the workout. An early return was made to Waikiki at 2:30pm. A brief afternoon outing ensued to the International Marketplace. However, the episodes of heart palpitations and dizziness were increasing. So, an early return to the “old folks home” was necessary. Along the way, a nice spinach salad was purchased at the Waikiki Market for dinner, and fruits were procured at the ABC Store.

The Watch Series 9 logged the high heart rates but failed to issue any notifications. Strange, but true. What use is the device then? Anyway, the next person from the “old folks home” on the ambulance could be the ol’ lavahead. Sheesh!

Addendum: Heart rate and other vitals stabilized at approximately 6pm. Dizziness subsided. Post-nasal drip also subsided, but nasal congestion has increased.

Miscellany: The new LaCie® SSD will not be used to store any important documents. Instead, it will be the repository for the new vast hurdy-gurdy video library (HGVL). The SSD is always repackaged in its box after use. So, in case of a “keel over” event, anyone expecting to discover personal finance documents and accounts information will be in for a surprise. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

1 comment:

  1. Tis a wonder why the homo-hominids refer to themselves as " gay". They're mostly smarmy, belligerent & nasty beings.


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