Friday, April 8

One World Fascism

Publicity is now forthcoming about the WHO global plan-demic treaty, a forerunner to the future “one world government.” The treaty was discussed by Dr. Silvia Berendt and Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger in testimony before the Grand Jury proceedings (mentioned previously in Notes). An article on February 19th about the testimony, including transcript and embedded video, appeared on The Exposé site.

Under the WHO plan-demic treaty, nation-state signatories must relinquish control of all government functions to WHO once a PHEIC (public health emergency) is declared. In other words, quarantines, lockdowns, face mask mandates, treatment protocols, and “vaccine” mandates will be issued and enforced uniformly amongst signatories. Digital “vaccine passports” will, no doubt be part of the fun.

An astute reader would probably recognize how easy PHEIC could transform into a permanent “one world government.” Imagine a “super-duper corona” plan-demic that was artificially stretched out into an extended number of years. The treaty could be ratified to become permanent. Global citizens of participating nation-states will have absolutely no voice in the matter because their governments will be legally subordinated to WHO (which is not a governmental organization, nor are any of its leadership elected).

Another consideration is that famine, global food shortages, and the resulting health crisis (i.e., mass starvation) could technically fall under the auspices of PHEIC. In such a situation, crowd control and food rationing would require a digital passport. Health issues arising from malnourishment would require special “vaccines,” too. And, of course, the population may have to be culled by triage in proportion to the food supply.

The Great Re-shit (read: “Great Reset”) is coming, whether the rank-and-file peons like it or not. The fools have no say. The Fascists have “all bases covered” as discussed in Notes. Once again, people are urged to review everything that’s transpiring in the “West,” from the freakish pedophile “grooming” of children to the “woke” bullshit to the “super-duper corona” plan-demic to the Ukraine “crisis.” Every event is being exploited to destroy societal cohesion in preparation for the mass eugenics pogrom. Nothing else can explain what’s happening.

Addendum: The European Union (EU) was the original prototype for “one world government.” Rest assured, the Fascists have learned much from that failed experiment.

Update: The Daily Stormer has apparently been completely censored from the Net. It is also no longer accessible using a VPN. The site is available, for now, using a Tor browser at:


Full censorship seems to have only resulted because of the site’s emphasis on truth about the Ukraine “crisis.”

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