Tuesday, April 26

Loose Ends

There is really no way to know what is going on anymore. Everything is truly “fucked up,” but by design. The opposition is in disarray, which signals its demise. And, really, the opposition was powerless to begin with. That’s why none of the major opposition lawsuits have been moving forward. Most are dismissed. All in all, the perpetrators of all of these crimes will never face justice.

Instead, the Great Re-shit (read: “Great Reset”) moves forward at an accelerated pace. The opposition is being attacked from all sides, even from other rank-and-file peons. There are just too many stupid people in the world. The Fascists know that, which is why they want to cull the masses.

There has been repetitive denials of access to Notes since first reported a few days ago. Access is a random affair, but the use of a VPN is the current workaround. How long will that last?

There are probably just a few more topics that need to be discussed in Notes before the idea of forced mummification becomes moot. In essence, the need for any media platform will be unimportant. Moving to Gab, for example, is not really desirable because it is “short attention span theater.”

One topic is “global climate change” (formerly known as “global warming”). Much analysis was done in the legacy journal and the old “blog.” Notes cannot add anything further. A large percentage of the opposition labels “global climate change” as yet another hoax by the Fascists. Personal analyses disagrees vehemently. Climate change is very real. The hoax is the pathetic mitigation strategies that have been offered by the cult followers, which do nothing to stop the phenomenon. The way to truly mitigate the problem is to reduce the human “ecological footprint” (refer to the Notes post, “The ‘Green’ Farce”). And, the only way to do that is to reduce the population of chimpo sapiens.

Another topic is the upcoming famine and food crisis. Aside from the natural occurrence of massive droughts this year, the other factors are orchestrated by the Fascists. Animal protein sources, for example, are being culled under suspicious circumstances. And, clearly, the whole goal of transforming the human diet to only include insects is not “conspiracy theory.” That is a Great Re-shit agenda. The Fascists want to make life so miserable for the uncouth masses, such that the latter would voluntarily “exit” of their own accord.

Well, the aforementioned was what could be described as “tying up loose ends,” but in a very abbreviated fashion. There’s no telling when logging into Notes may not be possible. Better to leave some kind of legacy before being completely censored and deplatformed.

Addendum: Be sure to download and read the entire essential Fascist library! Also, view all the timely video interviews featured in Notes.

Miscellany: Confirmation from the Cali Health Department was finally received about the copy request for Aunty Lyn’s death certificate. ETA: May 23rd.

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