Thursday, February 4


The World Health Organization (WHO) fact-finding mission to China has yet to determine the origins of “super-duper corona.” From all indications, the Wuhan Institute of Virology has been vindicated. No “accidental” leak of the pathogen was evident. Searching the “wet” market and bat caves will likely yield nothing either.

What is becoming obvious is that the pathogen was imported. Hypothetically speaking, there is reason to believe that it was seeded by foreign elements or possibly Chinese globalists. The plan would have anticipated the Draconian response by the Chinese government (based on historical pandemic antecedents).

When the “lockdown” was initiated in China’s Hubei Province, the globalist Fascist (Globo-Fascii) planners “seized the moment.” First, “super-duper corona” was unleashed “in the wild.” Then, “lockdowns” were invoked with the implicit justification that the latter was in-line with the prudence exhibited by China. The plan-demic was thus established. Hypothetically speaking, of course.

Miscellany: The gym officially opened the showers today, albeit only two stalls. There will be a return to showering at the gym soon.

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