Sunday, February 21


With the flow of information now forced through one conduit with one narrative, there is not much to discuss. There’s no sense in discussing “fake news.”

Say, how about Bitcoin? The cryptocurrency is now valued at $56,000 per “coin.” Major players have invested in Bitcoin recently, which has further pushed its valuation higher.

At this point in time, there’s a high probability that Bitcoin is undergoing asset price inflation, much like real estate and the stock market. The root cause appears to be ZIRP and “quantitative easing” by the central bank of empire. Since both monetary policies are now permanent, the “system” is awash with cheap money. That money is pumping up asset prices.

What is highly disconcerting is that both empire dollars and Bitcoin have no store of value. Neither are backed by anything of tangible value. Yet both can now be used to purchase anything with real value. And, that’s exactly what’s happening to an extreme.

In the younger years, such an opportunity to “get rich quick” would have been entertained. As a decrepit senior citizen, such risks are not prudent. Yes, there was a possibility to become a “Bitcoin millionaire.” In fact, there is no question that asset prices will continue to rise as long as ZIRP and “quantitative easing” are in effect. So, why not reconsider?

The entire economy of empire is based upon debt and it “financialization.” Essentially, the whole “system” is a Ponzi scheme. Any change in external conditions could precipitate a sudden crash. Only the “little guy” will end up “holding the bag.”

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