Wednesday, February 10

One Narrative

The daily “super-duper corona” infection tallies suddenly dropped by 70% after the “Big Game” weekend. There has been no explanation forthcoming from the “authorities.” Perhaps people have been flocking to the mass vaccination centers instead of wasting time being tested with those useless PCR test kits.

Oddly, a new recorded announcement has been unveiled on public transit. The message stresses that bus ridership should be for “essential purposes only.” And, it ends with, “Stay home, stay healthy.” What?

There is much difficulty in parsing the local news for truth. As with the “mainstream” media of empire, there is only one narrative. Thus, nothing can be confirmed.

Incidentally, the “mainstream” media of empire has been fixated on the second bogus impeachment of “Orange Bad Man.” The grotesque thespian circus has been a huge waste of time, money, and resources. There really needs to be term limits imposed upon those worthless (s)elected politicians.

Addendum: The governor of Hawai’i has extended the eviction moratorium for another two months. Is there any plan after that? Or, will there be mass evictions?

Update: The new mayor of Honolulu announced that “Tier 2” restrictions will remain in effect for a least a month.

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