Thursday, February 18


There is little to discuss now that all information in empire (locally, too) is “sanitized” to fit one exclusive narrative. Much work must be done to “ferret out” the truth.

The “stay home, stay healthy” message is still being disseminated in Hawai’i even though “cases” (whatever that means) of “super-duper corona” have declined. In total, there have been a little over 27,000 “cases” since the first “case” on March 6th of last year. That’s 1.8% of the population. Of that number, over 96% have recovered. The rest, mostly decrepit senior citizens, are deceased.

The whole issue of “cases” remains a mystery because of the dubious PCR test kits. Laboratory analysis typically specify an “amplification” factor of 37 and above. The PCR test can only identify fragments of RNA. And, the “amplification” can isolate even the tiniest number of RNA fragments. That’s the problem, and most likely the cause of false positives and the basis of the so-called “asymptomatic carrier.”

The executive order on face masks issued by the current executive of empire is stringent and has been cheerfully adapted by local governments. Face masks must be of a certain specification and must be work full-time, no exceptions. Thus, 99% of the population, all Democrats, are complying. Personally, compliance has only occurred where signage has been posted.

The executive order on face masks was supposed to terminate after 100 days. However, unbeknownst to the public, the duration has allegedly been extended o until the end of the year. The hoax continues ad nauseam.

Miscellany: Rent payment slips and remittance envelopes for the “old folks home” in Waikiki have never been received even though the lease was renewed in November of last year. Requests were made to the despicable Locations management by several means. No response. What can be expected of fat slobs who chain-smoke cigarettes all day?

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