Friday, February 5


Catherine Austin Fitts has developed a hypothetical structure of the new globalist empire, how it functions, and what are its objectives. A couple of videos on the Solari Report site provide overviews. However, that neither here or there.

There is really no doubt that the “super-duper corona” plan-demic was the catalyst to transfer more wealth and consolidate power to the globalist Fascists (Globo-Fascii). And, there is no reason to doubt that the rank-and-file peons must be corralled, controlled, and euthanized. The point of no return has already passed. So much wealth and power has been concentrated in so few hands that the inevitable cannot be stopped.

So, the time is ripe to accept globalist Fascism wholeheartedly. Society and civilization is being deconstructed through the moronic “woke” extremism. The resurrection of the unscientific “race” hoax, the denial of the biological basis of gender, the disposal of history, the destruction of culture, the emphasis on global climate change ... all of it, along, with the plan-demic, has radically altered the trajectory of humanity.

Society was already in a state of collapse because of malignant consumerism. Now, the “social fabric” is disintegrating. The sign are clear ... civility is decaying into barbarism, narcissism is universal, and the mini-tribe is in fashion. And, worst of all, no one can be trusted.

Notes has always relied on non-politicized science, not pseudoscience, for truth. Thus, religion, “race,” political and social systems, the “ownership society,” wealth and money ... all bullshit. The entirety of humanity is built on bullshit. With such a shitty foundation, the edifice of society will collapse. The sooner, the better!

Addendum: Time magazine actually had the audacity to publish an article that actually documents the rigged 2020 (s)election. Of course, the rag utilized doublespeak to describe that the (s)election was “fortified” by clearly questionable tactics.

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