Thursday, February 25


After a year hiatus due to “super-duper corona” mandates, a visit to the Makahiki dental clinic was in order. Dental cleaning and x-rays were on the menu. So far, no new dental issues. The full dental examination is postponed until next month, however, thanks to “super-duper corona” restrictions. Of course, dental self-cleaning will continue.

While at the Makahiki Clinic, a request was made to have the assigned physician make a phone call to elaborate on any issues from the recent laboratory test results, and if a follow-up appointment is necessary. The reason for the request is to limit the number of visits to the clinic. The “super-duper corona” precautions are now “over the top” and barely tolerable.

A large painful boil has appeared near the right shoulder blade for no apparent reason. That’s the second one in a life-time. There’s not much can be done until is it drains on its own.

The Hawai’i income tax forms were finally submitted. Extremely low income still negated the need to submit tax forms for empire. The good news is that $210 in tax credits will be refunded.

The new mayor of Honolulu announced that “Tier 3” restrictions are now in effect. The only difference is that patron capacity for all open venues has increased to 50% of maximum. Bars, nightclubs, and public libraries remain closed. Oddly, “strip clubs” have been open since the inception of “Tier 2” restrictions.”

And, one out of every 3 people in Hawai’i is on Medicaid-Quest for health insurance. That’s the latest figure to emphasize just how many people are unemployed or have been reduced to part-time wage slave status. Yet, the “super-duper corona” plan-demic will drag on for many more months.

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