Tuesday, February 16


The medical test results have arrived. And, everything was fine except for the same problem areas, slightly high LDL cholesterol and a high PSA (prostate) score. Pre-diabetes has remained conquered. Vitamin D level is normal again. So, there was much relief given the precarious health risks posed by repeated “lockdowns” and old age.

There has been decreasing inclination to interact with other chimpo sapiens. Even dinner from Subway® is ordered on-line now. No need to stand in line and specify ingredients. Just walk in and pick up the order. Unfortunately, that has not applied to Panda Express® yet. Even at retail stores, the self-service check-out is preferred.

The “super-duper corona” plan-demic has taken its toll on the psyche. Isolation has become ideal. Conversations are avoided in order to prevent hearing stupid utterings. “Social distancing” is strictly observed, not because of hypochondria, but rather due to being misanthropic.

Most evenings have been spent viewing “Star Trek: TNG” on Pluto TV with the iPhone 12. At least one episode is viewed daily. Perhaps, marathon screening of adult videos (read: “pr0n”) is in order. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

Incidentally, Waikiki is fairly crowded these days. There are a lot of tourists here, but “Tier 2” restrictions are still in effect. The same kind of tourist stupidity is occurring in increasing frequency, just like the good ol’ pre-“super-duper corona” days. There has been no local news coverage, so no visitor information is available.

Well, “Orange Bad Man” was acquitted in the latest bogus impeachment trial, to no surprise. Now, he is on a vendetta to “even the score.” That’s something to look forward to, eh?

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