Sunday, February 28


Watch-based Hypochondria

The “super-duper corona” plan-demic has certainly ushered in a new age of hypochondria. The fear of death has a way of triggering deep psychological reactions. As the first anniversary of the plan-demic approaches, the effects of all the combined phobias that the latter provoked will now be a permanent fixture.

Sales of Apple® Watch appear to be surging, with the device approaching near ubiquity. Little wonder why as it has become a “medical” apparatus. How many people are monitoring their EKG continuously? How about blood-oxygen levels? Surely, there will be more “medical” functions incorporated in the near future. And, how many people are running to the clinic when even a slight abnormality is discovered?

On a personal note, there will be much less dependence on medical examinations. Only the bare minimum requirements for medical, dental, and optical examinations will be followed. The focus will primarily be on maintaining healthy activities and practices. And, no Watch!

Addendum: Reports have indicated that Apple® employees contributed significant amounts of dinero to the Democrat (sic) Party for the 2020 (s)election. Thus, the reasonable conclusion is that the latter corporation is “all in” with the “woke” bullshit.

Miscellany: The boil continues to look menacing, although the pain has reduced significantly. There are some concerns that it could be a parasitic invasion. However, a couple more days of observation are necessary before any medical intervention is taken.

Friday, February 26


Mr. Potato Head

Many moons ago, one of the most precious personal possessions was Mr. Potato Head. Unfortunately, he was divested in one of many previous purges. Well, the latest news is that Hasbro® will now only produce a “non-binary” Potato Head. What a sad day indeed!

“Political correctness” has now adversely affected the formerly Mr. Potato Head. When will this kind of bullshit end? And, what is the purpose?

“Gender identity” is a subset of the new “cancel culture” that has been openly embraced by the pseudo-liberals, pseudo-progressives, and the Democrat (sic) Party. Essentially, it is the denial of biological science. Gender is now determined by self-declaration. The latest “equality” farce and the placement of LGBTQ+ role models in high profile positions are being used to legitimize “non-binary” status.

Essentially, there is a more sinister agenda ... voluntary depopulation. Only biological males and females can reproduce. The new “non-binary” lifeforms, in most cases, will not be able to reproduce upon mating. Some of the more radical “non-binary” transformations will obviously require genital mutilation. Other transformations may be entirely asexual.

What’s even worse is that an entire generation of children is being indoctrinated and unwittingly recruited into this new “life-style.” The ramifications are obvious. Gender confusion (or eradication) will become the “new normal.” The “family” structure will disappear. Then, the domestic population will decrease significantly and be replaced by pliable immigrants. The entire curricula of the “cancel culture” will insure that the “fabric of society” is completely shredded.

Miscellany: A phone conversation with the physician at the Makahiki Clinic confirmed that high LDL cholesterol is the only problematic marker from the laboratory test results. So, no in-person follow-up appointment will be necessary. The cholesterol problem has been going on for years. However, dietary changes may be coming.

Thursday, February 25


After a year hiatus due to “super-duper corona” mandates, a visit to the Makahiki dental clinic was in order. Dental cleaning and x-rays were on the menu. So far, no new dental issues. The full dental examination is postponed until next month, however, thanks to “super-duper corona” restrictions. Of course, dental self-cleaning will continue.

While at the Makahiki Clinic, a request was made to have the assigned physician make a phone call to elaborate on any issues from the recent laboratory test results, and if a follow-up appointment is necessary. The reason for the request is to limit the number of visits to the clinic. The “super-duper corona” precautions are now “over the top” and barely tolerable.

A large painful boil has appeared near the right shoulder blade for no apparent reason. That’s the second one in a life-time. There’s not much can be done until is it drains on its own.

The Hawai’i income tax forms were finally submitted. Extremely low income still negated the need to submit tax forms for empire. The good news is that $210 in tax credits will be refunded.

The new mayor of Honolulu announced that “Tier 3” restrictions are now in effect. The only difference is that patron capacity for all open venues has increased to 50% of maximum. Bars, nightclubs, and public libraries remain closed. Oddly, “strip clubs” have been open since the inception of “Tier 2” restrictions.”

And, one out of every 3 people in Hawai’i is on Medicaid-Quest for health insurance. That’s the latest figure to emphasize just how many people are unemployed or have been reduced to part-time wage slave status. Yet, the “super-duper corona” plan-demic will drag on for many more months.

Monday, February 22

Good-bye Molech


The Molech-themed Twitter® account (with a paltry 215 followers) has been permanently suspended (read: “cancelled”) for alleged “violations of terms of service” (or probably some “woke” Molech worshipers who were offended and filed complaints). Anyway, this is a proud moment, what with being put into the same league as “Orange Bad Man.”

The Fascist censorship is in full swing! Here’s what “Orange Bad Man” had to say about the shitty social media platform, “I’ll tell you, it’s not the same. If you look at what’s going on with Twitter, I understand that it’s become very boring and millions of people are leaving.” He’s right! Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

Addendum: There will be no attempt to resurrect the account. A clever method was used to change the password, which is not possible while logged in to a suspended account. A new random password has set the Temple of Molech free to drift undisturbed in Net purgatory forever.

Sunday, February 21


With the flow of information now forced through one conduit with one narrative, there is not much to discuss. There’s no sense in discussing “fake news.”

Say, how about Bitcoin? The cryptocurrency is now valued at $56,000 per “coin.” Major players have invested in Bitcoin recently, which has further pushed its valuation higher.

At this point in time, there’s a high probability that Bitcoin is undergoing asset price inflation, much like real estate and the stock market. The root cause appears to be ZIRP and “quantitative easing” by the central bank of empire. Since both monetary policies are now permanent, the “system” is awash with cheap money. That money is pumping up asset prices.

What is highly disconcerting is that both empire dollars and Bitcoin have no store of value. Neither are backed by anything of tangible value. Yet both can now be used to purchase anything with real value. And, that’s exactly what’s happening to an extreme.

In the younger years, such an opportunity to “get rich quick” would have been entertained. As a decrepit senior citizen, such risks are not prudent. Yes, there was a possibility to become a “Bitcoin millionaire.” In fact, there is no question that asset prices will continue to rise as long as ZIRP and “quantitative easing” are in effect. So, why not reconsider?

The entire economy of empire is based upon debt and it “financialization.” Essentially, the whole “system” is a Ponzi scheme. Any change in external conditions could precipitate a sudden crash. Only the “little guy” will end up “holding the bag.”

Thursday, February 18


There is little to discuss now that all information in empire (locally, too) is “sanitized” to fit one exclusive narrative. Much work must be done to “ferret out” the truth.

The “stay home, stay healthy” message is still being disseminated in Hawai’i even though “cases” (whatever that means) of “super-duper corona” have declined. In total, there have been a little over 27,000 “cases” since the first “case” on March 6th of last year. That’s 1.8% of the population. Of that number, over 96% have recovered. The rest, mostly decrepit senior citizens, are deceased.

The whole issue of “cases” remains a mystery because of the dubious PCR test kits. Laboratory analysis typically specify an “amplification” factor of 37 and above. The PCR test can only identify fragments of RNA. And, the “amplification” can isolate even the tiniest number of RNA fragments. That’s the problem, and most likely the cause of false positives and the basis of the so-called “asymptomatic carrier.”

The executive order on face masks issued by the current executive of empire is stringent and has been cheerfully adapted by local governments. Face masks must be of a certain specification and must be work full-time, no exceptions. Thus, 99% of the population, all Democrats, are complying. Personally, compliance has only occurred where signage has been posted.

The executive order on face masks was supposed to terminate after 100 days. However, unbeknownst to the public, the duration has allegedly been extended o until the end of the year. The hoax continues ad nauseam.

Miscellany: Rent payment slips and remittance envelopes for the “old folks home” in Waikiki have never been received even though the lease was renewed in November of last year. Requests were made to the despicable Locations management by several means. No response. What can be expected of fat slobs who chain-smoke cigarettes all day?

Tuesday, February 16


The medical test results have arrived. And, everything was fine except for the same problem areas, slightly high LDL cholesterol and a high PSA (prostate) score. Pre-diabetes has remained conquered. Vitamin D level is normal again. So, there was much relief given the precarious health risks posed by repeated “lockdowns” and old age.

There has been decreasing inclination to interact with other chimpo sapiens. Even dinner from Subway® is ordered on-line now. No need to stand in line and specify ingredients. Just walk in and pick up the order. Unfortunately, that has not applied to Panda Express® yet. Even at retail stores, the self-service check-out is preferred.

The “super-duper corona” plan-demic has taken its toll on the psyche. Isolation has become ideal. Conversations are avoided in order to prevent hearing stupid utterings. “Social distancing” is strictly observed, not because of hypochondria, but rather due to being misanthropic.

Most evenings have been spent viewing “Star Trek: TNG” on Pluto TV with the iPhone 12. At least one episode is viewed daily. Perhaps, marathon screening of adult videos (read: “pr0n”) is in order. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

Incidentally, Waikiki is fairly crowded these days. There are a lot of tourists here, but “Tier 2” restrictions are still in effect. The same kind of tourist stupidity is occurring in increasing frequency, just like the good ol’ pre-“super-duper corona” days. There has been no local news coverage, so no visitor information is available.

Well, “Orange Bad Man” was acquitted in the latest bogus impeachment trial, to no surprise. Now, he is on a vendetta to “even the score.” That’s something to look forward to, eh?

Friday, February 12


Notes previously discussed the anatomy of SARS-CoV-2 and the mechanics of its transmission many moons ago. Briefly, “super-duper corona” infects lung tissue because the outer protein spikes attach to specific ACE2 receptors. Once attached, the single RNA payload then uses the host to replicate.

There have been recent medical revelations that “super-duper corona” may cause heart inflammation, acute kidney disease, neurological malfunction, blood clots, intestinal damage and liver problems. However, there was no evidence of viral invasion.

The conundrum has caused medical speculation concerning the spike protein itself. There is reason to believe that the spike proteins jettisoned from the outer protein shell of “super-duper corona” into circulation are affecting other organs in the body.

Enter the “mRNA vaccine.” The “vaccine” incorporates the genetic blueprint for the spike protein on the virus surface into a formula that, when injected into humans, instructs cells to manufacture the spike protein. In theory, the body then will make antibodies for the spike protein to protect against SARS-CoV-2 infection. Obviously, there is a big problem if the spike proteins alone can cause damage.

The “mRNA vaccine” is not a vaccine in the traditional sense. Why was it chosen over traditional vaccines? As the latter performs genetic modifications, there could be more malignant applications for the technology. Very worrisome.

Searching for the the truth about “super-duper corona” and the mass vaccination campaign underway is becoming more difficult by the day. There is only one narrative in the “mainstream” media. Every other view has been suppressed, censored, or “deplatformed.”

Addendum: The pharmaceutical corporations (i.e., “Big Pharma”) profited quite well from the plan-demic ... from subsidized PCR test kits to subsidized research and distribution of the “vaccine.”

Wednesday, February 10

One Narrative

The daily “super-duper corona” infection tallies suddenly dropped by 70% after the “Big Game” weekend. There has been no explanation forthcoming from the “authorities.” Perhaps people have been flocking to the mass vaccination centers instead of wasting time being tested with those useless PCR test kits.

Oddly, a new recorded announcement has been unveiled on public transit. The message stresses that bus ridership should be for “essential purposes only.” And, it ends with, “Stay home, stay healthy.” What?

There is much difficulty in parsing the local news for truth. As with the “mainstream” media of empire, there is only one narrative. Thus, nothing can be confirmed.

Incidentally, the “mainstream” media of empire has been fixated on the second bogus impeachment of “Orange Bad Man.” The grotesque thespian circus has been a huge waste of time, money, and resources. There really needs to be term limits imposed upon those worthless (s)elected politicians.

Addendum: The governor of Hawai’i has extended the eviction moratorium for another two months. Is there any plan after that? Or, will there be mass evictions?

Update: The new mayor of Honolulu announced that “Tier 2” restrictions will remain in effect for a least a month.

Monday, February 8

Clinic 2021

Makahiki Clinic

The belated annual medical visit was made to the Makahiki Clinic this morning. A cup of coffee, the first time in almost a year, was procured at the fast food joint in the vicinity.

The only pressing purpose of the visit was the second of the two pneumonia inoculations. Complete tests (blood, urine, and fecal occult) were ordered. Hopefully, there will be no health issues forthcoming.

Dental appointments were also scheduled. Over a year has elapsed since the last visit. Two dental appointments were necessary because “super-duper corona” policy does not permit dental cleaning and examinations to occur on the same day.

There was a suggestion to schedule a “super-duper corona” mRNA vaccination appointment at a local hospital. Apparently, senior citizens over 65 years of age now qualify. At this time, the option will not be exercised.

Miscellany: The bath sponge appears to be gradually curing the skin of keratosis pilaris, the small scab-like bumps on the skin in the deltoids region. The affliction has been going on for years, most likely prolonged by improper skin care. The bath sponge has a mild abrasive surface that enables effective exfoliation, which is the key to treatment.

Sunday, February 7

Nice Day

The “Big Game”? No “bread and circuses” here. After a couple of days of heavy rain, the weather cleared. The cold front is still moving slowly. Daytime is nice with a slight chill. That’s a view from the walkway to the mausoleum at the “old folks home” in Waikiki. The Ala Wai Canal is in the foreground. Kaimuki and the University district are in the distance to the right. At the left is the edge of the Ala Moana area.

Saturday, February 6


QAnon is probably a “psych-ops” machination of the “Deep State” and “woke” Democrat operatives. The goal was to entrap the disenfranchised Republican rank-and-file and the un-“woke” in the lead up to branding them all as “domestic terrorists.”

The term, “woke,” should be changed to the present tense form, “wake.” A “wake” is a vigil for deceased, usually before the latter’s funeral. In this case, the vigil is for the death of society.

Addendum: The real movement to be feared is WAnon. Of course, since QAnon has been discredited by the “mainstream” (read: “fake news”) media, it may have actual credibility.

Friday, February 5


Catherine Austin Fitts has developed a hypothetical structure of the new globalist empire, how it functions, and what are its objectives. A couple of videos on the Solari Report site provide overviews. However, that neither here or there.

There is really no doubt that the “super-duper corona” plan-demic was the catalyst to transfer more wealth and consolidate power to the globalist Fascists (Globo-Fascii). And, there is no reason to doubt that the rank-and-file peons must be corralled, controlled, and euthanized. The point of no return has already passed. So much wealth and power has been concentrated in so few hands that the inevitable cannot be stopped.

So, the time is ripe to accept globalist Fascism wholeheartedly. Society and civilization is being deconstructed through the moronic “woke” extremism. The resurrection of the unscientific “race” hoax, the denial of the biological basis of gender, the disposal of history, the destruction of culture, the emphasis on global climate change ... all of it, along, with the plan-demic, has radically altered the trajectory of humanity.

Society was already in a state of collapse because of malignant consumerism. Now, the “social fabric” is disintegrating. The sign are clear ... civility is decaying into barbarism, narcissism is universal, and the mini-tribe is in fashion. And, worst of all, no one can be trusted.

Notes has always relied on non-politicized science, not pseudoscience, for truth. Thus, religion, “race,” political and social systems, the “ownership society,” wealth and money ... all bullshit. The entirety of humanity is built on bullshit. With such a shitty foundation, the edifice of society will collapse. The sooner, the better!

Addendum: Time magazine actually had the audacity to publish an article that actually documents the rigged 2020 (s)election. Of course, the rag utilized doublespeak to describe that the (s)election was “fortified” by clearly questionable tactics.

Thursday, February 4


The World Health Organization (WHO) fact-finding mission to China has yet to determine the origins of “super-duper corona.” From all indications, the Wuhan Institute of Virology has been vindicated. No “accidental” leak of the pathogen was evident. Searching the “wet” market and bat caves will likely yield nothing either.

What is becoming obvious is that the pathogen was imported. Hypothetically speaking, there is reason to believe that it was seeded by foreign elements or possibly Chinese globalists. The plan would have anticipated the Draconian response by the Chinese government (based on historical pandemic antecedents).

When the “lockdown” was initiated in China’s Hubei Province, the globalist Fascist (Globo-Fascii) planners “seized the moment.” First, “super-duper corona” was unleashed “in the wild.” Then, “lockdowns” were invoked with the implicit justification that the latter was in-line with the prudence exhibited by China. The plan-demic was thus established. Hypothetically speaking, of course.

Miscellany: The gym officially opened the showers today, albeit only two stalls. There will be a return to showering at the gym soon.

Wednesday, February 3

Vaccine Redux

The “authorities” in Hawai’i care suggesting that a vaccination blitz would bring about “herd immunity” for “super-duper corona” by Summer. The push for vaccination is currently focused on senior citizens 75 years of age and older. The vaccine of choice is the questionable mRNA variant.

No one seems to understand what the definition of “vaccine effectiveness” is. The number (around 93%) is heavily marketed. That number has nothing to do with immunity, which could be negligible in some cases.

The charade appears to be following the scenario predicted in the Notes post titled, “Vaccine.” The “authorities” appear to be desperate to end the plan-demic without raising any suspicion. Yet, there is likely another year of this farce.

Monday, February 1

Truth is Dead

Since the inauguration of “Joe Headroom” to the executive office of empire, there has been nothing but continuous fanfare for the latter. The only negative news is still centered on “Orange Bad Man.” Strange, isn’t it?

The “deplorables” have been marginalized into ether, the “war on domestic terrorism” is now part of the “new normal,” and even true liberals and progressives have been censored. There is now only one approved narrative (read: “propaganda bullhorn”).

Even in Hawai’i, there’s just an absence of anything other than the one approved narrative. Local news and events have also merged into that narrative, so there’s just no way to determine the truth.

Addendum: There is a “smartphone” operating system available that appears to be secure and completely devoid of tracking. e/OS is an enhanced version of the Android Open Source Project (ASOP). Anything related to Google® has been removed. And, it is compatible with a variety of “smartphones.” Installation is not simple, though.

Miscellany: Visible “nationwide 5G” service should be disabled, if possible. As with its parent, Verizon®, the 5G data throughput is worse than 4G. In addition, 5G depletes the battery rapidly.