Saturday, April 11

The Purge

The “pilot” nighttime curfew commenced on Friday night and will span three consecutive nights during the Easter holiday weekend. What about the homeless? Are they going to be arrested and incarcerated? The new era of the police state, albeit inconsistent, has been ushered in.

Foodland, the local supermarket chain, has declared that, starting on Monday, no one will be allowed to enter its stores without a face mask on. Municipal buses now have automated announcements every few minutes admonishing passengers to “wear face masks when riding the bus.” A mandatory requirement that face mask be worn in all establishments and in public will be forthcoming. That’s part of the conditioning process of the social engineering project.

Local officials have conceded that tourists are probably not abiding by the mandatory 14-day self-quarantine upon arrival. There are about 200 tourists arriving daily, most likely “COVID-19 refugees.” Yet, none of them are actually required to adhere to the “lockdown.” Who knew?

Police are now stationed at every block in Waikiki during daylight hours. The object is to make police presence as conspicuous and regular as possible in order to condition citizens to accept the latter as “normal.” Social engineering, anyone? Well, there’s more.

Google® and Apple® have jointly developed an API that uses Bluetooth® for an upcoming “opt in” SARS-CoV-2 contract tracking app on both “smartphone” platforms. The “app” essentially “snitches” on friends, family, and even total strangers. APIs are “baked in” the operating systems, by the way, so a future app may also be “baked in” without an option to “opt out.”

There’s speculation about an empire-wide SARS-CoV-2 “immunity” card to prove that the bearer is virus-free. This will be yet another form of ID for location tracking and forced vaccinations. The card may also be required for travel clearance, employment, government benefits, and health insurance.

Obviously, preparations must be made to circumvent the police state and associated social engineering boondoggle. The situation will worsen and, frankly, there is no hope that there will be any improvement, The masses are being conditioned to accept a totalitarian form of Fascism.

The SARS-CoV-2 “lockdown” is essentially a self-imposed incarceration that develops unbounded fears and other psychopathology:
  • Distrust
  • Depression
  • Substance abuse
  • Agoraphobia
  • Xenophobia
  • Germophobia
  • Anthropophobia
  • Hypochondria
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorders.
It disrupts all relationships from family to friends to community. It dissolves social cohesion and completely unravels the “fabric of society.” Peon is pitted against peon repeatedly until the Fascist apparatus is completely embraced as the sole provider and protector. If only George Orwell could see this shit with his own eyes!

Addendum: To further understand these troubled times, a copy of “Escape From Evil” by Ernest Becker was found and downloaded. The book is the companion to “The Denial of Death.”

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