Monday, April 13


At this point in time, there are about 500 confirmed cases of “corona” infections (or 0.033% of the population) in Hawai’i. Nine deaths, allegedly determined to be “corona”-related, have been tallied. All along, as determined in Notes, the cumulative confirmed cases followed a linear regression.

The prediction of peak-“corona” in Notes was calculated to fall between April 2nd and April 9th given the invocation of the “lockdown” and the average 14-day virus incubation period. There are still new confirmed cases being reported, but nearly all are travel-related. Yes, there are visitors (read: “COVID-19 refugees”) still coming in. However, there is no possibility of a surge of infections from this point forward, much to the chagrin of the Fascist officials.

Draconian measures, courtesy the police state, will continue to increase even if new confirmed cases of infection drop to zero. The length of the “lockdown” most likely will be lengthened until mid-June at the least, or whenever highest affected states in empire rescind “lockdown” mandates. The only reason to continue and increase police state policies here is to confine the population while “non-essential” businesses and services (both mostly being mainland empire holdings) remain closed. Neither will open prior to those in the mainland empire. The authorities apparently believe that a parent-child relationship must be established between themselves and the general populace to preserve law and order.

Of course, fear instilled by endless media coverage of “corona” is, as previously stated in Notes, creating paranoia amongst the masses unlike anything ever observed in recent history. Fear of death is at an apex. No telling what could happen.

Note: Just for the sake of perspective, the 0.033% infection rate translates to a little over 3 people out of 10,000 are infected with “corona” in Hawai’i.

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