Monday, April 20

Hidden Agenda

Hawai’ian Airlines has dispatched one of its airliners on a special mission to the People’s Republic of China to load “millions” of face masks to bring back to Hawai’i by late Monday. “Millions” of face masks when the number of “corona” cases is 580 (allegedly). There is now no doubt that an announcement is forthcoming later in the week that will revise the previous mandate by requiring face masks to be worn anywhere in public at all times. Another step toward the totalitarian Fascist police state?

Closer scrutiny of the total “corona” infection cases in Hawai’i has indicated questionable counting practices. Residents who test positive while visiting out-of-state are counted into the local total. Non-resident visitors who test positive while in Hawai’i are counted as well. Cases are being double-counted. Of interest is the low total in Hawai’i, which means that “creative accounting” is being used to inflate the latter in order to support the hidden Fascist agenda.

A caravan consisting of about “two dozen” people apparently made its way to the State Capital to protest the Fascist “lockdown.” The reason that the local “mainstream” media bothered to cover the insignificant event is clear. Only a small minority of people are against the “lockdown” that keeps the big, bad “corona” away. Apparently, most people want more Fascist Draconian measures. This is a clear example of Stockholm Syndrome.

Addendum: Another nifty trick to enhance the “corona” sensationalism is that the number of people who recover from “corona” is never subtracted from the total that is constantly bombarded upon the masses. Yes, people actually recover from “corona,” but that is rarely mentioned. There are only two choices with “corona,” recovery or death. The deception of using cumulative totals obviously increases the fear factor.

Afterword: There has been a lot of discussion about “asymptomatic” carriers. The speculation is that there is a huge number of them, which is another ploy to increase the fear factor. The discussion will probably fade away because, if there really are myriad “asymptomatic” carriers, then the fatality rate of “corona” would reduce to that of the seasonal flu or even lower.

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