Tuesday, April 28


A very, very big problem with the deprecation of  “lockdown” is public transportation. All cities rely heavily on buses, light rail, and commuter rideshare vans to transport the masses from place to place. The operational model of such systems requires a significant ridership in order to offset costs not covered by government subsidies.

The more that the fearmongering intensifies, the likelihood of any kind of workable plan for public transportation diminishes. How exactly can “social distancing” be accomplished on vehicles designed for full close-quartered occupancy?

Take a large 60-foot articulated bus, for example. Applying “social distancing” standards of six feet would only allow for about 16 passengers at any time. The resultant queues and bottlenecks would essentially render the service as useless.

In addition, even an N95 face mask would be at the limit of its efficacy. Worst yet, the fear of death is at such a high level that extremely violent altercations will occur between passengers when anyone breaches “social distancing.”

This is an example of yet another conundrum apparently unforeseen by the Fascists. Their overriding fixation with wealth extraction and transfer from the masses to themselves was myopic. Now, their only hope is to some kind of quick, universal “fix” ... the placebo vaccine?

There is, of course, one other option, although far-fetched. The Fascists could simply announce that the pandemic is over. “Corona” just “fizzled out.” No face masks or “social distancing” needed anymore. Even the dimmest dimwit will realize that he was duped. People who were severely traumatized by the fearmongering may become “unhinged” and react violently. So, that’s a “non-starter.”

Notes on Placebo Vaccine: The placebo vaccine via mass inoculations is the best solution to the “corona” crisis for the Fascists. The gullible public will believe that it actually creates immunity, while it won’t. Face masks, “lockdown,” and “social distancing” could be deprecated almost immediately. Of course, the placebo vaccine will be exploited with the concurrent implementation of the “immunity card.” The card will be required for access to everything, thereby ensuring complete compliance by the masses. The card can also be used for tracking since it must be in possession at all times. Other more nefarious purposes of the fake vaccine could be implemented, such as the regional sterilization of the “deplorables” for forced population control. Another possibility is the use of the intravenous delivery of a nano-RFI chip for tracking, although the scenario seems unlikely because no scanning infrastructure is in place.

Addendum: First, “corona,” then “asymptomatic corona,” now “supercorona” is coming soon! The ever-evolving “corona,” although it hasn’t actually mutated yet, is coming back “with a vengeance.” The latest narrative is that the next wave of “corona” is now due this Summer, with another wave coming later this year. Fear is being ramped up again.

Update: Many respected entities on the Net have been followed and read over the years. However, most of them have seemed to dismiss neutrality in favor of the Fascist narrative. They will be missed.

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