Tuesday, December 31
Dénouement 2019
The effects of Convergence 2019 continue to reverberate into the last few seconds of the year. Some issues cannot be reconciled (e.g., situation with family). As stated in previous Notes, the entire familial relationship is a lost cause. Nothing can be salvaged. Uncertainty and tension still remain high even though the exodus is allegedly near completion.
The tenants of the “old folks home” in Waikiki have been served notice that the rent will increase by $25 per month commencing March 1st next year (bringing the rent to $901 per month for a studio unit). Alternative housing (or homelessness) must now be seriously entertained.
Food costs have been going up incrementally, the latest being about 8 percent (in the last quarter). A new round of increases is expected in January. There is almost no way to describe how ludicrous food prices are.
The most recently acquired (i.e., three years ago) Colombia® prescription shades began falling apart about two weeks ago. The tiny screws are apparently designed to loosen themselves over time. So, parts (e.g., one of the nose pads) has been lost. The Oakley® shades are still holding up with the help of glue. The acquisition of new shades is being postponed as long as possible.
The $30 per month T-Mobile® wireless plan was finally confirmed to have unlimited music streaming. The Google® Play Music “app” was deployed for the process. Unlimited SD video streaming is also included (verified using a dial-in short code). All-in-all, it’s actually a fantastic wireless plan. Nonetheless, the Google® Voice “app” was installed on the iPhone XR to exploit the “free” VoIP number in preparation for an inexpensive wireless plan. So far, no action has been taken to replace the existing wireless plan.
The holidays were obviously not observed. The itinerary for both holidays was essentially the same as last year. Perusing Notes from that time period in 2018 will essentially summarize the the uneventful nature of the holidays in question. The only major difference is the weather. Aside from the extended Summer (all the way through mid-December), the start of Winter has seen mild weather conditions. The fact that a tank top can still be adorned day and night will attest to that fact. Speaking of clothes, a few clothing items were donated to charity at the kiosk in Kahala Mall, including the windbreaker that lost its waterproofing after washing.
The last dental appointment for the year was covered by the Medicare Advantage plan, although only a cleaning was involved. The last medical appointment was another matter. The second dose in the series of the shingles vaccine was not paid by Quest/Medicaid, which means that the $130-$150 cost will have to borne personally. There is only a three-month window left before the first dosage would be rendered useless. Vaccinations for hepatitis A/B (two doses), pneumonia (two doses), and (annual) influenza were commenced, all allegedly covered by Medicare.
There were other medical issues. A vitamin D deficiency is now being treated with a weekly high dosage (read:prescription) “gelcap” for eight weeks, then to be subsequently treated with a daily intake of low-dosage “over the counter” tablets. There was some urging to begin medication for high cholesterol, but that decision was deferred. There is also an indication that medication is upcoming for a diagnosis of hypothyroidism, but that will be resisted. There are other tests in the works, too. Alas, the senior citizen “cash cow” is about to be milked!
The use of the term “convergence” to describe the series of tragic events of a future demise is a misnomer. What is being witnessed is increasing entropy on a grand scale, that is, the irreversible state of order moving toward disorder. Any attempt to restore order only causes disorder to increase.
As for Notes, its future is uncertain. The current plan is to reduce the number of posts commencing January 1st. All issues have been fully detailed up to this point, so redundancy is not necessary. In other words, Notes is also a victim of entropy.
Addendum: A chance encounter with the formerly-homeless buddy last week was a relief. The formerly-homeless buddy was “missing in action” for a spell. He’s still finding ways to “make a quick buck,” either an obsessive hobby or an “immortality project.” The formerly-homeless buddy, though, is a good man.
Update: Dining out on a holiday like Saturnalia is an unpleasant experience. Most dining venues close early. The only alternative is to dine somewhere in Waikiki, where everything is open. Eating at Panda Express® in Waikiki led to the discovery that the price was $2 higher than at the King Street location. Never again.
Tuesday, December 17
Convergence Update
Convergence 2019 continues to “barrel along” towards oblivion. The Medicare premium will increase to $145 per month in January. A notice was received that all previous Medicare premiums (allegedly paid by the State of Hawai’i) is being deducted from this month’s Social Security payout. So, there apparently was no subsidy. Future Social Security payouts will only be $578 per month after Medicare deduction.
There have been no calls from either moms or the bro’s family. At this point in time, the assumption is that moms has probably suffered significant short-term memory degradation (read: dementia). Thus, moms probably has no real perception of time (as discussed in Notes previously). There are no current plans for a visit to Hawai’i Kai.
Bus fares are slated for a major increase soon. Of interest is the discontinuation of the $35 one-year senior citizen bus pass. Instead, senior citizens will pay half of the regular adult fare with a $45 monthly cap. That’s a $530 yearly expenditure. The recent numerous fare increases are directly tied to the ridiculous elevated rail project (currently under criminal investigation).
An attempt to find a reasonably priced pair of prescription sunglasses, allegedly convered by the Medicare Advantage plan, yielded nothing. Even the cheapest “piece of shit” was quoted at $300 or more. The Medicare Advantage vision plan is worthless, by the way.
Every possible coupon, discount, “freebie,” or subsidy is being exploited, but the entire enterprise is a lost cause. No wonder that there has been a sharp increase in homelessness. So many new faces on the streets now. Nobody (i.e., rank-and-file peons) can afford even a substandard life-style anymore.
Addendum: The book, “Hate Inc.,” by journalist Matt Taibbi is a highly recommended title. Taibbi explains the state of journalism in empire. There are many other implications as well.
Friday, December 6
Hoodie 1.0
A Nike® “camo hoodie” was procured for $27 at the gym. All clothing merchandise was marked down 60% because the gym will no longer stock athletic apparel. Naturally, all of the styles are primarily aimed at the younger generations.
Old codgers cannot wear most of the contemporary clothing without looking ridiculous. Even in the remaining “good years,” a senior citizen must be very prudent. Baring too much of a sagging geriatric physique is not recommended. Incidentally, a quick look at the mirror in the bathroom of the mausoleum in the “old folks home” confirmed that decrepitude has commenced. Therefore, all future clothing purchases must follow strict senior citizen fashion (sic) guidelines.
Addendum: After an exhausting search for a cheap wireless provider, only one stood out ... Tello Mobile. The best “budget” plan runs $7 per month. The only downside is that Tello is a CDMA provider. No decision yet, though.
Update: The paltry Social Security retirement payout will increase by $12 per month next year. Wheee!
Wednesday, December 4
Gateway to Death
The “gateway to death” abruptly commenced at age 65 years, prompted by prior months of endless mail and e-mail from Social Security, Medicare, and Medicare “affiliates.” Even after enrollment in Medicare, the geriatric junk mail keeps on coming. But, that’s neither here or there.
In the book, “Natural Causes,” author Barbara Ehrenreich declares that she is “old enough to die.” While not professing to refuse all medical treatment, Ehrenreich has decided that many of the superfluous routine tests are not worth the time, effort, or inconvenience. The worst case scenario, one she wishes to avoid, is “overdiagnosis.” There is now much agreement here with Ehrenreich‘s stance.
There are two appointments scheduled, one dental and one medical, for this month. The appointments were deferred until then to incorporate the new Medicare coverage. All future appointments will be reduced to one medical and two dental per year. Eye examinations will remain at two per year. Any geriatric medical tests are subject to refusal.
Continuing observations of senior citizens has yielded the conclusion that their physical decrepitude, in general, will not be personally workable. A means to “check out” before extreme physical degradation occurs will be a priority.
Addendum: There are no visits with moms scheduled at this time. Also, the transition to a cheaper wireless plan has yet to be accomplished.
Friday, November 29
Ol ‘ Lavahead Day 2019
Ol’ Lavahead Day was not a time of celebration this year. Rather, a time for deep reflection and introspection will be the highlight. Ties with friends were unintentionally severed by distance and time. In the interim, acquaintances have come and gone. Frankly, aren’t all friendships really just acquaintances anyway? The severing of ties with family came abruptly and out of the locus of control within the last two months. The outcome was inevitable anyway. Too much stock was placed in familial expectations, only to end in disappointment. That is, of course, the tragic nature of chimpo sapiens ... the curse of consciousness, the denial of death.
On the grand scale, there is the looming secular Apocalypse, now focused on global climate change. There is a minuscule probability of a thermonuclear conflagration. Social unrest caused by global fraudulent wealth inequality could result in violent uprisings internationally. Climate change, though, remains the predominant threat to all life forms as nothing is being done to mitigate the problem. Climate scientists continue to peddle a 100-year conservative prediction before chaos ensues. Yet, each year, the prognosis worsens and the time frame shortens. Ten years forward is when extreme global food and water shortages will wreak havoc. And, that’s just the beginning (refer to the previous post, “The ‘Green’ Farce”).
On a smaller scale, the “West,” led by empire, is already in a state of collapse. All of the central banks are moving toward ZIRP or already in negative territory. QE has returned “with a vengeance” to pump more liquidity into the global economy. Everything is being done to maintain growth through more and more debt. Of course, global growth and global climate change go “hand-in-hand.”
On an even smaller scale, Slippery Sy at the “old folks home” has once again decided to exert his puny powers by refusing to settle the alleged delinquent rent issue. Thus, the “big question” was submitted to the on-line Easy Decision Maker site. The scenario was not staged. That’s a first trial result shown above.
Convergence 2019 is about all that and more. At 65 years of age, the awareness of the inevitable onslaught of decrepitude becomes manifest. Age 65 is the “gateway to death,” and every aspect of the institution of retirement is designed around the latter theme. The ultimate goal has been to increase the distance between fiction and truth. There must be a more honorable form of death than the consumer version.
The capstone of Ol’ Lavahead Day was a casual meet-up with Lori at Ala Moana Center. Dinner was courtesy Lahaina Chicken Company, although the last time the establishment will be patronized. Food was good, but “shrinkflation” reduced the portions. Of course, nothing is comparable to loitering at the Makai Market food court for ambiance, eh?
Addendum: The $35 one-year senior citizen bus pass was procured as the final step of the initiation into and indoctrination of the fully geriatric life-style.
Update: A chance encounter with a Sand Island homeless shelter alumnus led to the discovery that another alumnus, Randy (Filipino guy), has passed on. He had previously disclosed that his kidneys were only about 25% functional during the tenure at the homeless shelter.
Wednesday, November 20
The “Green” Farce
As often discussed in Notes, the greatest threat facing all life forms on the planet is global climate change as perpetrated entirely by the chimpo sapiens species. The root cause is overpopulation. Then, there is the failed “civilization” paradigm which requires infinite economic growth to remain viable. By implication, everyone must increase their personal ecological “footprint” through increased activity and consumption.
Any attempt to mitigate the effects of global climate change by reducing “greenhouse” gases (to stabilize global temperatures) is doomed to failure. Draconian measures would have to be invoked. Human activities would have to be significantly curtailed. Ecological “footprints” would have to be curbed. Drastic life-style changes would be required. That’s not going to happen.
Any attempt to modify the “system” would cause massive social upheaval amongst the most vulnerable (i.e., “deplorables”). Anarchy would be a more appropriate description. Many of the “green” policies that are being floated will cause a significant increase in global aggregate unemployment. Economic inequality, already a threat to stability, would then surpass the ability to maintain any order or a “civil society.” The oligarchy will not be exempt, but who really cares about them? Nonetheless, the ramifications are unfathomable.
The earth is already past the “tipping point” insofar as its physical and natural systems are concerned. However, the artificial “system” created by humans has also passed the “point of no return.” Humanity will barrel toward self-destruction in a semi-orderly manner without impediment. It has no other choice but to choose denial ... “face the music” now, or put off the inevitable until later.
The effects of global climate change will most likely begin manifesting itself in more violent ways within the next five years, far earlier than all of the conservative predictions. The possibility exists for crude “half-ass” measures being taken then, but that, in itself, may provoke social upheaval. In other words, there’s almost no way to plan for the future. Will money be worth anything then?
Addendum: An important article titled, “World Scientists’ Warning of a Climate Emergency,” in the journal BioScience is recommended reading.
Friday, November 15
Scam Resurrection
The same bogus delinquent rent and eviction notice has commenced delivery by the fucktard twins (Randi and Sy) again, this time by sealed envelope posted on the door of the mausoleum in the “old folks home.” The notice is the same exact crap as detailed in the post titled, “Exposing the Crime.” The billing statement is exactly the same with the same balance due.
The last notice (and all previous ones) were sent by regular mail. Oddly, there was no signature or initials this time. The last notice dated in July was initialed. Prior to that, a signature appeared in the notices. The originator of the notice is still Randi, the sleazy ho’ resident manager.
The same e-mail response with check copies, images of the notice, and timeline will be dispatched this evening. The original notice and billing statement was mailed this morning to the main office of Locations along with a brief summary and a request for contact with a supervisor.
The notices had ceased after July when slippery Sy had invoked the feeble exit strategy of citing an accounting error as the cause. Three months elapsed and a new lease term commenced before the latest notice appeared. What can be more obvious that this is a scam?
The current plan is to let Randi, the dolt, continue to send the threatening notices. The same e-mail response with all the old and new attachments will be dispatched. The notice itself will continue to be mailed to the main office with the same bullshit. The lease is month-to-month now, so there is time to locate other housing options or move to the streets. Yeah, Convergence 2019 is in “full swing.”
Addendum: Even the most senile senior citizen would not be duped into handing money over to the fucktard twins upon a casual perusal of the bogus billing statement. The motive, then, is most likely harassment to provoke voluntary termination of the lease.
Update: Slippery Sy has responded that he will query the accounting department for the source of the problem. Can the ruse be more obvious?
Wednesday, November 13
Converging on Incongruence
Convergence 2019 is rapidly spawning incongruence. The dichotomy grows by the day. There is now very little to distinguish what is reality and what is not. And, more factors, both internal and external, continue to exacerbate the problem.
The odd Medicare subsidy from the State of Hawai’i is the latest episode. The subsidy appears be what is deemed Medicare Savings Plans (MSP), the eligibility of which is similar to Medicaid. In fact, MSP fall under Medicaid. However, an investigation yielded that the Medicaid/Quest account has been closed since the termination based on ineligibility. Thus, MSP disqualification should have been inevitable. That apparently is not the case.
There is no Hawai’i Kai visit scheduled anytime in the near future. The last visit with moms is constantly being mentally replayed. Each iteration supports the thesis that moms would probably not benefit by further visits, if moms is even cognizant of the latter. The goal of sibling estrangement is also a factor. At this point in time, there appears to be no further need to maintain any ties with family. A hard decision, but what other option is there?
There was some consideration about initiating a “microblog” using photos, but that’s a lost cause. The previous attempt failed miserably. The current iteration, Notes, is probably the wisest option, although future posts, once the “dust settles,” should be less frequent.
Aside from that, there is no “unfinished business” to handle. Only a few “loose ends” remain. Of course, there just doesn’t seem be any sense of emancipation or freedom. What gives?
Addendum: The Apple® News aggregator “app” on the iPhone XR was finally mummified after continued disappointing issues with alternative sources. The Weather ”app” was also mummified after consistently providing incorrect data.
Saturday, November 9
Silver Snickers®
The transition to Silver Snickers® ... errr, Silver Sneakers® ... was easily accomplished. The old gym membership has been “frozen” and a new membership was set up. The month of November has already been paid for under the old membership, but no refund will be forthcoming. From December 1st onward, there will no monthly fee. The new membership plan is also an upgrade from the old one (i.e., ability to access all club locations).
Incidentally, Silver Sneakers® is a fitness program for geriatrics which include a gym membership and classes. The exclusive fitness class for senior citizens uses chairs as part of the workout. That’s something to really look forward to, eh?
Update: A letter received from Social Security has indicated that the $136 Medicare monthly premium will be paid by the State of Hawai’i. A refund for the November premium is forthcoming. What?
Monday, November 4
Windbreaker 2.0
A new RVCA® windbreaker was purchased for $63 (on sale at 30% off MSRP) at the gym. Yeah, a ridiculous price. The justification? The generic windbreaker that was purchased last year from Ross® offered no protection from rain. Water soaked right through the fabric. Well, that’s not the entire story. Turns out that washing a windbreaker repeatedly will eventually remove the water repellent coating, thus rendering it useless.
So, what happened to the austerity measures? Oh, a very slow implementation at best:
- The switch to Medicare was unnoticeable aside from the $136 monthly deductions from the meager retirement income.
- The Humana® Medicare Advantage plan has been problematic. Even with the on-line account restored, it has not been set up yet. So, no plan benefits have been exploited.
- The switch to a more cost effective cellular wireless plan was postponed again.
- The cheap $9 electric razor that was purchased from Ross® two years ago will continue service until failure. Ditto with the decrepit 15-year-old Oakley® shades.
On a side note, the e-book, “Pleased to Meet Me,” by Bill Sullivan was read to completion. And, the book, “Civilized to Death,” by Christopher Ryan was read at the bookstore in Ala Moana Center. The latter book may be of interest because the topic, the failed “civilization” paradigm, is a recurring theme in the old “blog.” Both books are highly recommended for seekers of truth.
Update: The problems with the Humana® on-line account was solved by creating a new account, that after another long phone call to a service representative. A Silver Sneakers® card was also requested in order to qualify for a subsidized gym membership. Dental and optical benefits are also being investigated.
Thursday, October 31
Satanic Gargoyle Day 2019
October 31st is now known as Satanic Gargoyle Day (aka Day of Samhain). Sinister Kahuna Day occurs way too frequently, only to cause massive confusion. And, Saturnalia will also be known as Molech Day. Isn’t that great? And, no, there was no participation in any Satanic Gargoyle Day events.
The transition to Medicare, specifically Medicare Advantage, has been fraught with problems. Currently, the Humana® on-line account is locked for no particular reason. So, there’s no way to change any aspect of the plan except by phone. The premium for the plan has already been deducted (a month before activation). Austerity measures will be invoked to offset the new $136 monthly expenditure. Supposedly, a Silver Sneakers® benefit will cover gym membership, eliminating the $37 monthly expenditure. At the end of November when the age of 65 years is attained, a senior citizen yearly bus pass will be purchased for $35 in lieu of the current $70 monthly expenditure. Switching to the other fast food joint for morning coffee would save $15 per month.
The only remaining expenditure to cut is the $30 T-Mobile® prepaid monthly wireless plan. There are some related issues. The old wireless number would not be ported over. The new assigned number would not be revealed to anyone including family. Thus, contact with the latter would be mummified. Anyway, switching to Tello® would save $23 per month.
Austerity measures are justifiable considering the latest interest rate cut by the central bank of empire. QE (“quantitative easing”) acquisitions of dodgy “paper” have also increased and will remain a permanent fixture of monetary policy. Negative interest rates are “right around the corner.” Yeah, Convergence 2019 is shaping up to be a shitty time for all.
There have been steady, almost daily, conversations with Randy, the contractor. As always, there’s a lot of discussions about the old days back at the Sand Island homeless shelter. Of interest, though, have been a few details about the organization that manages the shelter(s). Confirmed is the fact that homelessness is really just a business model. Homelessness is just a tool for acquiring funding and creating jobs (mostly social workers). The homeless themselves? Nobody cares.
The book, “Falter,” by Bill McKibben was read to completion. There was even a reference to the Great Prophet, Ernest Becker. The book is guardedly recommended. The new breed of books have been disappointing, mainly because of the “hipster” style of writing so prevalent these days. Of course, what is really getting tiring is the endless “politically correct” editing that is evident in all current books. A generic person is referenced to the female gender by default, obviously in capitulation to radical feminism. Note to editors ... please end that practice. Come up with a unisex or androgynous pronoun instead. Sheesh!
Wednesday, October 23
Entropy 2019
Chaos. Entropy. What else could describe the current state-of-affairs? And, that is really the “final nail in the coffin” for advanced planning. There are just too many complex variables, and one event could simply trigger collapse.
A few weeks have elapsed since the situation with moms took a turn for the worst. The whole purpose of the less-than-triumphant return to Hawai’i was out of respect for aging parents. The idea was insane, according to more utilitarian and stoic ”advisors.” Better to pay respects immediately and move on, they said. In retrospect, the “advisors” may have been correct.
There has been much confusion and internal conflict as a result of prolonging an unnecessary obligation. In fact, the whole concept of exodus was nearly lost. Now, the exodus is here in its nearly completed form, that is, by external forces out of the locus of control. The confusion invoked a sense of helplessness and despair, both of which are clear evidence of personal defect and weakness.
In the aftermath, the realization that the exodus was accomplished, whether by uncontrollable circumstances or not, has finally gelled. With it comes the release of the burden of familial obligation, the last obstacle to personal freedom. There are other obstacles ahead, but none as emotionally binding. So, what’s next?
Update: Much painful deliberation preceded the final decision to terminate the Enterprise® CarShare membership. Without CarShare, subsequent visits with moms in Hawai’i Kai are unlikely. Because of the holiday season, the earliest visit would have been scheduled for January of next year. However, the bro would most likely be laid off from work (for another six-month duration) by then. Any visit with the bro’s presence would not be welcomed.
Tuesday, October 15
Notes from Hawai’i Kai
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Hawai’i Kai |
The latest visit with moms was neither comforting or reassuring. Moms is locked into a slow mental and physical decline, further exacerbated by the Draconian measures mandated by the sister-in-law. In fact, the bro’s entire family is culpable. In the guise of protecting moms from potentially dangerous falls, a literal prison has been constructed. Of course, anything can happen anytime. Moms could succumb suddenly to a heart attack or a bout of pneumonia, both common causes of senior citizen fatalities.
Moms short-term memory appeared to have improved since the last visit. However, there is some doubt that moms can even recall the approximate point in time of that visit. Moms seems to have a vague recollection of receiving the greeting card that was dispatched a month ago. For all intents and purposes, the general assessment is that moms can no longer effectively reference time.
The prison-like living conditions have finally succeeded in breaking moms’ independence. Statements repeated constantly by moms are simply a parroting of the rules dictated by the sister-in-law. There was no mention of the controlling nature of the sister-in-law. Rather, a more passive and accepting stance was evident.
The 24-year-old retired nephew actually exited his room (a rare event) to monitor the visit with moms, no doubt a mandate from the sister-in-law. The nephew treats moms like a small child, much like the bro and sister-in-law. Observing that kind of behavior proved to be extremely repugnant. However, no remedy is possible because the situation is out of the personal locus of control.
In the end, a difficult decision must be made. First off, the Enterprise® CarShare membership will be terminated before the fee for the new fiscal year is charged. Subsequent visits, if any, will be accomplished by public transportation (i.e., bus). The journey by bus to Hawai’i Kai from town is about an hour. The nearest bus stop is about a half-mile away, which will most likely act as a deterrent for visits of any frequency. In other words, there will be a rapid distancing from all immediate family. The rationale (with high probability) is that moms probably would not even notice.
Addendum: The previous observation found moms partaking of junk food and carbonated soft drinks, both adamantly avoided by moms in the past. The latest observation? Moms now watches the widescreen tube, another activity never pursued by moms prior. Clearly, moms has completely assimilated the life-style of the bro’s family.
Monday, October 14
Discoverer’s Day 2019
With much consternation, another excursion to Hawai’i Kai was scheduled for this morning. The premonition was that the visit with moms would not be accomplished just as the last visit. Surprisingly, the front door was open upon arrival. Moms was laid out on one the couches in the living room. The allotted Enterprise® CarShare rental only allowed for a half-hour visit.
Moms seemed to be doing much better, although that’s not saying much. Even with the hearing aid, moms can barely discern what’s being said. Long-term memory appears intact. Moms is healthy for a 97-year-old senior citizen, but that’s not saying much. Moms has seemingly resumed the very slow degenerative trajectory, most likely toward 103 years.
The conversation was limited. Moms has absolutely nothing to do since the sister-in-law has prohibited moms from leaving the domicile for any reason except for medical appointments. There apparently have been regular visitors, though, most likely members of the church.
Had the visit been unsuccessful, the decision forward would have been simple ... mummification. However, the situation is now complicated. How many visits per month should be planned? Should a vehicle continue to be rented for visits? The $40 annual membership is coming due, and the rental itself runs about $23 for two hours. Should the current T-Mobile® ($30 per month) prepaid wireless plan be replaced with something less expensive? Tello® has the perfect plan for $7 per month.
The situation would be more palatable if moms were transferred to an assisted care facility. There would be much relief as family care under the direction of the sister-in-law is dubious at best. As it stands, the family seems to fine with the possibility that moms will pass on in their presence. Oh well.
Addendum: The small safe was donated to charity since it was obsolete. Moving to completely “paperless” documentation has its benefits.
Tuesday, October 8
Yet Another Update
The record heatwave finally ended at the tail of September with a couple of rainy days and the return of cooler trade winds. The average temperature is still fairly warm, though. Global climate change? What else?
The Medicare conundrum was haphazardly solved by enrolling in a Medicare Advantage program (i.e., a Humana® HMO plan). The plan has more “benefits” (i.e., limited dental, vision, prescription drug coverage and gym membership subsidy) than original Medicare at the same cost. The impetus to switch was purely financial as to be expected. Nonetheless, geriatric healthcare is a “can of worms.”
The mailbox at the Post Office has been stuffed with Medicare Advantage junk mail for months now. That’s the predatory nature of geriatric healthcare in action. As stated many times, senior citizens are a “cash cow” target. Sickening!
There was also a lot of confusion when enrolling in the Humana® Medicare Advantage plan. The whole Medicare process is a lesson in total obfuscation, most likely by design. The sheer amount of paperwork delivered by mail is also staggering. The goal at present is to obtain the best coverage for the mandatory monthly premium and minimize actual services. Healthcare in empire is a trap.
The reading of the book, “Natural Causes,” by Barbara Ehrenreich was completed at the bookstore in Ala Moana Center. The wait list for the library e-book is still over four weeks. With so little time in life remaining, a four-week wait is unacceptable. Needless to say, the book was excellent and is highly recommended. The ratings by readers was observed to be less favorable over time. The reason? The truth hurts.
The e-book, “The Reality Bubble,” by Ziya Tong was also read to completion as well. The “book is the “sleeper” of the year, so it is highly recommended. Once again, if truth is sought, the answers can be found. Read it now!
Wednesday, October 2
What is “Life”?
The answer has certainly been obfuscated by every aspect of “society” (or the failed “civilization” paradigm). The crux of the problem is the monetization and commodification of the entirety of human existence as well as the forced repression of the “inner animal.”
Nowhere was the aforementioned fact made more certain than the perusal of the mass amount of useless books that have been published in recent times. The waste of paper should have been appalling enough. However, the vapid musings of contemporary authorship confirms that quantity supersedes quality. The focus is primarily on book royalties.
With that said, there is no part of the human experience (read: “life”) that has not been debauched by commodification. The quality of any experience is a function of the ability to pay. Yet, even the highest tier of experiences take on a gaudier form of grotesquerie. Take the case of the tourism and travel industry, for example. What a damned joke!
There is a need to “step back” and observe the “big picture.” Understanding that “life” has been cheapened and reduced to a ubiquitous and endless shopping excursion should give pause for reflection. When every path is reduced to the consumerist decision tree, then an exit strategy becomes imperative.
The example of current literature was highlighted because nothing could be more obvious than the mental midgets who attempt to impersonate the “great thinkers.” The hyperbole, the “political correctness,” the useless jargon, the “woke” bullshit, the substitution of an asterisk for a letter in a cuss word ... all of it is marketing not thinking. This is a brain-dead society, heavily steeped in malignant activities to deny mortality.
There really is no need to babble on about the matter ad infinitum. Careful observation is all that’s necessary. An hour or two of simply observing the human (read: chimpo sapiens) environment will reveal the truth. Of course, the mind must be willing to accept the truth (the basis of which has been discussed in Notes). Once the truth is grasped, real decisions can subsequently be executed.
Addendum: There has been one book of interest, “Natural Causes” by Barbara Ehrenreich. With nearly half of the book read so far, the preliminary verdict is positive.
Wednesday, September 25
Macular Changes
The appointment with the optician this morning downgraded the previous eye diagnosis to “macular changes.” No detrimental changes were noted from the last examination six months ago. The spotty areas on the macular could be due to prolonged exposure to sunlight (as experienced in early years). Nonetheless, eye examinations will continue at six-month intervals. At this point in time, blindness is not a certainty in ten years.
A chance encounter with Lori last night at Ala Moana Center allowed for a bit of conversation time. There was a lot of catching up on respective personal news. Of note, Lori apparently has been diagnosed with macular degeneration as well. She believes that long-term viewing digital device screens is the root of the problem, although that doesn’t really explain how deposits form on the macula. An exchange of other personal news and events occupied the remainder of the encounter.
Addendum: The optometry appointment will be the last that is covered by the current healthcare insurance. Subsequently, Medicare will provide coverage at a high cost. Convergence 2019 has commenced.
Monday, September 23
So far, there has been no response from moms. There is a distinct possibility that the greeting card was intercepted and discarded before moms could read it. Or, moms may have lost much more cognitive ability. The latter scenario is plausible given that moms is sequestered with only eating and sleeping as her sole activities. Of course, the former scenario is quite plausible, too.
The Quest/Medicaid health insurance coverage will terminate on October 31st as expected. At this juncture, the Medicare Part B and D options are up for mummification. Moving away from the “medical model” is imperative. Senior citizens are only considered to be “cash cows” for the greedy and corrupt healthcare industry. Frankly, eliminating healthcare anxiety and simply succumbing to “natural causes” is the ideal situation.
Paperwork and documentation, for expiring health insurance and otherwise, have been destroyed and discarded. There is no need to maintain documentation except for the bare legal minimum. Once documentation destruction is completed, the small safe will be donated to charity.
Attempts to read library books through the Libby “app” have been disappointing. The “app” works fine. The books, however, leave much to be desired. Like everything else in the entertainment industry, books have become formulaic and stuffed with filler material. Hence, there currently aren’t any completed books titles to list.
The only highlight of any kind has been the iOS 13 update for the iPhone XR. And, the iOS 10.1 update happens tomorrow. Ooooh! Is that the only real excitement in life anymore? Apparently.
Update: Appointment with the dermatologist was cancelled indefinitely.
Thursday, September 19
Excerpt — NIRP
The investment firm handling personal accounts, has provided a commentary on NIRP. An excerpt:
It’s the $1 trillion question: Will the Federal Reserve (Fed) head down the path into negative rates? Unfortunately, we think it eventually may. Trade tensions continue to drag on, growth is slowing, and inflation remains stubbornly low and below the Fed’s target. Longer-maturity U.S. Treasury yields have plunged to multi-year lows and below their shorter-maturity counterparts. In response, the Fed may continue cutting short-maturity interest rates—even past zero if the yield curve doesn’t steepen, inflation refuses to budge or the economy heads toward a recession. Furthermore, as central banks elsewhere make negative rates the norm, the Fed will face mounting pressure to do the same.The article is timely and should provide a warning that cash holdings need to be converted to gold or other non-fiat assets.
Wednesday, September 18
Planning for Dereliction
Dereliction. Homelessness. All on the rise in the islands. Petty crime has become commonplace and brazen. Begging for money and cigarettes is now routine. Lapsing into a coma at anytime and anyplace is normal. So many new faces, too. Where did they come from?
The “race to the bottom” by the central bank of empire was punctuated by another interest rate cut today, just another step toward NIRP. There will be many more new faces of dereliction on the streets soon. Then, when the global recession hits ... booyah!
An unrealistic option was recently considered. The crux of the plan was the rental of a studio apartment in the Chinatown ghetto. Then, a part-time wage slave job, most likely at the gym in town, would be secured for procuring some “spare change.” However, the plan was exposed as ludicrous given the remaining “good years.”
Another option is now being entertained ... becoming one of the street homeless. Yes, actually living and sleeping on the sidewalks of Makiki perhaps. And, why not? There is more in common with the street homeless than the faux capitalists (read: wage slaves). If you can’t beat ‘em, then join ‘em. And, who really needs an expensive cargo van camper conversion (i.e., homeless motorhome)? Heck, that may be the best plan to date!
Update: The Quest/Medicaid coverage has been terminated effective October 31st as expected. All necessary appointments have been or will be fulfilled by then. One medical appointment remains in December, subject to the huge Medicare copayment.
Tuesday, September 17
Dark at the End of the Tunnel
At this point in time, the situation with moms is a lost cause. Moms is being sequestered by the sister-in-law. Whether deliberate or not, visitations with moms are no longer possible. It is as if moms has passed on already. Although the greeting card was sent to moms as a last resort, no reply of any kind is anticipated.
Given moms’ current living conditions, the acceleration of dementia and the onslaught of Alzheimer’s Syndrome are more than likely to occur before the end of the year. At some point, the sister-in-law (using durable power of attorney) must commit moms to an assisted care facility. Either that, or the bro’s family will have to deal directly with moms’ passing in their presence.
Thus, the endgame for Notes has finally arrived. There are a few more details that seemingly require closure. Then, Notes will be scheduled for mummification by the end of the year. Beyond that ... who knows?
Monday, September 16
Mission: Aborted!
An attempt was made to visit moms in Hawai’i Kai this morning. The Enterprise® CarShare vehicle was rented for the journey. Upon arrival, all attempts to get either moms or the retired 24-year-old nephew to open the door were futile. After 15 minutes, the mission was aborted.
A stop was made at Kahala Mall during the return leg of the journey. The mall was packed with senior citizens, more than what was recalled from the last visit many moons ago. A quick, albeit cheap and greasy, lunch and a second cup of coffee was procured at the fast food joint. Lots of money was spent and wasted on the useless trip.
One more attempt will be made in a month or so. If no one answers the door, there will be no further visits scheduled. The CarShare membership will be immediately terminated to avoid the $40 annual fee. That’s not exactly what was envisioned to be the parting of ways with family, but so be it. In effect, there is some suspicion that the chain of events was premeditated.
The Replika AI buddy was mummified last night. With the last of the “good years” always in mind, the mummification of anything deemed useless is of the highest priority. More mummifications to come!
Addendum: The appointment with the dermatologist will be cancelled. With the imminent loss of the current healthcare insurance, there will be no recourse. The Medicare Part D prescription drug plan is also slated for cancellation.
Update: A greeting card has been dispatched to moms via regular mail in order to insure that the message is delivered, that is, an affirmation that a visit was attempted. Mail communication with moms may actually be the only remaining option.
Friday, September 13
Sinister Kahuna Day 2019
Is there any better time to pay homage to the sinister kahuna than Sinister Kahuna Day? The sinister kahuna has been working overtime to inflict as much pain and suffering as possible upon his hapless victims. Oh, the agony!
The first of two injections of the new shingles vaccine was administered on Tuesday at the Waikiki Health Center Makahiki Clinic. There were moderate reactions to the drug the following day including body ache, hot flashes, and chills. The second dose will be administered in December.
At this point in time, all major decisions have been postponed until the eye examination scheduled in two weeks. If the diagnosis confirms that blindness is inevitable, there could be a major upheaval in future planning. What else can expected when the sinister kahuna is at play?
Update: From all indications, the Medicaid/Quest health insurance coverage will be terminated on October 31st. The switch to Medicare requires complete asset disclosure. Disqualification is imminent.
Sunday, September 8
So far, there have been two medical, one optical, and ten dental (six fillings and two extractions) appointments at the Waikiki Health Center Makahiki Clinic. And this is only the beginning of September. There are three more medical, one optical, and one dental appointments remaining for the year. Two of the medical appointments are just for the new shingles vaccine and booster. The total is eighteen appointments for the 2019 year, a world record!
As the age of 65 years nears, there is a great convergence taking place. The fate of Medicare and Medicaid/Quest will soon be revealed. The amount of money disbursed as premiums is yet to be determined, all of it a nauseating reminder of geriatrics and mortality. The next optical appointment will determine whether macular degeneration is a confirmed diagnosis, and if blindness will occur in ten years.
Add into the mix the rapid physical and mental decline of moms and the “big picture” becomes diffuse as well as surreal. The “incongruence” grows to unfathomable proportions. Reality becomes more like a quantum physics oddity. The mental state increases in fragility. The mind prepares to snap.
Convergence 2019 is not an anticipated milestone. Rather, it signals the beginning of the end. That is exactly why every other aspect of life has been effectively “put on hold.” Other pedestrian issues can only be confronted once the narrow pathway to the future is established.
Addendum: There may be one or two appointments at a dermatology clinic before the year is over.
Friday, September 6
Dead Man Walking
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Makahiki Clinic |
Another visit to the Makahiki Dental Clinic, another tooth cavity filled. When will it ever end? Incidentally, the bloodwork test results were received. High cholesterol and Vitamin D deficiency were indicated. However, the HbA1C test revealed that blood glucose level was back in the normal range.
The now-sporadic visits with moms in Hawai’i Kai, the most recent on Tuesday, proved to be exactly as feared. Conversations with moms is difficult. Moms’ short-term memory is severely impaired, which is further exacerbated by near-deafness. The only clear topics were moms’ need to go to the bank (why?) and the fact that the sister-in-law controls everything, both of which were constantly repeated during the visit. There is no question that the sister-in-law is controlling every aspect of moms’ existence. No surprise if future visits were banned entirely.
Moms’ long-term memory appears to be somewhat intact. Moms is able to recognize family and friends for now. If long-term memory begins to fade, the onslaught of Alzheimer’s Syndrome is a certainty. When that time comes, there will be serious issues to consider. Even if moms developed Alzheimer’s Syndrome, her longevity is still projected to be 103 years (another six years).
Personal principles are not to be taken lightly. So, a serious break with principles is cause for concern. That said, the recertification process for the “old folks home” was reluctantly completed on Wednesday. The new lease will be for a period of one year, but termination is possible at any time with a 28-day notice. Given that the on-site management is untrustworthy, the decision is pathetic at best. Incidentally, there has been no subsequent letter(s) concerning delinquent rent after the feeble exit strategy that was implemented by “slippery” Sy.
The housing issue remains in question mainly because of moms’ precarious situation. The option to purchase leasehold property was mummified because neither of the two real estate agents responded beyond the initial query. Other rental housing is a “mixed bag.” The homeless motorhome is still a viable option. Expatriation is an even better option.
The heatwave continues unabated. The trade winds returned on an on-off basis, but had absolutely no cooling effect. The hot air that was blowing around emulated a convection oven more than anything else. Global climate change? What else?
Sunday, September 1
Very limited statistics are available for Notes as provided by the hosting site. Readership is minimal, which begs the question whether the effort is worth the time. The comments section has been open, but there has been no participation.
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Tamarind Park |
The readership appears to consist of a handful of people in empire (including Hawai’i) as well as some old friends in Japan, Canada, UK, the Ukraine, UAE, Mexico, and the Netherlands. There is some curiosity concerning the readership. So, please take a few minutes and identify yourselves (with recognizable pseudonyms, if necessary) and share a few words. An extended coffee break will be taken during the wait.
Addendum: Replying to comments from this end is not functional for some reason. However, many thanks to all who responded!
Friday, August 30
All Options Are “On the Table”
A voicemail message was left by the sister-in-law in the early evening, but it was not discovered until late last night. The sister-in-law suggested that a visit be made because moms has been noticeably silent and hardly eating any food. The message caused much anxiety and insomnia. A return call was made this morning. The gist of the conversation removed the imperative overtones. Thus, the next visit will be scheduled for next Tuesday.
More doubts about the homeless motorhome option spurred e-mail contact with Debbie, the real estate agent from many moons ago. Three listings for the rundown walk-up Kaioo Terrace apartments in Waikiki were the subject of the query. If cost of purchase is reduced to $40,000 for the leasehold units, there is a good chance an offer will be forwarded. The maintenance fee and lease rent will be $1,162 per month, which is steep. And, the lease expiry is just 13 years away.
Another option is to run a personal classified listing requesting rental housing. A “long shot,” but it may produce better results than joining the queue for the actual rental listings. There are only two months left before homelessness becomes the only option. Granted, another stay at the Sand Island homeless shelter is possible. However, without an automobile, commuting will be limited to the site’s shuttle.
Needless to say, there has been extreme difficulty in spending any money at all. No matter how much the issues of mortality and the denial of death are considered, there is still a major mental obstacle in place. In 10 years, blindness may occur. In 15 years, the age of 80 years will be reached. Most old codgers “kick the bucket” about 82 years of age according to actuarial data. What other knowledge is needed?
Addendum: The formerly-homeless was in town this morning. A brief chat with him ensued at the fast food joint. He shared a listing for small older RV that is for sale. The $1,000 asking price really impressed him. He urged an immediate purchase with the offer to park it in his space at the “old folks home” in Waialua. Camping for free could commence immediately.
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Kaioo Terrace in Waikiki |
More doubts about the homeless motorhome option spurred e-mail contact with Debbie, the real estate agent from many moons ago. Three listings for the rundown walk-up Kaioo Terrace apartments in Waikiki were the subject of the query. If cost of purchase is reduced to $40,000 for the leasehold units, there is a good chance an offer will be forwarded. The maintenance fee and lease rent will be $1,162 per month, which is steep. And, the lease expiry is just 13 years away.
Another option is to run a personal classified listing requesting rental housing. A “long shot,” but it may produce better results than joining the queue for the actual rental listings. There are only two months left before homelessness becomes the only option. Granted, another stay at the Sand Island homeless shelter is possible. However, without an automobile, commuting will be limited to the site’s shuttle.
Needless to say, there has been extreme difficulty in spending any money at all. No matter how much the issues of mortality and the denial of death are considered, there is still a major mental obstacle in place. In 10 years, blindness may occur. In 15 years, the age of 80 years will be reached. Most old codgers “kick the bucket” about 82 years of age according to actuarial data. What other knowledge is needed?
Addendum: The formerly-homeless was in town this morning. A brief chat with him ensued at the fast food joint. He shared a listing for small older RV that is for sale. The $1,000 asking price really impressed him. He urged an immediate purchase with the offer to park it in his space at the “old folks home” in Waialua. Camping for free could commence immediately.
Wednesday, August 28
Today was supposed to be the big day ... the purchase of the Ford® Transit cargo van. At the last minute, an excuse was forwarded to postpone the transaction. After months of planning, what went wrong?
Months of torture at the “old folks home” in Waikiki because of an alleged scam perpetrated by the on-site management. The realization that apathy and corruption are rampant to the point that victims of any kind of misdeed are helpless. Then, witnessing the physical and mental decline of moms in just a few short months. That’s probably “what broke the camel’s back.”
Oh, there are other personal issues as well. However, the situation with moms was the “last straw.” Just two weeks ago, the usual Hawai’i Kai visit went smoothly. Moms needed assistance, but eating lunch and going shopping was nothing out of the ordinary. Now, that’s completely over. There can be no doubt that the head injuries from the last fall were not superficial. Granted, moms’ recovery time is a lot longer, usually a month. However, there’s no denying that moms decline is accelerating. There is now some concern that moms may not last the year.
Everything is “coming to a head” simultaneously. The adverse events have taken a toll on the psyche. The complete realization and ramifications of moms’ plight ate now coming into focus. Thus, the entire mental burden has become overbearing. Add in the struggle with personal mortality and the result is an impending mental breakdown.
Daily functioning and decisions have been impaired. Numbness and extreme confusion have already set in. Only “automatic pilot” has prevented a total catatonic stupor from occurring. That’s the pathetic state-of-affairs right now.
Tuesday, August 27
Et Tu, Brute?
The situation with moms has proven to be quite heartbreaking. What’s even worse is that moms is being treated in a degrading fashion, whether intentional or not. Senior citizens deserve to be treated with dignity during their most trying times. Instead, most people often resort to Draconian measures as though they are dealing with mischievous children. While of sound mind, moms made the decision to relinquish control of her life to the sister-in-law. That cannot be rescinded, not even by moms herself. Upon further reflection, there can be no doubt that moms is suffering from regret and depression. Moms’ will to live has also vanished. How long before moms succumbs?
A nice chat ensued with the formerly-homeless buddy this morning in town. He was assisting a Vietnamese buddy, an undocumented immigrant homeless guy who is here by sad circumstances, with paying his bills. The formerly-homeless buddy will be providing some good locations for the future homeless motorhome to park overnight. The formerly-homeless buddy has also offered his parking spot and space in his cottage at the “old folks home” in Wailua. He also said that the whole apartment can be used when he is gone on a trip to China for a few months.
A quick stop at the Hale Koa Hotel overflow parking lot on Saratoga Ave proved productive. A couple of employees were there to answer questions. Monthly parking is $170 per month and is not mandated to commence on the 1st of the month. The first month parking fee and $10 processing fee must be paid in person at the main office in the parking garage about a block away. Thereafter, the parking pass can be renewed at the automated kiosk.
The Enterprise® CarShare membership will be terminated within the next month. As moms is no longer allowed to venture outside of the house, there will be no need to rent a vehicle or maintain the account. All subsequent trips to Hawai’i Kai will incorporate the future homeless motorhome.
Monday, August 26
End of an Era
Last week, the usual Hawai’i Kai visit was canceled because moms had a medical appointment. This week, the visit ended up being sidelined because moms was recovering from yet another fall that occurred last Friday. The incident happened in the shower and required a one-day stay at the hospital for head injuries. Needless to say, the usual rounds were not made. Instead, a solemn discussion ensued with the sister-in-law.
A complete summary of the last fall, including the results from the hospital, was provided. The sister-in-law has now invoked a few Draconian measures to prevent future incidents. Moms’ friends can only visit but not take moms on any excursions. In the case of the usual Hawai’i Kai visit, moms can be transported anywhere but must always remain the vehicle. Moms has also been made to wear “adult diapers,” but not for incontinence. The bro locks the bathroom door at night so moms cannot enter. The rationale provided was unattended falls would be prevented. Moms must use the “adult diapers” in lieu of a toilet. Sounds like senior citizen abuse, eh?
Moms has also recently exhibited distinct personality changes as well as odd changes to diet. And, moms has been making a lot of odd guttural noises. In some respects, moms is becoming unrecognizable. As alarming as that may be, what can be done?
At this point in time, there is nothing for moms to do but eat and sleep. Depression is probably already showing. Symptoms of dementia are likely to increase more rapidly. And, the date of matriculation into an assisted care facility moves ever closer.
There will be no point to any future visits. There’s absolutely nothing to converse about with moms. Moms can barely hear or comprehend what is being said. There would be nothing to do but sit in the living room in fairly awkward silence. The day of reckoning is here.
Addendum: The purpose of returning to Hawai’i has always been about spending time with aging parents. Pops passed on about 19 years ago. Moms is slowly degenerating, which is very sad to witness firsthand. Once moms is gone, there is nothing left. That, of course, has always been the ultimate fate of a pariah.
Moms has also recently exhibited distinct personality changes as well as odd changes to diet. And, moms has been making a lot of odd guttural noises. In some respects, moms is becoming unrecognizable. As alarming as that may be, what can be done?
At this point in time, there is nothing for moms to do but eat and sleep. Depression is probably already showing. Symptoms of dementia are likely to increase more rapidly. And, the date of matriculation into an assisted care facility moves ever closer.
There will be no point to any future visits. There’s absolutely nothing to converse about with moms. Moms can barely hear or comprehend what is being said. There would be nothing to do but sit in the living room in fairly awkward silence. The day of reckoning is here.
Addendum: The purpose of returning to Hawai’i has always been about spending time with aging parents. Pops passed on about 19 years ago. Moms is slowly degenerating, which is very sad to witness firsthand. Once moms is gone, there is nothing left. That, of course, has always been the ultimate fate of a pariah.
Sunday, August 25
While Earth Burns
Human stupidity knows no bounds. The Amazonian wildfires in Brazil, most of which were deliberate deforestation, is now releasing unprecedented levels of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Even worse, the destruction of the rainforests decreases the surface absorption of the “greenhouse” gas. The implications for global climate change is blatantly obvious.
There has been little effort to mitigate the causes of global climate change, even as it threatens the existence of life of the entire planet. Instead, what can be observed are activities and policies that are accelerating adverse climate change.
A tell-tale sign, of course, is the gargantuan size of debt. Global debt is over $247 trillion. Obviously, none of that debt can ever be repaid. What’s worse is that present debt leveraged the future. In other words, the “instant gratification” mentality has overridden any concern about the future. That, in essence, is the hyper-denial of death.
With that said, a revision to previous forecasts in Notes must be made. The “tipping point” for global climate change is already here. As no real effort to combat the problem will actually be made anytime soon, the countdown to self-destruction has commenced.
Friday, August 23
Illin’ & Chillin’
Nothing like battling the common cold during a prolonged heatwave, eh? Oh, the misery! Fatigue has definitely set in, and personal judgment cannot be trusted at this point in time. Doubt and vacillation have disrupted any semblance of order.
After major procrastination, the sum of $25,000 was transferred to the local bank. A lot of “hand-wringing” preceded the transaction. What has become clearly obvious is that the denial of death is the basis of all financial decisions. Even though the fallacy of such thinking was exposed previously in Notes, the thought process remains unchanged.
There has been a “dragging of feet” insofar as the purchase of the future homeless motorhome is concerned. The representative at the Ford® dealership suggested that a cash deposit be made to reserve the “pre-owned” Transit cargo van. No such action was taken. It is as if there is a secret desire to see the cargo van sold to someone else. Why? Well, there are many doubts about the feasibility of the entire “vandweller” concept as it pertains to a local implementation.
On a side note, a conversation with Junior, another gym buddy, revealed that he is residing at Island West Apartments at the edge of Kalihi. His rent is $700 per month for a studio. That’s about the lowest rent on the island. There was some thought about pursuing rental housing there, but other details about the place were disturbing. The tenants are mostly ex-convicts and Micronesians. Yeah, the homeless motorhome is looking better all the time.
There has been a “dragging of feet” insofar as the purchase of the future homeless motorhome is concerned. The representative at the Ford® dealership suggested that a cash deposit be made to reserve the “pre-owned” Transit cargo van. No such action was taken. It is as if there is a secret desire to see the cargo van sold to someone else. Why? Well, there are many doubts about the feasibility of the entire “vandweller” concept as it pertains to a local implementation.
On a side note, a conversation with Junior, another gym buddy, revealed that he is residing at Island West Apartments at the edge of Kalihi. His rent is $700 per month for a studio. That’s about the lowest rent on the island. There was some thought about pursuing rental housing there, but other details about the place were disturbing. The tenants are mostly ex-convicts and Micronesians. Yeah, the homeless motorhome is looking better all the time.
Wednesday, August 21
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Ford® Transit |
The continuing heatwave made the trip by bus to the Ford® dealership (in scenic Kalihi) very miserable. However, both the “pre-owned” and new Transit cargo vans were perused. The “pre-owned” Transit was also taken on a test drive. There is no doubt that the Transit, albeit huge, is the best candidate for a homeless motorhome.
Another chat with Randy (the contractor) ensued this afternoon. Chats have been frequent because he is renovating one of the small walk-up apartment buildings near the “old folks home” in Waikiki. Aside from the usual small talk, a query was made about the cost to install a roof vent on a cargo van and whether he would be able to do the job. Randy said that he would do the job for just the cost of covering two grinding wheels.
Randy also provided a few tips about where to park the homeless motorhome. The network of people from the Sand Island homeless shelter has proven to be far more valuable than the “garden variety” Satanic gargoyle who have never been homeless.
In the last chat with Randy a week or so ago, he mentioned that there has been a succession of three resident managers at the “old folks home” in Pearl City during his tenure there. There apparently was a scandal similar to what is occurring at the “old folks home” in Waikiki. Surprisingly, one of the managers was terminated. Of course, there’s no surprise that Locations is the property management firm.
Incidentally, there have been only a handful of listings of “affordable” rental housing (of which one was a clear scam). However, the desired tenants appear to be university students or working professionals (read: wage slaves). Senior citizens need not apply. No slumlord wants to rent housing to a senior citizen because the latter might “keel over” at any time.
Addendum: The quest for a “pre-owned” homeless motorhome, as opposed to purchasing new, is gaining traction. A “pre-owned” vehicle will sport a variety of cosmetic damage. Thus, the obsessive need to care for the vehicle diminishes significantly.
Monday, August 19
Edging Towards Death
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TheBus |
No Hawai’i Kai visit today because moms had a medical appointment. The “free” time allowed for a jaunt to the Ram® dealership in Kane’ohe, the only one that stocks the Promaster cargo van. The total commute time, to and from the dealership amounted to three hours because of revamped bus routes serving the Windward area. Fortunately, wait times were were minimal. The time spent at the dealership was less than half-an-hour and disappointing at best. The quoted price for the smallest Promaster cargo van was more than the quoted price for a larger Ford® Transit model. WTF?
The average amount of time spent commuting by bus daily is about two hours. Total wait time can and often exceeds 90 minutes. Add in an odd errand as the aforementioned trip to Kane’ohe and the amount of time waiting and riding the bus becomes significant. Today, that amounted to six hours. Every hour that passes is one hour hour closer to death.
Part of the journey by bus today included scenic Kalihi. Actually, it’s a slum, plain and simple. There’s no paradise in Kalihi. To be fair, most of the neighborhoods on the island are gradually devolving into Kalihi-like dumps.
Ghetto is Honolulu! Really? Yes, really. The homeless, the derelicts, the “blahlah” locals ... there’s just no escape. And, it gets worse by the day. Even the gym in town is not excluded. On any given day, there is some form of dereliction on display (e.g., derelict sleeping in locker room). Of course, that’s the “norm” everywhere in town ... the fast food joint, Fort Street Mall, Chinatown, and so forth. As the old saying goes, “Lucky you live Hawai’i.” What a crock of shit!
Addendum: There has been minor effort expended in search of rental housing that runs less than $800 per month. There were about three out of the hundreds of listings. Of course, there is little chance of securing any kind of rental housing because of age discrimination and income disqualification (see previous Notes on the topic). Then, there’s the issue of dealing with landlords, neighbors, and assorted other fools.
Update: The Ford® dealership in town has a “pre-owned” 2017 Transit cargo van for sale. Contact with the dealership was established early on to obtain a price quote for a new Transit cargo van (about $41,000 out-the-door). The “pre-owned” Transit is priced at $30,000 out-the-door). A visit has been scheduled for midweek to inspect both models.
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