Wednesday, October 2

What is “Life”?

The answer has certainly been obfuscated by every aspect of “society” (or the failed “civilization” paradigm). The crux of the problem is the monetization and commodification of the entirety of human existence as well as the forced repression of the “inner animal.”

Nowhere was the aforementioned fact made more certain than the perusal of the mass amount of useless books that have been published in recent times. The waste of paper should have been appalling enough. However, the vapid musings of contemporary authorship confirms that quantity supersedes quality. The focus is primarily on book royalties.

With that said, there is no part of the human experience (read: “life”) that has not been debauched by commodification. The quality of any experience is a function of the ability to pay. Yet, even the highest tier of experiences take on a gaudier form of grotesquerie. Take the case of the tourism and travel industry, for example. What a damned joke!

There is a need to “step back” and observe the “big picture.” Understanding that “life” has been cheapened and reduced to a ubiquitous and endless shopping excursion should give pause for reflection. When every path is reduced to the consumerist decision tree, then an exit strategy becomes imperative.

The example of current literature was highlighted because nothing could be more obvious than the mental midgets who attempt to impersonate the “great thinkers.” The hyperbole, the “political correctness,” the useless jargon, the “woke” bullshit, the substitution of an asterisk for a letter in a cuss word ... all of it is marketing not thinking. This is a brain-dead society, heavily steeped in malignant activities to deny mortality.

There really is no need to babble on about the matter ad infinitum. Careful observation is all that’s necessary. An hour or two of simply observing the human (read: chimpo sapiens) environment will reveal the truth. Of course, the mind must be willing to accept the truth (the basis of which has been discussed in Notes). Once the truth is grasped, real decisions can subsequently be executed.

Addendum: There has been one book of interest, “Natural Causes” by Barbara Ehrenreich. With nearly half of the book read so far, the preliminary verdict is positive.

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