Tuesday, August 27

Et Tu, Brute?

The situation with moms has proven to be quite heartbreaking. What’s even worse is that moms is being treated in a degrading fashion, whether intentional or not. Senior citizens deserve to be treated with dignity during their most trying times. Instead, most people often resort to Draconian measures as though they are dealing with mischievous children. While of sound mind, moms made the decision to relinquish control of her life to the sister-in-law. That cannot be rescinded, not even by moms herself. Upon further reflection, there can be no doubt that moms is suffering from regret and depression. Moms’ will to live has also vanished. How long before moms succumbs?

A nice chat ensued with the formerly-homeless buddy this morning in town. He was assisting a Vietnamese buddy, an undocumented immigrant homeless guy who is here by sad circumstances, with paying his bills. The formerly-homeless buddy will be providing some good locations for the future homeless motorhome to park overnight. The formerly-homeless buddy has also offered his parking spot and space in his cottage at the “old folks home” in Wailua. He also said that the whole apartment can be used when he is gone on a trip to China for a few months.

A quick stop at the Hale Koa Hotel overflow parking lot on Saratoga Ave proved productive. A couple of employees were there to answer questions. Monthly parking is $170 per month and is not mandated to commence on the 1st of the month. The first month parking fee and $10 processing fee must be paid in person at the main office in the parking garage about a block away. Thereafter, the parking pass can be renewed at the automated kiosk.

The Enterprise® CarShare membership will be terminated within the next month. As moms is no longer allowed to venture outside of the house, there will be no need to rent a vehicle or maintain the account. All subsequent trips to Hawai’i Kai will incorporate the future homeless motorhome.

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