Wednesday, November 20

The “Green” Farce

As often discussed in Notes, the greatest threat facing all life forms on the planet is global climate change as perpetrated entirely by the chimpo sapiens species. The root cause is overpopulation. Then, there is the failed “civilization” paradigm which requires infinite economic growth to remain viable. By implication, everyone must increase their personal ecological “footprint” through increased activity and consumption.

Any attempt to mitigate the effects of global climate change by reducing “greenhouse” gases (to stabilize global temperatures) is doomed to failure. Draconian measures would have to be invoked. Human activities would have to be significantly curtailed. Ecological “footprints” would have to be curbed. Drastic life-style changes would be required. That’s not going to happen.

Any attempt to modify the “system” would cause massive social upheaval amongst the most vulnerable (i.e., “deplorables”). Anarchy would be a more appropriate description. Many of the “green” policies that are being floated will cause a significant increase in global aggregate unemployment. Economic inequality, already a threat to stability, would then surpass the ability to maintain any order or a “civil society.” The oligarchy will not be exempt, but who really cares about them? Nonetheless, the ramifications are unfathomable.

The earth is already past the “tipping point” insofar as its physical and natural systems are concerned. However, the artificial “system” created by humans has also passed the “point of no return.” Humanity will barrel toward self-destruction in a semi-orderly manner without impediment. It has no other choice but to choose denial ... “face the music” now, or put off the inevitable until later.

The effects of global climate change will most likely begin manifesting itself in more violent ways within the next five years, far earlier than all of the conservative predictions. The possibility exists for crude “half-ass” measures being taken then, but that, in itself, may provoke social upheaval. In other words, there’s almost no way to plan for the future. Will money be worth anything then?

Addendum: An important article titled, “World Scientists’ Warning of a Climate Emergency,” in the journal BioScience is recommended reading.

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