Wednesday, April 7


The “science” of the “super-duper corona” tiered reopening would have mandated a reversion to “Tier 2” tomorrow. The “super-duper corona” 7-day moving average for the past two weeks would have reinforced the reversion. However, the new mayor has announced that he is “dead set against” moving back to “Tier 2” anytime soon.

One of the senators from Hawai’i has also announced that he is in firm agreement with the mayor. Oddly, the senator in question was “all in” with the “lockdowns” and other plan-demic bullshit. Why the sudden change of heart?

Well, the reason for the leniency in policy is the mRNA “vaccine.” Yet, with less than half of the local population “inoculated,” the latter reason really makes no sense. And, by the way, how many of the 25,000+ tourists arriving daily are “vaccinated”? The truth of the matter is that the Fascists are “winging it.”

Nonetheless, there has been a renewed public outcry. The fear of death has returned “with a vengeance.” People are demanding that the mayor move back to “Tier 2” immediately. If all of this crap wasn’t so pathetic, it would be laughable.

Addendum: Waikiki is obviously extremely crowded these days. Observations clearly indicate that the only “super-duper corona” mandate that is being taken somewhat seriously is the face mask requirement (if even that). There are no signs of any kind of enforcement either. Very odd, eh?

Update: There was much elation to see that the readership of Notes is now down to less than five per day. Excellent! Zero is the ultimate goal.

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