Saturday, April 10


“Star Trek: First Contact”

In the handful of episodes of the “Star Trek: TNG” series, wherein the USS Enterprise travels back in time (usually via a wormhole), the crew encounters inhabitants from that earlier time period. Inevitably, Captain Picard describes what life in the 24th century is like. A similar encounter can be seen in the major motion picture release, “Star Trek: First Contact.”

“Great Reset”

The future era that Captain Picard describes is eerily reminiscent to what was optimistically conveyed by the dubious “Great Reset” promotional video that was released by the WEF. What is going on here?

In actuality, this is not coincidence. Many scientists, engineers, futurists, and technology oligarchs were adolescents or young adults when the first “Star Trek” series premiered on the tube back in the sixties. Then, they graduated to the much more seasoned “TNG” series, which had diverse intellectual, philosophical, and sociological content. Those images and ideas have obviously had a profound and influential effect. Of course, that’s the reason why “TNG” continues be popular even today, something that the newer franchise offshoots have failed to achieve.

Unfortunately, a few members of the aforementioned audience have become very affluent and very powerful. Their vision, a warped utopian future, has been tainted by their perceived mortality. Hence, with time being of the essence, this faction of the ruling élite has become a malignant Fascist tumor. They are more like the Borg, desiring to forcibly assimilate the masses into the collective “hive,” because they know what’s best for everyone. That’s the megalomaniacal hubris which is clearly on display today.

Clearly, what is being discussed here has already been documented by the Great Prophet, Ernest Becker, in his seminal treatise, “Escape From Evil.” The psychopathology of the ruling élite is the “textbook” example. Unless the masses of “deplorables” come to fully understand that mortality, wealth, and power combined creates an omnipotent synergistic “evil,” they will insure their own demise.

Addendum: A quick on-line search will easily find numerous repositories of the WEF promotional video.

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