“I’m not an anti-vaxxer. But I’m concerned about how fast the vaccines went to market. Nevertheless, I took my first shot at LCC on Tuesday. I have to take my second shot at Neal Blaisdell. And I will be there, skeptical about the long-term effects on my health, but self-aware that I could be a potential vector, and give it somebody else in the short-term. I’d rather die than be responsible for somebody else’s death.”
Friday, April 30
Peak Monkey
Thursday, April 29
Upon reading the transcripts of two lengthy interviews with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, there can be no doubt that he is both well versed and completely knowledgeable about about domestic and international affairs. The same can be said about Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Compare and contrast that with the counterparts of empire, the ones who simply engage in cloned “talking points,” empty rhetoric, fabrications, and idle threats. Obviously, these individuals are holographic monkeys. They are highly compensated sycophants whose only purpose is to “toe the line” for conspiratorial and shadowy figures “up the food chain” (i.e., the ruling élite).
As discussed in Notes previously, the same conspirators are choreographing the “super-duper corona” plan-demic and coordinating the efforts of “Big Government,” “Big Medicine,” and “Big Pharma” to effectively control the masses of “deplorables.”
The same conspirators are pitting “Big Government” against the private sector. The “social justice” riots and the “lockdowns” are being used to extort the capitulation of any business that defies the “woke” agenda and the Fascist objectives of the plan-demic. Little wonder why the entire private sector is now “all in” with the mRNA “vaccination” scheme.
The “Deep State” and the military-industrial complex share many of the same goals of the ruling élite. Thus, both are “all in” with the program. Their focus is much narrower, mainly neutralizing multipolar nation-states such as China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran.
The ruling élite, the ones way “up the food chain,” are the “transhumanist” oligarchs … the organ grinder who subordinates the monkey. They are the choreographers.
Addendum: As previously discussed in Notes, “Orange Bad Man” had “sold out” prior to leaving office. The most telltale sign is when he embraced the “super-duper corona” mRNA “vaccine” and began pushing mass “vaccination.” “Orange Bad Man” is now a “tool” and should be ignored at all costs.
Wednesday, April 28
With the new CDC face mask guidance for “vaccinated” individuals just released, there was a pressing need to peruse the local news coverage. Of primary interest were the on-line comments of local residents.
Needless to say, there was no disappointment. Once again, the imbeciles were a significant presence. There was much bravado about being “vaccinated.” A large number of idiots were adamant about wearing face masks full time no matter what. And, the sheer number of idiots who referred to the “science” was staggering. Just mentioning the word “science” apparently gives their comments validity as if they were intellectuals. They have no idea what science really is, except for a class that they might have had in high school. Of course, the fear of death was obviously still lurking strongly beneath the surface superficiality.
There are many more physicians speaking up about the “super-duper corona” plan-demic and the mRNA “vaccines.” Essentially, they are “whistleblowers.” Most have been ridiculed, ostracized, and censored. Some have had “gag orders” placed on them. Clearly, there is a conspiracy. And, the perpetrators are “high up the food chain.”
Miscellany: At this point in time, a mass disassociation policy has been put into effect. Absolutely no contact will be initiated or reciprocated with “garden variety” chimpo sapiens. The experience would be too excruciatingly painful and must be avoided at all cost.
Tuesday, April 27
Says it all, doesn’t it?
An interesting observation … lots of fat slobs everywhere chain-smoking cigarettes. After they are done, they put their face masks on. The fools are deathly afraid of “super-duper corona,” but ambivalent toward their obvious health issues. Stupidity knows no bounds.
Personally, there has been little desire to post updates to Notes. The “super-duper corona” plan-demic, after over a year of chiseling away at the psyche, has taken a toll. And, with so many hours spent idle in the mausoleum at the “old folks home” in Waikiki, there is absolutely nothing to discuss … we’ll, except for “super-duper corona.”
The weather abruptly turned much warmer a few days ago. The Mainstays® quartz space heater was boxed up and will remain that way for at least eight months. The box sits next to the two gym bags that remain packed with all worldly possessions. Yes, nothing was ever unpacked ever since the days at the Sand Island homeless shelter.
Some “stuff” has been donated at the community table in the small elevator lobby adjacent to the common hallway and balcony. Anything that has not been used for a year is a candidate for divestiture. That’s why all purchases are of disposable quality at best.
Plastic recycling is slated to end soon. Personal contribution is so minor … what, maybe one plastic container every couple of weeks. Then, it has to be transported to one of the small blue bins on Kuhio Avenue. Just one look in the dumpster at the “old folks home” is enough to see the futility of the effort … lots of plastic shit.
Over 70GB of cellular data was used during the last month of service. That’s a record considering the limited approved sites on the Net. Ooof!
Miscellany: Although the default search engine on the iPhone 12 Safari browser has been set to DuckDuckGo, a manual transition to Gibiru is forthcoming.
Monday, April 26
The “super-duper corona” plan-demic is getting to be a little tiring, eh? Same ol’ shit … wash, rinse, repeat. There are, however, a few oddities that have become evident throughout the sordid choreography.
On face value, there seems to no other ultimate goal than to pad the profits of “Big Pharma.” Yes, there are some aspects of the “Great Reset” that seem to come into play, but nothing overwhelming so far. The Draconian measures and mitigation schemes implemented (i.e., face masks, quarantine, “social distancing,” “lockdowns,” “vaccine passports”) by “Western” national governments only seem to be a precursor for mandatory mRNA “vaccinations.” Is this the end of the story?
There are numerous “conspiracy theories” about the mRNA “vaccine” including its use to inject infertility and euthanasia agents or to modify cellular DNA. So far, there is no proof of any of that. There have been numerous contraindications, side effects, and deaths related to the “vaccine,” but not on a grand scale. The only obvious possibility, as delineated previously in Notes, is that the mRNA “vaccine” is being used experimentally on masses of unwitting dupes in order to perfect the process for future gene-altering “transhuman” concoctions (made exclusively for the ruling élite).
And, what about the Draconian measures mentioned previously? There has been much propaganda that the aforementioned measures were modeled after the response of the Chinese authorities to the (alleged) original outbreak in Wuhan. Obviously, that’s not exactly true.
Chinese authorities responded to the Wuhan outbreak in a manner that would have been fashioned for the aftermath of biological warfare. Indeed, there were several previous outbreaks of contagions in China affecting both humans and animals, more so than could be considered “normal.” No doubt, the Chinese have always suspected state-sponsored biological warfare. Therefore, the outbreak in Wuhan of “super-duper corona” invoked a quasi-military operation. All personal were equipped with full “hazmat” gear, which would be considered “overkill” for such a situation.
Make no mistake, though. The ruling élite is not going to let a good crisis go to waste. The “Great Reset” is here. To what extent and to what level of evil that those megalomaniacs will stoop remains uncertain.
Addendum: The reason that the machinations of the ruling élite cannot be clearly discerned is … entropy. The world is already in a fairly disorganized state (i.e., high entropy). The ruling élite is attempting to force its version of order on an unordered system, which is causing more disorder.
Wednesday, April 21
Coronaversary Redux
Yesterday marked the one-year “coronaversary” of the idiotic face mask mandate in Hawai’i. And, the latter still in effect, but it now is a full-time requirement. Personally, the “line was drawn in the sand” prior to the modified full-time mandate.
Fortunately, the truth about the “super-duper corona” plan-demic, the pathetic PCR tests, the ineffectiveness of “lockdowns” and “social distancing,” all of it can be found on the Net through rigorous search. In addition, many more qualified professionals are speaking out finally.
There’s also much more important information available about the experimental mRNA “vaccines.” First, there were never any animal trials. Second, the human trials have just been “unblinded.” The placebo group has been issued the “vaccine,” so the trial is effectively nullified. Thus, any complications that arise from the “vaccine” in the long term can be plausibly denied. Of course, that’s moot because “Big Pharma” is not liable for any damages resulting from the “vaccines” as stated in the emergency authorization.
The empire is rotting from within, and the entire edifice is near collapse. The sooner, the better. Aside from the provocations in Ukraine, the empire was discovered to be complicit in an assassination attempt on President Lukashenko of Belarus. The common thread is covert aggression toward the Russian Federation. Of course, there is no mention of the events in the “mainstream” media. The one and only narrative concerning Russia is that of the traitorous Navalnyi character, who is allegedly near death because of a self-imposed hunger strike. Whether the true motive of the provocations is to stop the Nord Stream pipeline project, the latter is inconsequential. The real problem is that any miscalculation could lead to a “hot war.”
Visits to Notes has dwindled down to about two or three per day. Excellent! The task of maintaining Notes has become cumbersome and, frankly, undesirable. It’s immediate future is uncertain.
Sunday, April 18
Nice Day Redux
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Waikiki Beach |
Friday, April 16
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Telefon |
The mausoleum at the “old folks home” in Waikiki is situated at the end of the hallway (open-air side), so there is only one adjacent neighbor. That’s been ideal since the neighbors are extremely quiet ... that is, until two days ago. The neighbors seem to have acquired a landline phone. So, every morning commencing circa 4 o’ click, the phone “rings.” Then, that’s repeated every ten minutes for three or four cycles. Sleep has become difficult, to say the least. Why do senior citizens live landline phones?
In any case, a small pack of foam earplugs was purchased at Longs® for less than two dollars. Thank goodness for the $2 rewards coupon! Sadly, a huge supply of foam earplugs was divested a couple of years ago. The plan was to wean off the earplugs in order decrease dependence on them (in what was preparation for the motorhomeless option).
Insomnia and sleep problems have become ubiquitous during the “super-duper corona” plan-demic. With lives and life-styles in disarray, who can possibly sleep soundly?
Anyway, sleep deprivation is always a good excuse to procure another cup of coffee at the fast food joint in town. The caffeine certainly facilitates the completion of the usual workout at the gym. Sheesh!
Addendum: Dining at Panda Express at Ala Moana Center has become somewhat laborious. The whole experience has degenerated since the crowds returned. Canned chili with beans may become the default dinner fare.
Miscellany: The one great benefit about questioning anyone’s blind submission to the mRNA “vaccine” is that those individuals will subsequently disassociate themselves. Good riddance!
Update: Currently, over 65% of the local population has been administered the mRNA “vaccine.” Because this is a “Blue” state, expect close to 100% “vaccinated” before Summer.
Thursday, April 15
- September 11th “terrorist” attack
- Saddam Hussein (Iraq) and WMDs
- 2007 financial “crisis”
- Muammar al-Gaddafi (Libya)
- Bashar al-Assad (Syria)
- (S)election 2020
- Vladimir Putin (Russia) and “Russia-gate”
- All things China
Tuesday, April 13
Mausoleum 2021
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Mainstays® Quartz Heater |
Sunday, April 11
The governor of Hawai’i announced the initial phase of what could ultimately be a “vaccine passport” for the islands. Tourists arriving here with “vaccine” documentation will be able to waive any “super-duper corona” testing or quarantine requirements. The governor also extended the eviction moratorium to June 8th, for what that’s worth.
Last night, an armed military officer barricaded himself in his hotel room at the posh Kahala Hotel and Resort. After discharging his weapon in the room, the hotel was evacuated and police called in. No other details than he was found deceased with self-inflicted gunshot wounds. As stated previously in Notes, crime is rising rapidly. “Super-duper corona” has caused people to go completely berserk.
The empire-wide face mask mandate is scheduled to end on April 39th. That’s not likely to happen, eh? The empire’s Department of Health and Human Services is sponsoring a contest. The winner will receive $500,000 for the best face mask design ever (i.e., comfortable and can be worn all day and all night). Quite obvious where this is going, eh?
The $1,400 “stimulus” was received a few days ago. Unlike other “deplorables,” the puny sum will not be spent foolishly. Personal austerity measures remain in effect. The boycott of superfluous junk also remains in effect. All material possessions will be deployed as long as possible before replacement.
Well, liberties were taken to procure coffee at the fast food joint in town on select days. Sometimes the one cup of instant coffee in the morning is just not enough.
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Delicious Orange |
Finally, the purchase and consumption of fruit has finally come to fruition. Fruit, by the way, is very expensive in Hawai’i. Of course, before consumption, each piece of fruit must be admired for its aesthetic qualities and unique natural packaging. Then, every delicious mouthful is savored.
Saturday, April 10
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“Star Trek: First Contact” |
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“Great Reset” |
Friday, April 9
Too Pathetic
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Yum! |
Much consideration is being given to revert back to the meals of “the days of old.” Of course, the most cost-effective option would be two cans of Great Value® pork & beans and one can of Great Value® mixed vegetables. Both entrées will be served up with slices of Great Value® wheat bread. And dessert? Great Value® cinnamon raisin bagels, of course!
Even though the price of the canned goods have gone up four cents since last week, the total for a full meal will $3 and some change. And, all the items are procured from Walmart® in town. Wheee!
By the way, the big-ass can of Hormel® chili with beans will only be procured for special occasions. There’s too much saturated fat content because of the beef and pork byproducts.
What brought on this level of frugality and dereliction? Well, dining at Ala Moana Center is down to two days per week for a nice Panda Express® meal. The dining experience there has become extremely frustrating. The waiting line to enter the dining area is long. The reason? The uncouth patrons leave the tables and chairs covered with food and trash. So, the staff must spend time to clean up after the slobs. Then, when seated, the ambiance quickly turn to chaos. Mindless idiots are constantly slipping through the makeshift partitions. Other idiots, along with their offspring, are literally running amuck in the crowded area. Often, they come close to knocking the tables over. As stated previously in Notes, the chimpo sapiens no longer know how to act in public.
Subway® meals are ordered on-line and retrieved in Waikiki. The sandwiches are then consumed in the mausoleum in the “old folks home.” Not a great dining experience, to say the least. In addition, that particular location is aggressively exploiting “shrinkflation.” However, it is the only location in Waikiki with the lowest prices. So far, patronage has been limited to five days per week. Most likely, there will be reduction to a maximum of three days per week.
The sad part is that more time will be spent in isolation in the mausoleum at the “old folks home.” Then, a gradual acceptance will transpire. Soon afterward, resignation and voluntary self-incarceration will become a permanent life-style. Another hapless minion of the “new normal,” eh?
Incidentally, violent crime is increasing in Hawai’i. Lots of homicides. Lots of road rage. Robberies have also increased. Traffic accidents have proliferated, even though traffic is not as bad as it was before the “super-duper corona” plan-demic. As stated previously, people just don’t know how to act in public anymore.
Thursday, April 8
Very Pathetic
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The Masses |
The governor of Hawai’i has allowed for a four-week extension of “Tier 3” restrictions for the island pending a review of the mayor’s potential restructuring of the “super-duper corona” tiered “reopening” guidelines. The rationale is that nearly 100% of local residents will have been treated with the mRNA “vaccine.” So, no reversion to “Tier 2,” thank goodness.
In chatting with various geriatric peers, the jubilation at receiving the mRNA “vaccine” was clearly evident. No one expressed any skepticism about the experimental status of the “vaccine.” Instead, they were relieved in the certainty of not dying from “super-duper corona.”
The governor has yet to extend the eviction moratorium, which expires in four days. In the meantime, observations yield that homelessness is rising rapidly. Obviously, none of the newly homeless are from the mainland empire, what with all the travel restrictions. The “authorities” also cleared over 30 homeless encampments from Diamond Head this week. A bad omen indeed.
Miscellany: As part of the process of personal simplification, the need to reduce the number of e-mail providers has become a priority. The only obstacle is the inability to change the contact e-mail address for a couple of superfluous on-line accounts. The accounts in question may have to be closed and new accounts set up as replacements.
Wednesday, April 7
The “science” of the “super-duper corona” tiered reopening would have mandated a reversion to “Tier 2” tomorrow. The “super-duper corona” 7-day moving average for the past two weeks would have reinforced the reversion. However, the new mayor has announced that he is “dead set against” moving back to “Tier 2” anytime soon.
One of the senators from Hawai’i has also announced that he is in firm agreement with the mayor. Oddly, the senator in question was “all in” with the “lockdowns” and other plan-demic bullshit. Why the sudden change of heart?
Well, the reason for the leniency in policy is the mRNA “vaccine.” Yet, with less than half of the local population “inoculated,” the latter reason really makes no sense. And, by the way, how many of the 25,000+ tourists arriving daily are “vaccinated”? The truth of the matter is that the Fascists are “winging it.”
Nonetheless, there has been a renewed public outcry. The fear of death has returned “with a vengeance.” People are demanding that the mayor move back to “Tier 2” immediately. If all of this crap wasn’t so pathetic, it would be laughable.
Addendum: Waikiki is obviously extremely crowded these days. Observations clearly indicate that the only “super-duper corona” mandate that is being taken somewhat seriously is the face mask requirement (if even that). There are no signs of any kind of enforcement either. Very odd, eh?
Update: There was much elation to see that the readership of Notes is now down to less than five per day. Excellent! Zero is the ultimate goal.
Monday, April 5
Sunday, April 4
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“Shrinkflation” |
Saturday, April 3
Chili Beans & War
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Peak Beans |
Another day, another dollar ... short. A big-ass can of Hormel® chili with beans was purchased for $3 at Walmart®. That, and one of those tiny pumpkin pies for dessert. Yes, the poor man’s dinner! There was no desire to make the trek to Ala Moana Center for dinner. Friday and Saturday evening are extremely crowded. And, the mass stupidity simply kills the appetite.
Over 27,000 tourists arrive in Hawai’i on Friday. That’s 90% of peak arrivals before the “super-duper corona” plan-demic. The bad news is that the Fascists have now completely embraced the idea of a “vaccine passport.” The State plans to fast-track the implementation, so Hawai’i may be one of the first states to invoke a full totalitarian policy.
On March 24th, the Ukrainian president signed a decree (with much encouragement by empire) that essentially declares war on Russia. Hostilities have already escalated in the Donetsk region. At this time Russian troops and heavy artillery are moving into place along the Ukrainian border and into Crimea. Paul Craig Roberts has been warning about this situation for a while. Both Ukraine and Taiwan are considered “flashpoints” that could easily escalate to a “hot” war with Russia and China, respectively. Of course, not a word appeared in the “mainstream” media.
Miscellany: The plantar warts have returned. Well, at least the two disgusting growths on the left foot. Self-treatment will commence tomorrow. Oh, the tribulations of senior citizens!