Friday, May 8


The number of confirmed “super-duper” corona” cases has been increasing, but not because of “super-duper” powers of the path. Rather, the problem stems from the incompetence in dealing with tourist and returning resident arrivals at the airports. With the tourists, there appears to be no validation of an actual hotel reservation as required by the governor’s mandate. Many of the visitors are staying in vacation rentals.

Very few of the visitors and residents are following the mandatory 14-day self-quarantine. Enforcement is minimal as observed by the sheer number of tourists walking around Waikiki. What can be expected with the governor’s “honor system”? This is the nature of the hoax.

Fear of death is now effectively embedded in the psyche of the rank-and-file peons. “Social distancing” is becoming more hostile by the day as neurosis overrides normal brain functions of the gullible majority of the masses. The peons are become apparatchiks of the Fascist police state. These self-appointed agents are now a danger to themselves and everyone else.

What was remaining of the “Aloha Spirit” is now dead, another victim of “super-duper corona.” The “social distancing” and face mask requirements have converted all areas, public and private, into what resembles large concentration camps. There is no shortage of eager minimum wage agents shepherding the prisoners around, typical of the kapo-corona.

There is no doubt that the second wave of “super-duper corona” will arrive as early as Summer. Why?
  • First, there is no way to stop visitors from coming to Hawai’i and the governor’s mandates are about as effective as putting up a scarecrow at the airport.
  • Second, sequestering people in sedentary “lockdown” with all of their face masks, hand sanitizers, and disinfectant wipes has created a weakened population with absolutely no immunity.
The cycle will continue ad infinitum with more deaths allegedly caused by “super-duper corona” and by suicide. In the end, it was the fear of death that killed them all. Ironic.

Update: The Fascists have concocted a few idiotic ideas to monitor tourists’ compliance to the 14-day self-quarantine, all too ludicrous to waste any time listing them in Notes.

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