Monday, May 11

Project Fear Redux

There are very few of the rank-and-file peons remaining who have not capitulated to the fear of death narrative that is being overplayed. Thus, nearly everyone is now wearing face masks full-time. There are also lot more blue rubber gloves spotted amongst them as well. And, a handful of people have already invested in huge plastic face shields, also worn full-time.

Not a day goes by without an inundation of e-mail, text messages, social media bullshit, and “mainstream” media propaganda about “super-duper corona.” Even while riding the bus, various recorded messages are blaring away, including the all-time favorite, “A reminder that the bus should only be ridden for essential purposes. Stay home, stay healthy.”

Project Fear has gone “whole hog” while various states in empire are, in direct contradiction, concurrently attempting to “reopen.” What gives? Fascist politicians are certainly not going to cross their “Big Money” handlers. These Fascists are awaiting lucrative positions in the private sector once their political tenure has expired. As “they” say, “Never bite the hand that feeds you.”

The latest from the on-going Project Fear narrative includes:
  1. Children are not safe from “super-duper corona.” They are now at high risk of suffering adverse heart problems similar to Kawasaki’s Disease. Stay home with your children, stay healthy.
  2. Young, seemingly healthy, adults are at risk of suffering severe illness or death from “super-duper corona.” Stay home, stay healthy.
  3. “Super-duper corona” has now mutated into different strains. Stay home, stay healthy.
There is never any data to substantiate the claims of the latest Project Fear narratives. Only a handful of cases are highlighted. Humans are not clones of each other. So, individual immune systems are different. Thus, each individual immune system will react differently to intrusive pathogens.

Viruses always mutate, which is why there is never one universal vaccine. In most cases, virus mutations make it milder. After all, the virus is attempting to survive and replicate. So, its single RNA will evolve to do so.

And, even when actual people are highlighted, they are always the ones who have experienced extreme “super-duper corona” symptoms, often requiring hospitalization. There’s never been any focus on the people with mild symptoms. Fearmongering can only continue unabated when the fear of death is “amped up” constantly.

Returning to the glaring contradiction of the Fascists, there can be no doubt that there is a hidden agenda at play (as discussed previously in Notes). The Fascists politicians and their handlers are ... well, Fascists. They are “all in this together.” So, the contradictions are part of the plan to obfuscate the truth, then separate and reduce the masses to subservient automatons.

The “lockdown” has been used to force people into isolation. Aside from the developing various psychopathologies (as detailed in Notes previously), the hermits will be forced to use social media conduits to communicate with friends, family and other associates. Of course, if the hermits attempt to question or sow discontent about Project Fear, then their accounts are terminated (read: censored). As isolation continues, the fear of others (read: strangers) amplifies to a level of grotesquerie previously unimaginable. The ability to properly function in society degenerates to that of a troglodyte.

“Social distancing” and the infamous muzzle ... errr, face mask ... are used to literally keep people apart. Direct conversation has been literally mummified. The ability to gather in groups has been outlawed. Organized groups (i.e., churches) have been muzzled as well. Any group can quickly become a threat to the Fascists and must be shut down. In other words, society will be dismantled to create a more uniform and controlled order.

The “new normal” as “lockdown” eases is just more of the same ol’ shit. “Social distancing” and the face mask muzzle will essentially convert everyone to faceless, speechless, spineless consumers. Go out, buy useless shit, go home. Stay home, stay healthy.

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