Thursday, May 14


The World Health Organization (WHO) has been adamant about the global “lockdown” and continues to admonish nations that refuse to invoke the latter. Now, both WHO and the UN raised concerns about the mental health of people in “lockdown.” The doublespeak and hypocrisy on display is at the heart of the hoax. And, that hoax is now essentially a huge “clusterfuck.”

The Fascists have worked relentlessly to break the will of the rank-and file peons. Even with the harnessing of immense willpower, there has been a toll on personal psyche. While still not at the Fascists’ desired breaking point, an increased level of angst has been personally experienced.

The mind begins to existentially separate from the physical body, similar to an out-of-body experience. The mind then becomes a neutral third-party observer of the empty shell that awaits release from incarceration. The mind sees the body deteriorating.

Venturing outside of the mausoleum-turned-prison is surreal to the point of causing severe incongruence. Walking about the literally faceless crowd is interpreted by the mind as a near-death experience. The faceless crowd appears to be in a comatose stupor. The mind wonders whether any of them are even remotely sentient anymore.

Only the wide-open eyes of the “super-duper corona” zombies can be seen. Gazing into the pupils of the automatons unveils the sheer terror associated with the fear of death. It is the psychopathology of fear that has essentially caused the death of their minds.

This is not a healthy environment. Even the morning walk to the beach and Fudgepacker Park can be likened to traipsing along in a hospital ward. With their face masks on, the zombies look weak and sickly. They will be easy prey for the next “wave” of “super-duper corona.”

Intense fear weakens the body and its immune system. Fear provokes a “fight or flight” response. However, when neither option exists, the mind and body prepare for the inevitable ... death. Hopelessness and chronic depression become overpowering until the weakened zombie suffers a mental breakdown or abruptly terminates the ordeal by hand.

Personally, every aspect (of which there were few) of the mendicant monk life-style has been put on hiatus thanks to the Fascists. With the “new normal” firmly established, there is no hope. This is the beginning of a very controlled life, with constant surveillance and monitoring. Freedom to move about is now essentially a “cattle drive.” Any personal expression will be funneled into censored technological conduits. Full faces will never be revealed again. Society will become purely “virtual.” The masses are being slowly embalmed alive by the “clusterfuck.”

Addendum: The Supreme Court of the State of Wisconsin overturned the “lockdown” mandate. The masses went “hog wild,” even shunning the use of face masks. Bars were filled to capacity for the celebration with no concern over “social distancing.” Liberation!

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