Sunday, May 31


The unforeseen “wildcard” of Entropy 2020 has been “super-duper corona,” although the “great unraveling” commenced much earlier. The pandemic, real or imaginary, only accelerated the process by triggering the demolition of “society.” With that said, the failed “civilization” paradigm came to fruition.

In the personal microcosm, the collapse of the entire edifice of “life” was set in motion by the abrupt severance of familial obligations in October of last year. The decision was painful, but there was no other recourse given the despicable machinations at play. In effect, the latter was an act of desperation for personal salvation. There is no turning back now. The only regret is the perceived disrespect for the personage of moms. Not even a last good-bye was proffered.

The sequestration of the masses most likely resulted in various psychopathology shared by all. Personally, isolation had little effect. The same could be said of “social distancing.” Immunity from the adverse effects of isolation is an advantage of being a pariah and misanthrope.

The most egregious effect of the malignant policies of the Fascists has been the unnecessary constraints on personal freedom. The ability to move freely and to be able to stand or sit anywhere was curtailed, exactly the same policies maliciously applied to the homeless. That alone changed every aspect of  a previously defined transient life-style.

With the entirety of personal life-style destroyed over the course of a little over two months, confusion and incongruence became overwhelming. The inability to perform workouts at the gym only exacerbated the problem as the physical body began to atrophy. Taking the advanced age of 65 years into consideration only increased anxiety and rage.

For a senior citizen living in the last of the “good years,” two months of senseless and forced idle time is significant. Being robbed of what little is left of “independent living” is essentially incarceration. That lost time cannot be regained.

Meticulous considerations were employed to develop the minimalist life-style that served as adequate in value and satisfaction in the prior interim. That is now gone, and will most likely not be resurrected in the image of the “new normal.” Thus, heavy emphasis is being placed on a drastically revised life-style and locale.

The “lockdown” unveiled the true ugliness and the hideous “tropical theme park” grotesquerie that has been constructed for tourists. Every inch of Waikiki, in particular, was scrutinized. Yeah, it’s one big shopping mall. Lots of renovations are in progress in order to prepare for the opening of the floodgates of tourism again.

Aside from the weather, there is no advantage to residing here. Real estate and rentals prices are going to surge once tourism is restored. All other aspects of the cost of living will increase significantly as well. Another place of residence must be located soon.

There was some contemplation again about the motorhomeless option, but the latter plan may not be feasible now. The possibility of “peak homelessness” is high once all of the remaining unemployed wage slaves run out of money. Then, the streets will all look like Skid Row.

Time is running out, and the real threat of death is rapidly approaching. The question remains ... where to go?

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