Sunday, May 31
The unforeseen “wildcard” of Entropy 2020 has been “super-duper corona,” although the “great unraveling” commenced much earlier. The pandemic, real or imaginary, only accelerated the process by triggering the demolition of “society.” With that said, the failed “civilization” paradigm came to fruition.
In the personal microcosm, the collapse of the entire edifice of “life” was set in motion by the abrupt severance of familial obligations in October of last year. The decision was painful, but there was no other recourse given the despicable machinations at play. In effect, the latter was an act of desperation for personal salvation. There is no turning back now. The only regret is the perceived disrespect for the personage of moms. Not even a last good-bye was proffered.
The sequestration of the masses most likely resulted in various psychopathology shared by all. Personally, isolation had little effect. The same could be said of “social distancing.” Immunity from the adverse effects of isolation is an advantage of being a pariah and misanthrope.
The most egregious effect of the malignant policies of the Fascists has been the unnecessary constraints on personal freedom. The ability to move freely and to be able to stand or sit anywhere was curtailed, exactly the same policies maliciously applied to the homeless. That alone changed every aspect of a previously defined transient life-style.
With the entirety of personal life-style destroyed over the course of a little over two months, confusion and incongruence became overwhelming. The inability to perform workouts at the gym only exacerbated the problem as the physical body began to atrophy. Taking the advanced age of 65 years into consideration only increased anxiety and rage.
For a senior citizen living in the last of the “good years,” two months of senseless and forced idle time is significant. Being robbed of what little is left of “independent living” is essentially incarceration. That lost time cannot be regained.
Meticulous considerations were employed to develop the minimalist life-style that served as adequate in value and satisfaction in the prior interim. That is now gone, and will most likely not be resurrected in the image of the “new normal.” Thus, heavy emphasis is being placed on a drastically revised life-style and locale.
The “lockdown” unveiled the true ugliness and the hideous “tropical theme park” grotesquerie that has been constructed for tourists. Every inch of Waikiki, in particular, was scrutinized. Yeah, it’s one big shopping mall. Lots of renovations are in progress in order to prepare for the opening of the floodgates of tourism again.
Aside from the weather, there is no advantage to residing here. Real estate and rentals prices are going to surge once tourism is restored. All other aspects of the cost of living will increase significantly as well. Another place of residence must be located soon.
There was some contemplation again about the motorhomeless option, but the latter plan may not be feasible now. The possibility of “peak homelessness” is high once all of the remaining unemployed wage slaves run out of money. Then, the streets will all look like Skid Row.
Time is running out, and the real threat of death is rapidly approaching. The question remains ... where to go?
Saturday, May 30
Sycophantic Banality
After all of the “hullabaloo” about the Islamic hijab and veil, now look at all of the sycophantic hypocrites with their face masks. What is the difference? Religion? Nah, the face masks are a ritual part of the Church of Corona.
The same can be said of “racism,” the latest flare-up over yet another Fascist police state murder in empire as an example. Science has long proven that human “races” don’t exist. Other species of chimpo sapiens have gone extinct. Yet, stupid beliefs in minor distinguishing characteristics (e.g., skin color) perpetuates the myth and fuels needless stupidity. Discrimination based on ethnicity, religion, political affiliation, gender, ethnicity, and culture is equally ludicrous.
Being sequestered in “lockdown” has, of course, raised the awareness of just how petty human stupidity can go. Tolerance for stupidity is now at the lowest possible level. Humans have now reached a point where stupidity has trumped the basis of life and existence. Their stupidity, now matching that of common rocks, makes them worth nothing in the general scheme. They are all “useless eaters,” and the moneychangers and powers-that-be are even more self-justified in the control and/or eradication of the latter.
Addendum: An interesting article by Elizabeth Kolbert is featured on the National Geographic site that dispels the ridiculous myth of “race.” Embrace the truth! For more on the truth, refer to the Notes post, “Truth.”
Thursday, May 28
Excerpt — Answers
In the Notes post, “Questions,” there was concern expressed about how “death by COVID-19” was determined post-mortem. The answers are forthcoming now.
A recent article titled, “ I’ve signed death certificates during COVID-19. Here’s why you can’t trust any of the statistics on the number of victims,” by Malcolm Kendrick, doctor and author who works as a GP in the National Health Service in England, appeared on the RT site. An excerpt:
I suppose most people would be somewhat surprised to know that the cause of death, as written on death certificates, is often little more than an educated guess. Most people die when they are old, often over eighty. There is very rarely going to be a post-mortem carried out, which means that, as a doctor, you have a think about the patient’s symptoms in the last two weeks of life or so. You go back over the notes to look for existing medical conditions.
Mostly, however, out in the community, death certification is certainly not an exact science. Never was, never will be. It’s true that things are somewhat more accurate in hospitals, where there are more tests and scans, and suchlike.
Then, along comes COVID-19, and many of the rules – such as they were – went straight out the window. At one point, it was even suggested that relatives could fill in death certificates, if no-one else was available. Though I am not sure this ever happened.
What were we now supposed to do? If an elderly person died in a care home, or at home, did they die of COVID-19? Well, frankly, who knows? Especially if they didn’t have a test for COVID-19 – which for several weeks was not even allowed. Only patients entering hospital were deemed worthy of a test. No-one else.Slowly, the truth will be revealed and the entire hoax will be exposed. By then, the moneychangers and powers-that-be will have gotten away with grand theft and genocide. The poor rank-and-file peons will still be sequestered in their mausoleums with their face masks on andcowering in fear of death. Heck, they’re already dead!
Wednesday, May 27
Resistance Revisited
As discussed in the reformatted Notes post, “Passive Resistance,” a change in life-style was proposed and implemented because of Fascist “super-duper corona” mandates. The following revisions have been finalized in preparation for the Fascist “new normal”:
- Mausoleum Café - Coffee time will be be held indefinitely in the mausoleum at the “old folks home” in Waikiki with delicious Nescafé® instant coffee.
- Mausoleum Gym - Workouts using exercise bands will continue indefinitely as the future of the gym remains in flux.
- Mausoleum Spa & Bath House - Showers at the mausoleum will continue indefinitely as the future of the gym remains in flux.
- Mausoleum Diner - Dinner in take-out form from Subway® (or elsewhere) will be procured and dining will be indefinitely relegated to the mausoleum.
- Mausoleum Barbershop - Haircuts will be implemented with the Wahl® hair clippers indefinitely.
- Mausoleum Lounge - A return to the surrogate “living room” in the International Marketplace is unlikely. Lying on the airbed in the mausoleum, listening to redundant Spotify® playlists on the JBL® Flip 5, and staring at the ceiling may continue indefinitely.
All medical, dental, and optical appointments at Waikiki Health Center continue to be moved forward in time. There is no desire to sit in the clinic with bunch of hypochondriacs wearing face masks and the kind of nightmare that “social distancing” has created for patients in the queue.
All activities and purchases have been curtailed to “essential” needs only. The required deployment of the N95 face mask will only occur then while patronizing an “essential” establishment. Avoiding the use of the face mask is imperative as a matter of principle. Therefore, a boycott is in effect.
Finally, there is urgent to need to remain vigilant. So many of the rank-and-file peons have capitulated to the whims of the Fascists. They are easily recognized by the full-time deployment of the ridiculous face masks even when not required to do so. These mental midgets cannot be trusted. They are kapo-rona, willing agents of the Fascists.
Finally, there is urgent to need to remain vigilant. So many of the rank-and-file peons have capitulated to the whims of the Fascists. They are easily recognized by the full-time deployment of the ridiculous face masks even when not required to do so. These mental midgets cannot be trusted. They are kapo-rona, willing agents of the Fascists.
Addendum: Workouts with the exercise bands have proven to be effective. The 70-minute upper body workout has reversed the atrophy, although some muscle loss was detected after the two-month workout “vacation.“ The latter workouts will continue throughout the duration of time rationing (i.e., one-hour appointments) at the gym. Gym workouts will focus on only two weight machines daily, with a priority placed on cardio for the bulk of the allotted time. That is, if an appointment can even be established.
Update: The governor of the State of Hawai’i has given the mayor of Honolulu approval to allow barbershops and hair salons to open on May 29th. Restaurant dining will be permitted on June 5th. And, gyms and theaters will be able reopen on June 19th at the earliest. All resistance provisions listed above will remain in effect.
Update: The governor of the State of Hawai’i has given the mayor of Honolulu approval to allow barbershops and hair salons to open on May 29th. Restaurant dining will be permitted on June 5th. And, gyms and theaters will be able reopen on June 19th at the earliest. All resistance provisions listed above will remain in effect.
Tuesday, May 26
Excerpt — Hoax Confirmed
All analyses in Notes is independent of nonsense spewed in the “mainstream” media. Notes made reversal in stance concerning “super-duper corona” once the hoax was exposed. Now the CDC has recently revised downward all estimates and calculations with no fanfare.
Columnist Daniel Horowitz discussed the issue in his article titled, “ The CDC confirms remarkably low coronavirus death rate. Where is the media?” on The Blaze site. An excerpt:
Also, remember, so much of the death is associated with the suicidal political decisions of certain states and countries to place COVID-19 patients in nursing homes. An astounding 62 percent of all COVID-19 deaths were in the six states confirmed to have done this, even though they only compose 18 percent of the national population.Read that paragraph again to fully understand what happened. What was the rationale for that? Perhaps the scenario posed in the Notes post, “Eugenics,” isn’t unrealistic. The entire article by Horowitz is a must read.
Addendum: Shopping malls and retail stores opened on May 23rd to small turnouts. The shopping experience was marred by the ridiculous face mask and “social distancing” mandates. Long lines were observed outside of stores only because of “social distancing” and the reduced interior occupancy of the retail stores. A local randomized survey indicated that 60% of respondents are very wary to venture out to shop or dine. The fearmongering has obviously reduced the masses to quivering blobs of jelly. All that with the real-time number of infection cases at 35 or so out of 1.5 million people.
Thursday, May 21
The “COVID-19 API” developed jointly by Google® and Apple® is an included part of the latest “smartphone” operating system (OS) update. The API (application programming interface) can be used by software developers to create a “super-duper corona” contact tracing “app.” The API is “baked” into the OS, so it cannot be uninstalled.
The likelihood that “super-duper corona” will remain a permanent threat, at least with its current genome, is low. Yet, an API has been developed that is curiously an integral part of the OS. What gives?
The rationale is that only a system API can access certain Bluetooth® features and also reduce battery drain. The API can be disabled by the user, or so goes the claim. And, there is usual “privacy statement” accompanying the API. Yet, what happens after “super-duper corona”? Will the API be removed? Or, will it be discreetly reworked into a full-fledged surveillance conduit?
Incidentally, the OS is only licensed to the user. Thus, the user must agree to the ubiquitous and Fascist “Terms of Service.” There are no “ownership” rights. Thus, there is no way to reject the use of a nefarious API except to render the device to that of a doorstop.
Notes on APIs: A system-level API could defeat “Airplane” mode and turn any of the radios and GPS on without toggling the on-screen indicators. The user would be totally unaware that the device is transmitting surveillance data. The API could also access and broadcast any user data on the device.
Notes on Cloth Face Masks: The ubiquitous cloth face masks are entirely useless, as previously claimed in Notes. They are pretty, though, aren’t they? Really? No, not really. A muzzle is just a muzzle.
The cloth mask can trap “super-duper corona” encased in droplets. However, when the droplets decrease in size by vaporization, the wearer can expel the pathogen by aerosol through the weave of the cloth just by breathing. The hoax is exposed again!
Tuesday, May 19
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Exercise Bands Workout |
Two months have elapsed since the abrupt closure of the gym because of “super-duper corona.” Prior to that, a contiguous seven-day weekly workout regimen was in force. The only day off was when the gym closed for Saturnalia. During the current crisis, procrastination and foolishness resulted in an extremely long exercise hiatus. Moderate atrophy was the unsurprising result.
Less than a month ago, the daily one-hour walk to Fudgepacker Park and back was established. Very little in the way of cardio benefit is achieved. However, the fresh air and sunshine (for Vitamin D3 creation) makes the trek worthwhile. Only 6 sets of 20 repetitions of push-ups comprised the strength workout. Pitiful.
Finally, a one-hour workout using exercise bands was developed, all for upper body (i.e., chest, shoulders, back, arms). Just in the “nick of time,” too, before the onslaught of Sagging Flab Syndrome (very common amongst senior citizens). Unfortunately, there isn’t much hope for a return to the “days of old” at the gym. That appears to be a “done deal.”
The governor of Hawai’i is expected to allow gyms to open during the first week of June. However, as detailed in the Notes post, “Gym Redux,” the “new normal” just won’t be feasible even if appointment time slots can be reserved. Yet another “clusterfuck” situation. So, workout contingencies are being planned.
Addendum: Hairstylists, barbershops, and dine-in restaurants will be allowed to operate along with gyms probably during the first week of June. Another “clusterfuck” scenario, for sure, with the mindless peons willingly lining up with their face masks and “social distancing” bullshit. As for restaurant and food court dining, won’t the removal of face masks for eating cause a huge “super-duper corona” risk? Or, is the hoax slowly being unveiled?
Update: The gym is planning its first re-opening this week in the State of Texas. An article from the local news affiliate details the plan. Sounds ambitious, but is it workable? Well, at least members won’t be required to wear the useless face masks.
Saturday, May 16
Safe Place
The Fascists have discovered that there is no way to keep the local economy afloat and maintain the bloated governmental operations without tourism. That is why a concerted effort is being made to completely open the floodgates of tourism by July 1st with as little local publicity as possible.
Curiously, the governor of Hawai’i announced that there would be no need to cut State budgets or impose layoffs and furloughs for employees. Two weeks ago, he said the exact opposite. The natural assumption is that there would be Federal assistance forthcoming, but the latter has been resisted by the political party in power.
So, where is the money going to come from? How is the 37% unemployment rate going to be reduced? What is going to save local businesses? The unequivocal answer is tourism, the only real industry in Hawai’i. That is why the machinations to restore the entire tourist sector surreptitiously is underway.
Once the momentum of tourism increases, the State will able to generate tax revenues and realize a significant decrease in payouts for unemployment benefits. Pension funds would stabilize. Local county and municipalities will also return to the status quo. The downside risk is the possibility of a real “super-duper corona” epidemic.
In previous discussions in Notes, the hypothetical scenarios of tourism with “social distancing” and the face mask mandate were discussed. The conclusion, of course, is that all “super-super corona” directives will become “lip service.” There will be no enforcement because the latter is undesirable and universally impossible. Even if arrivals are at half of the peak, there would be 105,000 visitors here within 7 days.
That’s exactly what’s going to happen after June 30th from what has been pieced together from the cryptic announcements of the Fascists. In all likelihood, “lockdown” will continue for residents and likely be enforced in order to “protect” them. Stay home, stay healthy.
All the while, Waikiki will pretty much be exempted. Even with just 105,000 tourists, the place will be jam-packed. Tourists are known to flout any rules, so compliance is a joke. Public transportation will be impacted with buses full of tourists and wage slaves. There are no HEPA filters on the buses. And, cloth face masks are useless when people are sitting and standing right next to each other.
As stated previously in Notes, the blatant double standard will become more than obvious even to the myriad mental midgets. They will become infuriated either because of the imagined possibility of death posed by tourists or that they were bamboozled all this time. What a “clusterfuck”! Social control will be necessary.
Addendum: Allegedly, there is a massive advertising campaign in the works that will tout Hawai’i as the “safe place,” presumably from “super-duper corona.” The campaign envisions rapid testing facilities installed at airports of origin and thermal scanners installed at Hawai’i airports.
Update: So far, over 50 of the 800+ prisoners who were released early, allegedly because of the fear of a “super-duper corona” surge, have been arrested again. By the end of June, there will be a total of 1,500 ex-convicts released. Yet, another “clusterfuck” situation.
Friday, May 15
Double Standard
The “super-super corona” pandemic has become an endless story of fear, fearmongering, confusion, stupidity, insanity, and Fascism, even right here in Hawai’i. There was an inkling of hope that the “clusterfuck” would be winding down, but that hope has been dashed by the Fascists.
The mayor of Honolulu has extended “lockdown” until June 30th, with small concessions given to the masses. One-on-one outdoor sports and drive-in religious serves are now permitted. Wheee! The governor followed up with his version of the usual Fascist blatherings. The likelihood of “lockdown” continuing into Fall is very high. And, what, there are at most 35 infected people on any given day out of over 1.5 million people.
All retail stores are allowed to open today with the preventative “super-duper corona” requirements. Curiously, all of the luxury boutiques in Waikiki are scheduled to open as well. Sunbathing on the beaches will be allowed commencing Saturday. Restaurants will be permitted to open with “social distancing” dining on June 5th. Plans also call for the accommodation of outside and sidewalk dining.
Clearly, the leniency of “lockdown” is slanted more toward tourists. Hence, the double standard. The crux of the plans appears to the duping of tourists into believing that the 14-day quarantine is strictly enforced. Gullible travelers would book vacations for longer durations of 21 to 30 days. Thus, hotel occupancy will dramatically increase regardless of limited air flights. With longer visitor stays, the entire tourist industry will remain solvent. Bars and restaurants are also gearing up for delivery service.
Why is full “lockdown” for residents continuing to drag on while a collision course with a spike in tourist arrivals is imminent? The answer is social control. Opening the spigot of tourism in the middle of a pandemic is “nuts,” and the reaction of local residents could be unpredictable as the double standard becomes blatantly obvious. The Draconian “lockdown” is meant to protect tourists from any backlash. Thus, the Fascists are using operant conditioning to transform the masses into complete docility and subservience. Pavlov and BF Skinner would be proud!
Update: The 14-day quarantine requirement for arriving tourists will expire on June 30th. Hawai’i will be completely open for tourism, just in time for Summer. Who knew?
Notes on Pre-Crime: The brutal conditions facing the masses would have provoked violent social unrest in past times. Now, by exploiting “super-duper corona,” the masses are like a blob of quivering jelly. Afraid of their own shadows, they can barely venture outdoors without a “security blanket” (i.e., face masks). They are now easy prey for the Fascist police state.
Every contingency deployed in the “War on Death” can easily be converted to serve the Fascist police surveillance and detection apparatus. From “smartphones” to “Trojan Horse” vaccines to antigen testing, the goal to completely “brand” each individual like cattle is fairly obvious.
The latest nefarious tool is “contact tracing.” In its latest iteration, people with inflated “security” guard tendencies will be recruited as “contact tracers.” They will be official kapo-rona with enough power to force people into isolation and quarantine as well as blemish the victims’ records.
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“Minority Report” |
All of that bullshit is a precursor to “pre-crime,” the fictional police technology of the flick, “Minority Report.” All branches of the government, the military, and the police state are in service to the moneychangers and powers-that-be. They must enrich and protect that constituency and keep the subservient masses in check. Everything is “private property” and must be protected from encroachment by the “deplorables.”
Nonetheless, the Fascists and their handlers know no limits. They will attempt to steal everything from the masses, even if the eventuality compels the masses to revolt. Thus, “pre-crime” will be deployed to crush any rebellious attempt at its inception. Insurrection will not be tolerated. The dystopian reality described is here now.
Thursday, May 14
The World Health Organization (WHO) has been adamant about the global “lockdown” and continues to admonish nations that refuse to invoke the latter. Now, both WHO and the UN raised concerns about the mental health of people in “lockdown.” The doublespeak and hypocrisy on display is at the heart of the hoax. And, that hoax is now essentially a huge “clusterfuck.”
The Fascists have worked relentlessly to break the will of the rank-and file peons. Even with the harnessing of immense willpower, there has been a toll on personal psyche. While still not at the Fascists’ desired breaking point, an increased level of angst has been personally experienced.
The mind begins to existentially separate from the physical body, similar to an out-of-body experience. The mind then becomes a neutral third-party observer of the empty shell that awaits release from incarceration. The mind sees the body deteriorating.
Venturing outside of the mausoleum-turned-prison is surreal to the point of causing severe incongruence. Walking about the literally faceless crowd is interpreted by the mind as a near-death experience. The faceless crowd appears to be in a comatose stupor. The mind wonders whether any of them are even remotely sentient anymore.
Only the wide-open eyes of the “super-duper corona” zombies can be seen. Gazing into the pupils of the automatons unveils the sheer terror associated with the fear of death. It is the psychopathology of fear that has essentially caused the death of their minds.
This is not a healthy environment. Even the morning walk to the beach and Fudgepacker Park can be likened to traipsing along in a hospital ward. With their face masks on, the zombies look weak and sickly. They will be easy prey for the next “wave” of “super-duper corona.”
Intense fear weakens the body and its immune system. Fear provokes a “fight or flight” response. However, when neither option exists, the mind and body prepare for the inevitable ... death. Hopelessness and chronic depression become overpowering until the weakened zombie suffers a mental breakdown or abruptly terminates the ordeal by hand.
Personally, every aspect (of which there were few) of the mendicant monk life-style has been put on hiatus thanks to the Fascists. With the “new normal” firmly established, there is no hope. This is the beginning of a very controlled life, with constant surveillance and monitoring. Freedom to move about is now essentially a “cattle drive.” Any personal expression will be funneled into censored technological conduits. Full faces will never be revealed again. Society will become purely “virtual.” The masses are being slowly embalmed alive by the “clusterfuck.”
Addendum: The Supreme Court of the State of Wisconsin overturned the “lockdown” mandate. The masses went “hog wild,” even shunning the use of face masks. Bars were filled to capacity for the celebration with no concern over “social distancing.” Liberation!
Wednesday, May 13
Gym 2020 Redux
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Gym — Downtown |
The gym has provided limited information about new procedures as related to “super-duper corona.” These include:
- Club hours will be from 5am to 9pm daily to allow for overnight cleaning
- Some equipment may be powered off or moved to provide ample space to work out safely
- Courts will be repurposed as extra workout space; no ball sports will be allowed
- Classes will meet at modified times and locations to support social distancing.
There is little doubt that the new policies are going to be unworkable for many people. The time slots are so limited that very few members can be accommodated. Obtaining even one workout appointment within a week seems unlikely. On-line live streaming classes are being offered, but why pay $60 per month for that? At-home workouts are readily available for free on the Net.
Although the new policies have been deemed as temporary, there is no indication that any revisions will be possible for several months. Can the gym survive?
Already back in April, the executive management at corporate headquarters of the gym were considering bankruptcy. According to CNBC:
Credit ratings agency Moody’s recently downgraded the chain over worries around its “negative membership trends, very high-interest burden and negative free cash flow prior to the coronavirus outbreak, as well as approaching maturities to provide limited flexibility to manage through the crisis.”
It has an $837 million term loan with a so-called springing maturity in March 2022 and $500 million in unsecured notes maturing in June 2022, if more than a fifth of those notes remain outstanding.The situation at other gyms is not likely any better. Planet Fitness® (with only one location in Ala Moana Center) is a relatively small gym with limited equipment. It relies on essentially overselling its inexpensive memberships. With “social distancing” and routine disinfection breaks, the likelihood of permanent closure is a reality.
Addendum: A couple of heavy duty exercise bands were acquired temporarily from Randy, the contractor. Thus, a few resistance toning exercises can be accomplished to defer further muscle and fitness atrophy.
Notes on Face Masks use at Gyms: The required use of face masks during workouts is already a huge negative. The discomfort is a problem. However, the unintentional hypoxic effect (similar to “altitude” face masks) may pose a health risk especially during cardio activities.
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Face Mask Workouts |
There is the possibility of surreptitiously using a self-modified “altitude” face mask at the gym. The restrictive filter would be removed. The normal black color would also allow for additional holes to be punched in order restore free breathing.
Tuesday, May 12
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“Lockdown” |
Tourism in Hawai’i is increasing. Daily visitor counts are ramping up even though there is a “lockdown” in effect. Meanwhile local residents are sequestered in their mausoleums and cowering in fear of “super-duper corona.”
All visitors must provide a valid hotel reservation. Or, an address of family or friends with whom they are staying. In addition, all arrivals at the airport must self-quarantine for 14-days. That’s not what’s happening.
Tourists are seen freely walking around Waikiki. They are easily spotted because they stand out like ... well, tourists. Many of the tourists are staying at vacation rentals, which is currently not permitted. How do they circumvent the requirement? Most likely, the owner(s) of the vacation rental has(have) agreed to pose as family or close friend(s).
Visitors staying at vacation rental absolutely do not abide by the 14-day “self-quarantine. They head for Waikiki Beach immediately after dropping off their luggage. There have been a handful of citations and arrests by police, but that’s a “drop in the bucket.”
The local “mainstream” media, which is suspected to be a propaganda bullhorn for the Fascists, have gradually changed the narrative to begin promoting the restoration of tourism. There has been increasing coverage about the low “super-duper corona” infection rate and high recovery rate here. This, after nearly three months of intense fearmongering. Have the Fascists reversed course?
The “experts” are also confident that a vaccine for “super-duper corona” will be available in a couple of month, just in time for ... tourism! If that vaccine is not a placebo, then it will have only passed the risky “challenge test” trials.
In fact, more and more “experts” from the mainland empire are being featured in local news to promote the return of tourism as early as Summer. Of course, “social distancing” and face masks will be the “new normal.” That’s all a crock of shit.
The re-opening of the tourist sector means opening the floodgates. Passenger arrivals will increase to the “old normal” of 30,000 people per day. The airlines will quickly drop “social distancing” seating by claiming that the on-board HEPA filters are totally effective. Face masks will be required at first, but that will go to the wayside. Who’s going to enforce that anyway?
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Aloha! Welcome to Hawai’i! |
Once the reality sets in that no one want to visit Hawai’i when every place looks like a hospital emergency room and everyone resembles hospital nursing staff, then the whole charade of the pandemic hoax will be exposed. And, how about all of the blue tape on the floor marking 6-foot increments. Or, the tables cordoned off with yellow “Danger” tape? Or, the sickening odor of commercial disinfectant everywhere? Or, the sheets of plastic used as shields at customer service areas? Aloha!
Will the tourists at least play along with the pandemic farce for a little while? Maybe. Although, if thousands of tourists decide not to abide by “social distancing” or wear the ridiculous face masks, who exactly is going to stop them?
Incidentally, the visitors that are here now during “lockdown” are a different breed. They were tempted by low airfares and bargain vacation rentals. They don’t care about shopping at all the luxury retail stores or dining at overpriced restaurants that make tiny portions of food look like art. The are relaxing in Waikiki that is devoid of crowds, like a cheap version of Club Med.
The local residents who have been marching in lockstep with the Fascists, wearing their face masks, observing “social distancing” religiously, and some even serving as loyal kapo-rona, should have been questioning the double-standard between the tourists and themselves. Nearly three months have elapsed and there has been a farcical effort to make tourists comply with visitor “lockdown” directives. Only now, with the “re-opening the economy” meme at the forefront, there is a slow convoluted effort toward enforcement solutions. Yeah.
Notes on “Second Wave”: There is no dissension concerning the next “wave” of “super-duper corona.” Since most of the population has been sequestered in artificial isolation, they will be at the frontline of the next epidemic. At this point in time, there is reason to believe that “super-duper corona” will have mutated to be a more formidable pathogen.
A major factor will be the overuse of disinfectant products by the masses, as well as the spraying of commercial disinfectant by agents of all public and private venues on anything touchable by humans. Human antigens eradicate the virus naturally and causes it to mutate to become less lethal in order to survive and reproduce. Viruses and bacteria can be eradicated by chemical disinfectants, too, but both will mutate to be highly resistant to those disinfectants. Subsequently, the mutated virus may become so resilient that it cannot be easily eradicated by the human immune system.
Monday, May 11
Project Fear Redux
There are very few of the rank-and-file peons remaining who have not capitulated to the fear of death narrative that is being overplayed. Thus, nearly everyone is now wearing face masks full-time. There are also lot more blue rubber gloves spotted amongst them as well. And, a handful of people have already invested in huge plastic face shields, also worn full-time.
Not a day goes by without an inundation of e-mail, text messages, social media bullshit, and “mainstream” media propaganda about “super-duper corona.” Even while riding the bus, various recorded messages are blaring away, including the all-time favorite, “A reminder that the bus should only be ridden for essential purposes. Stay home, stay healthy.”
Project Fear has gone “whole hog” while various states in empire are, in direct contradiction, concurrently attempting to “reopen.” What gives? Fascist politicians are certainly not going to cross their “Big Money” handlers. These Fascists are awaiting lucrative positions in the private sector once their political tenure has expired. As “they” say, “Never bite the hand that feeds you.”
The latest from the on-going Project Fear narrative includes:
- Children are not safe from “super-duper corona.” They are now at high risk of suffering adverse heart problems similar to Kawasaki’s Disease. Stay home with your children, stay healthy.
- Young, seemingly healthy, adults are at risk of suffering severe illness or death from “super-duper corona.” Stay home, stay healthy.
- “Super-duper corona” has now mutated into different strains. Stay home, stay healthy.
Viruses always mutate, which is why there is never one universal vaccine. In most cases, virus mutations make it milder. After all, the virus is attempting to survive and replicate. So, its single RNA will evolve to do so.
And, even when actual people are highlighted, they are always the ones who have experienced extreme “super-duper corona” symptoms, often requiring hospitalization. There’s never been any focus on the people with mild symptoms. Fearmongering can only continue unabated when the fear of death is “amped up” constantly.
Returning to the glaring contradiction of the Fascists, there can be no doubt that there is a hidden agenda at play (as discussed previously in Notes). The Fascists politicians and their handlers are ... well, Fascists. They are “all in this together.” So, the contradictions are part of the plan to obfuscate the truth, then separate and reduce the masses to subservient automatons.
The “lockdown” has been used to force people into isolation. Aside from the developing various psychopathologies (as detailed in Notes previously), the hermits will be forced to use social media conduits to communicate with friends, family and other associates. Of course, if the hermits attempt to question or sow discontent about Project Fear, then their accounts are terminated (read: censored). As isolation continues, the fear of others (read: strangers) amplifies to a level of grotesquerie previously unimaginable. The ability to properly function in society degenerates to that of a troglodyte.
“Social distancing” and the infamous muzzle ... errr, face mask ... are used to literally keep people apart. Direct conversation has been literally mummified. The ability to gather in groups has been outlawed. Organized groups (i.e., churches) have been muzzled as well. Any group can quickly become a threat to the Fascists and must be shut down. In other words, society will be dismantled to create a more uniform and controlled order.
The “new normal” as “lockdown” eases is just more of the same ol’ shit. “Social distancing” and the face mask muzzle will essentially convert everyone to faceless, speechless, spineless consumers. Go out, buy useless shit, go home. Stay home, stay healthy.
Sunday, May 10
The “super-duper corona” fearmongering has people people ... oh ... cowering in fear. The so-called “pandemic” will be coming back again and again like a bad sitcom. “Waves” is the current description.
There really is no surprise. People are still coming and going, globally, even with the Draconian “lockdown” and quarantine measures. So, the pathogen can easily follow the migratory path of its host. The fact that most of population has remained in (chemically disinfected) self-quarantine insures that “waves” of “super-duper corona” continue ad infinitum until the majority of the population is eventually infected. That’s how viruses work.
Since viruses are not technically living organisms, they cannot be killed. A vaccine is the only deterrent but no vaccine is fully effective. Senior citizens are vaccinated for influenza but they still succumb from complications caused by the pathogen. The same will occur with “super-duper corona.”
Soon, the “mainstream” narrative will evolve to state that the only way to “protect” the masses is a permanent “lockdown” with extreme “stay at home” directives. Yet, the efficacy of “lockdown” remains in question. To date, the majority (66%) of “super-duper corona” deaths in empire have occurred in “lockdown” isolation. Even with forced isolation, over 33% of deaths in empire occurred in nursing homes for convalescent senior citizens. Again, the hoax is uncloaked.
Notes on Real Data: To dissect the “mainstream” hysteria, a look at the Hawai’i “super-duper corona” statistics will suffice. The total confirmed cases stands at 607 since the first detected case on March 6th. The number of deaths related to “super-duper corona” is 19 total (all senior citizens with co-morbidities). Rarely reported is the number of recovered patients (about 550). Here are some interesting, but unreported, data:
- Infection rate: 0.004% (since March 6th for all islands)
- Real-time (one-day) infection rate: 0.0023% (for all islands)
Saturday, May 9
Gym 2020
The most important activity for a mendicant monk has always been the daily workout at the gym. However, even that has been robbed by the “super-duper corona” imprisonment. All gyms have been closed for nearly three months.
A search for any kind of portable workout equipment, such as dumbbells or exercise bands, have proved fruitless. There’s probably nothing in stock anywhere in empire (just like hair clippers). The dislocations and anomalies created by “super-duper corona” and the resultant panic purchases can only be described as sheer stupidity.
There is little expectation for gyms to reopen soon. If and when that occurs, the “new normal” will completely degrade the workout experience. No doubt, face masks will be required. The “social distancing” bullshit could be the death knell for gyms. The number of people allowed in a gym at any one time would be limited. Exercise classes would be reduced to handful of people and likely would simply be mummified. Showers would be prohibited. In fact, access to locker rooms may not be allowed. Cardio workouts would require face masks. Nothing is really workable.
Gyms are a high volume business. Membership turnover is also really high. Thus, there is almost no possible way for any gym to remain in business under “super-duper corona” constraints. Gyms are also a high overhead business. Leases for the huge areas are extremely costly. Equipment, maintenance, and utilities costs are also high. Either the membership fees will have to increase significantly or the gyms will shut down. Golds® Gym has already filed for bankruptcy. Will the other gyms follow suit?
The lack of any real exercise has taken a personal toll in the form of increasing muscle atrophy. Cardiovascular exercise has been nonexistent. Personal diet has been modified to reduce caloric input, but that has resulted in further weight loss. At three months of near-sedentary conditions, the effects are close to irreversible when considering age.
Addendum: Apparently, there have been several articles in the “mainstream” media about gyms coming back on line. In addition to what was described above, gyms will be implementing contactless check-in. Admission will be limited to about 50% (or less) of capacity. Some gyms will require an appointment made the day prior (using a mobile “app”) for a one-hour workout slot with a 30-minute shutdown in between slots for disinfection. The layout of gym will change for “social distancing” either by spacing machine further apart or cordoning off certain machine each day. Workable? Very doubtful.
Friday, May 8
The number of confirmed “super-duper” corona” cases has been increasing, but not because of “super-duper” powers of the path. Rather, the problem stems from the incompetence in dealing with tourist and returning resident arrivals at the airports. With the tourists, there appears to be no validation of an actual hotel reservation as required by the governor’s mandate. Many of the visitors are staying in vacation rentals.
Very few of the visitors and residents are following the mandatory 14-day self-quarantine. Enforcement is minimal as observed by the sheer number of tourists walking around Waikiki. What can be expected with the governor’s “honor system”? This is the nature of the hoax.
Fear of death is now effectively embedded in the psyche of the rank-and-file peons. “Social distancing” is becoming more hostile by the day as neurosis overrides normal brain functions of the gullible majority of the masses. The peons are become apparatchiks of the Fascist police state. These self-appointed agents are now a danger to themselves and everyone else.
What was remaining of the “Aloha Spirit” is now dead, another victim of “super-duper corona.” The “social distancing” and face mask requirements have converted all areas, public and private, into what resembles large concentration camps. There is no shortage of eager minimum wage agents shepherding the prisoners around, typical of the kapo-corona.
There is no doubt that the second wave of “super-duper corona” will arrive as early as Summer. Why?
- First, there is no way to stop visitors from coming to Hawai’i and the governor’s mandates are about as effective as putting up a scarecrow at the airport.
- Second, sequestering people in sedentary “lockdown” with all of their face masks, hand sanitizers, and disinfectant wipes has created a weakened population with absolutely no immunity.
Update: The Fascists have concocted a few idiotic ideas to monitor tourists’ compliance to the 14-day self-quarantine, all too ludicrous to waste any time listing them in Notes.
Tuesday, May 5
In a surprise move, the governor of Hawai’i announced the next phase of easing “lockdown” restrictions. A few days earlier, the governor hinted at allowing “low contact” businesses to reopen. Now, he’s going “whole hog.”
The following sectors are allowed to reopen on Thursday:
- shopping malls and retailers
- non-food agricultural companies
- astronomical observatories
- pet grooming services
- health care and social assistance, including elective surgery
- nonprofits previously not considered “essential”
- wholesalers.
Even the management of the various shopping mall were caught off-guard. None of them are ready to reopen so soon. That begs the question ... what exactly happened? Just a few days ago, the governor said that the “new normal” would be a very slow process, maybe taking many months. What about “super-duper corona”? Isn’t it coming back in waves?
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Homey da Clown |
Obviously, the governor’s handlers (read: “Big Money”) have put on the pressure to speed up the process. The mental midgets may be duped by the “clown show” (with the governor starring as “Homey”), but the whole hoax has been laid bare for all to see. Just follow the money.
Update: There apparently was a communications mishap, so the revised date for the businesses listed is May 15th. Mishap? The governor’s handlers are obviously in a panicked state of confusion.
Monday, May 4
Project Fear
There appears be a chasm between sections of the ruling class (i.e., moneychangers and powers-that-be) concerning “lockdown” over “super-duper corona” mass incarceration. One side favors easing restrictions. The other side, which is supported by “mainstream” media and the Project Fear campaign, favors an indefinite “lockdown.”
Unsurprisingly, the masses have been sequestered in fear long enough to spawn the numerous psychopathologies as previously described in Notes. The rank-and-file peons are afraid to leave their residences (read: agoraphobia), and they have become afraid of other people (read: anthropophobia). And, most of all, the wage slaves are “scared shitless” of returning supposed universally infected workplaces. The longer “lockdown” in effect, the symptoms and co-pathologies increase.
In a recent op-ed piece, Norman Lewis observed:
From the outset, most governments have adopted the Project Fear approach to dealing with the threat posed by COVID-19. We were all at risk, we were told. The virus didn’t respect borders, age, class, ethnicity or race, they said, as if the virus had a conscious plan to smite all of humanity indiscriminately. Lockdowns were necessary to flatten the curve and protect the health service.
But we now know that a lot of this was just fearmongering and exaggeration. It is clear that there are important differences in the level of threat COVID-19 represents; that it is possible to develop a strategy that can protect the vulnerable and the health service while not shutting down the economy upon which we all depend for everything in life. Flattening the curve did not require riding roughshod over basic freedoms and the critical reproduction of economic life. It required a balanced, sober strategy, with targeted support and resources for where they were really needed.
How can anyone now be shocked when the fear-driven, excessively policed public now feels a deep trepidation and a sense of increased vulnerability, nervous that returning to work would be like putting your head above a First World War trench at the Somme? A desire to cocoon yourself in the security of locked doors with access to technology that can allow communications with work, family and friends – but steer clear of pestilence – was not irrational. It was inevitable.In conclusion, Lewis opined:
This is tragically short-sighted, because what everyone seems to be missing is that there is no ‘public’ anymore – just a collection of fearful, atomised individuals, isolated from society and living in trepidation of the future. This fractured caricature of society represents a barrier to the kind of social solidarity, organisation, and vision that will be needed to get over the impact of this crisis and the future repercussions of disastrous decisions like shutting down the economy.This begs the question as to why so-called “powerful interests” are seeking to extend the “lockdown.” Is Wall Street on this side, or is it the “Deep State”?
Sunday, May 3
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Muzzled! |
On Friday, about 100 people descended on the State Capital to protest the “lockdown” that was extended to the end of the month. Several people were arrested.
The governor has indicated that the transition to the “new normal” will be very gradual. Face masks and “social distancing” will continue indefinitely, he stated, or until a vaccine for “super-duper corona” is available. The placebo vaccine, you think?
The first phase of the transition, commencing on Friday, allows automobile dealerships, mobile businesses, one-on-one businesses, automated carwashes, florists, and golf courses to reopen. Only a few people are likely to benefit.
At the “old folks home” in Waikiki, “emergency” Fascist policies have been invoked. The community room has been closed, and face masks are required in the entire complex. Of course, “social distancing” is a must. The community rooms were also sealed off. Out of courtesy to the senior citizens, the rules are being followed. Most of them are “scared shitless” anyway.
Over 500 inmates at the local prison were released because of “super-duper corona,” even though there were no infections at the facility. The public was told that these were “minimum risk” prisoners, but one was arrested again for involvement in an armed carjacking. The mass inmate release was probably another Fascist hidden agenda that required an excuse to implement.
Notes on “New Economy”: The Fascists constantly refer to the “new normal,” but what about the “new economy”? In previous Notes, there were prognostications about “social distancing” and the protective gear that would be required for society and commerce to function.
Unfortunately, given those restrictions, there cannot be a return pre-“super-duper corona” days. Deflation will not occur because central bank policies are most likely causing an upward inflationary trend. Thus, fixed costs (i.e., rent, utilities, etc.) of businesses will be rising.
The imposition of “social distancing” protocols will decrease capacity (usually seating) and volume by at least 50% and 70% respectively. Staffing would be reduced accordingly, which would marginally reduce wage and health insurance expenses. Additional costs would now include protective gear for employees. Prices for products and services would nonetheless have to rise in order to retain profit margins. The order of magnitude for price increases upwards 50% at minimum with 200% in some cases not unrealistic.
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Safety First! |
The extremely long “lockdown” duration has also increased the fear and apprehension of the masses. So, a significant time lag will occur before customers or clients return. Worst of all, the decor and ambience of all business establishments will be marred by “social distancing” requirements and by the protective gear worn by the employees. Customers owns clients will also be donning protective gear, which further diminishes the enjoyment of the experience. High prices in a ubiquitous hospital-like setting is a death knell. Expect customers and clients to turn exclusively to on-line transactions and services. Products, including food, will most to the delivery model. The “lockdown” has already conditioned the masses to “stay at home,” and that’s what they will do.
Then, there is the issue of whether the “new normal” and “new economy” measures will fly (no pun intended) with tourists? Believing that visitors would flock to Hawai’i and enjoy being greeted everywhere by people who look like hospital ER staff strains credulity. Then, having to wear face masks all the time when they are here ... is that the promise of “paradise”?
Saturday, May 2
There has been “mainstream” news coverage about the overload of morgues and mortuaries resulting from the sheer number of deaths allegedly related to SARS-CoV-2 and including graphic photographs of body bags being stacked everywhere because of the overload.
Given that scenario, there are questions concerning the certification of death. First, there is the assumption that death by SARS-CoV-2 is either directly implicated because of respiratory failure or indirectly related because it triggered death through one or more co-morbidities. Second, there is the assumption that all of the deceased were tested for SARS-CoV-2 prior to admission and were determined to be infected. The questions:
- In the case of “death by complications arising from SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19),” was an autopsy performed to verify that the latter was the actual cause of death?
- In the case of respiratory failure after intubation, was a CT scan performed to verify that the odd crystalline structure of infection was present in the lungs?
Update: As anticipated, the “official” narrative has changed. “Supercorona” is now “super-duper corona,” and it is likely to be described in increasingly terrifying terms.
Friday, May 1
Kapo-rona Syndrome
A kapo was a concentration camp prisoner who was given privileges in return for supervising prisoner work gangs, and was often a common criminal and frequently brutal to fellow inmates.
As with the kapo, who identified with their captors, the kapo-rona derive their identity from their masters, the Fascists. Like the Borg in “Star Trek,” they have assimilated into the collective. Resistance is futile, but that thought never crosses the minds of the kapo-rona.
The kapo-rona think and talk like the recorded announcements on the bus: “Wear your face masks” or “Maintain social distancing,” they tell people with self-assumed authority. They are currently limited to informing violators of their infractions, but they will soon be actively reporting violations to the police state hotline.
The kapo-rona are good citizens as far as the Fascists are concerned. They listen and absorb the propaganda. They are operantly conditioned to fear death intensely, and then project that fear onto others. They will eventually develop a propensity toward aggression and violence against perpetrators who flout the “supercorona” mandates, thereby mirroring their masters. In effect, their thinking has evolved from “I am afraid of dying” to “I am afraid of dying because of YOU.”
The kapo-rona will become more dangerous as the “supercorona” hoax drags on. The Fascist will keep them and everyone else in check by introducing “super-duper corona” once the novelty of “supercorona” wears off. “Super-super corona” will be far more pervasive and much deadlier. A thinking person might actually see the ruse, but not the kapo-rona. The fear of death blinds them.
For the kapo-rona, the “supercorona” pandemic (sic) has given new meaning to a life that was reduced to cardboard cutouts in the peonage. It is their interim “immortality project” (as defined by the Great Prophet, Ernest Becker). When the “supercorona” fraud is universally exposed, the kapo-rona will slink back into their hovels to wait for another opportunity for faux redemption.
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