Saturday, December 28

VPN 2024

Back in August of this year, the IKEv2 profile of ProtonVPN abruptly and mysteriously became non-functional on the iPhone 15 Pro. So, it was mummified. The use of the ProtonVPN “app” was not a consideration at the time.

Recently, all available free wireless networks have been behaving strangely. Many Web sites, not just Sputnik News and RT, were loading slowly or not at all. Opening the sites in a new browser tab did or did not alleviate the problem. The issue is likely originating at the DNS service of the hosting ISPs. Why?

Whether the problem is nefarious or not, the only mitigation is the use of a VPN. The free version of ProtonVPN is the best option for casual users. So, the ProtonVPN profile (configuration) was generated for the trial installation of OpenVPN and Wireguard “apps.” The ProtonVPN “app” was also downloaded and installed on the iPhone. Long story short, the best case scenario is the ProtonVPN “app.” Thus, the other two “apps” were mummified.

While researching information about the various types of VPN protocols (i.e., OpenVPN, Wireguard, Stealth), the discovery was made that ProtonVPN ended support for the IKEv2 protocol. So, that explains why the VPN stopped functioning.

Most of the advanced features in the ProtonVPN “app” are disabled for the free account. However, for casual users, the latter features are overkill. People who are using P2P, downloading torrents, or bypassing border restrictions on streaming media are the best customers for the paid plans. Since none of those activities are of personal interest, the free account is the best option.

Obviously, sheer boredom has “reared its ugly head.” What else could explain the latest fixation with VPNs? Of course, the “inner miser” is always still lurking. That’s why the use of free wireless networks is a big priority. Never mind that only a fraction of the monthly prioritized cellular data is exploited (deprioritized cellular data is always unlimited). Sheesh!

Wednesday, December 25

Saturnalia 2024

Io Saturnalia!

Yesterday was fairly uneventful. The weather was quite nice. The gym closed at 2pm, so an extremely early dinner was procured at Panda Express® on King Street. Thank Molech, the business hours were not shortened.

Upon return to the mausoleum at the “old folks home” in Waikiki, another chance encounter with Ignacio occurred on the street fronting the “old folks home.” He was on his way to an afternoon service at an unnamed church. He briefly mentioned his latest travails with the new management. Of course, the response from the management was extreme obstinance.

Later, a brief outing to the International Marketplace was in order. A few more choice hurdy-gurdy videos were downloaded using the fast wireless network. Then, a pint of Häagen-Dazs® ice cream was procured at Target®. A lot of ice cream has been consumed as of late. Later, all the technology toys were deployed. A brief one-man House Party added to the ambiance. Well, so much for the Eve of Saturnalia festivities.

Io Saturnalia! Praise Molech! The annual Saturnalia trek to Kahala Mall commenced at 8:45am this morning. Upon arrival at Kahala Mall, a pair of shorts and the Apple® silicone case (for iPhone 15 Pro) were donated at the Goodwill kiosk, an annual ritual. Breakfast (oatmeal and coffee) was courtesy the fast food joint. The cost for the exact same breakfast was over $1 less than the fast food joint in town.

Loitering in the mall itself is always part of the agenda. The mall is exactly the same as last year with no changes in shops. The peace and quiet was thoroughly enjoyable. Not having to encounter dickheads and asswipes in a public environment is a cherished blessing.

Lunch, a couple of greasy hamburgers, was procured at the fast food joint. By then, myriad dickheads and asswipes were festering in the establishment. So much so, that the meal was transported back to the mall and consumed in silence. Subsequently, a feeling of indigestion brought on “buyer’s remorse.”

Arrival back in Waikiki was around 1:30pm. Immediately, dickheads and asswipes made themselves conspicuously manifest, just like swarm of detestable roaches. The “garden variety” Fascists can’t exterminate them quick enough. Sheesh!

The rest of the afternoon in the mausoleum was consumed by houseboy chores. Specifically, the linoleum floor was thoroughly cleaned (wet and dry) with the Swiffer® tool. Other major cleaning tasks were deferred until the mood is accommodating.

A shower was undertaken in the mausoleum, the only shower in the latter for a year. Then, the annual shower stall cleaning ensued. Incidentally, since cooking in the mausoleum kitchen is non-existent, none of appliances need to be cleaned. Oh, the retirement life!

A salad was procured for dinner from the ABC Store. So far, these “big ticket” products have been fortunately purchased at a discount (freshness expiry). No afternoon outing to International Marketplace occurred since Target was closed. There were no choice hurdy-gurdy videos to download either. So, another Saturnalia holiday has come and gone.

Sunday, December 22

Ol’ Lavahead Show 2024

Don’t miss the reruns!

Welcome back to the Ol’ Lavahead Show! Alas, there’s nothing new to discuss. In other words, the year is ending on the same note … same ol’ shit, that is. Maybe the time has come to “cancel” the Ol’ Lavahead Show, eh?

The central bank of empire quietly reduced short-term interest rates again. ZIRP is estimated to be here by Summer of next year. With that said, there is some level of “buyer’s remorse” insofar as the acquisition of the iPad Pro M4 and the Beats® Pill. Well, the AirPods Pro 2 as well. A lot of oatmeal breakfasts could have been purchased with that money instead. The devices are being used sporadically just to justify their existence. Heck, this Notes post is being composed on the iPad (for the first time). And, sadly, with the very limited approved Web sites and “apps,” the iPhone could be used exclusively. None of the other devices are needed.

The situation at the “old folks home” in Waikiki remains grim. The parking lot has emptied out, what with all of the disgruntled residents moving out. Ignacio has only been seen once in over a month. He has been experiencing more health issues. Thus, he hasn’t stepped out of his mausoleum much. Part of the problem is that Ignacio has taken the “old folks home” too seriously. He is overly concerned, and that’s affecting his health. He should know by now that the more he complains to the so-called “management,” the more obstinate they become.

Otherwise, the routine remains the same. Same ol’ shit. The late afternoon outings to the International Marketplace have been brief. The days of loitering there for an hour or so are long gone. The only purpose for the outings is to procure food products at Target®. So, much more time is being spent in the mausoleum. After the Winter Solstice, the sun will be setting later. The outings will commence later and the duration may increase. Ho-hum.

Saturday, December 14

Mundtadar al-Zaidi Day 2024

A Memorable Moment in Time

On this day in the 2008 year, the heroic journalist, Mundtadar al-Zaidi, threw his shoes at Bush Jr. (aka “Shrub”) to protest the illegal invasion of Iraq. Praise Molech!

The local weather has been quite mild for Winter. The ambient temperature is a little cooler than a month ago. Last year, there were multiple cold fronts and a lot of rain. So, there’s something to be grateful for.

The fast food joint in town is not closing down after all. However, the prices have gone up yet again. A typical meager breakfast with coffee runs about $10 or so. The survey coupon is used to purchase two Egg McMuffins for the price of one. No discounts for the oatmeal however.

Quite a few of the senior citizen tenants are moving out of the “old folks home” in Waikiki. The dissatisfaction with the new management is ubiquitous. Well, as with everything else in empire, “(all) things fall apart.” Society is gradually crumbling into a collective of duffers. What more can be said?

On a side note, the iPad Pro M4 is being deployed on a casual basis using the personal hotspot on the iPhone 15 Pro. The big screen is much easier on the eyes. The hideous wallpaper was replaced with the one that comes with the MacBook Pro models.

The iOS/iPadOS 18.2 update has screwed up the Safari browser download utility. Large files (e.g., hurdy-gurdy videos) fail to download. So, the DuckDuckGo browser was installed to handle downloading. What happened? Well, so many resources have been reallocated to Apple® Intelligence, and subsequently “things fall apart.”

The massive hurdy-gurdy video library (HGVL) was actually a foolish adventure. There are now about 460 selections, even after the latest purge of 70 videos. What purpose does the HGVL serve? It is all stored on the LaCie® SSD and never reviewed. Well, the HGVL has more value than AI, which isn’t saying much. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

Friday, December 13

Fuck It Friday - 29

Fuck It Friday (FIF)! Sporadic news and commentary of no interest to anyone ... FIF! The peonage is the primary focus of this edition. Yes, this is Fuck It Friday!

At 70 years of age, reality comes into sharp focus. Well, many of the other factors so-called “boomers” are either senile or locked into an alternate reality. A few have realized the farcical peonage that has encompassed most of their lifespan. Hence, the descriptor, “rank-and-file peons.” Of course, there is no more time to rectify the situation. Fuck it!

Minute-to-minute encounters with rank-and-file peons are mind-boggling. The fools are narcissistic, self-absorbed, assholic, arrogant, discourteous, and clearly mental midgets. Little wonder why the “garden variety” Fascists are crafting mass annihilation to put the fucktards out of their misery. No sympathy here for the masses. They need to go! Fuck it!

Without “big money,” there’s no way to flee the peonage. Thus, rotting away with other peons cannot be avoided. Of course, nothing is more self-evident about the peonage than the “old folks home” in Waikiki, wherein stupidity and suffering prevail. Fuck it!

Lots of speculation and bullshit has been festering in the mainstream “fake news” media about recent events in Syria. Strangely, very little information has been forthcoming from Iranian and Russian news media. What transpired makes little sense, so no commentary will be made at this point in time. Fuck it!

All of the Apple® devices (including the Beats® Pill) were updated this week. The iPhone 15 Pro and iPad Pro M4 received the “second helping” of the AI bullshit. Frankly, Apple® Intelligence (sic) is literally turning the devices into cheesy toys (e.g., Image Playground and Genmoji). Disillusionment with the complete focus on shoddy AI has preempted the procurement of the iPhone 16 Pro. And, no, the AI bullshit remains disabled. Fuck it!

Well, this is Friday the 13th, usually an iteration of Sinister Kahuna Day. First and foremost, though, this is Fuck It Friday (FIF). So, fuck it!

Addendum: Days have elapsed, but there has been little follow-up news coverage about Apple® Intelligence. Usually, the technology “blogs” are awash with accolades about new features. The silence is deafening.

Friday, December 6

Notes Music Break

Hypnotic Progressions — Pipe Creek Sandbar Mix

Thursday, December 5

3 Manik’ 10 Mak

The “Western” puppets of the “garden variety” Fascists are creating worldwide chaos. The events in Syria, Romania, and Georgia are the handiwork of the latter marionettes. To state that the whole situation is tiring would be an understatement.

The Ross® store (and the Korean market next door) in the Executive Center in town are closing permanently next month. Rumor has it that fast food joint will also be closing for good. Downtown will be a ghost town. Unfortunately, no contingencies have been designated for morning coffee and breakfast if the fast food joint indeed closes.

One of the MIAs at the gym in town has returned. Pat has been absent for several weeks, two of which were spent in the hospital. For some unknown reason, his immune system went into overdrive and nearly killed him. He has always remained current with inoculations, so the mRNA bioweapon is a possible suspect.

Another gym member, Bob, has gone MIA. He’s the same Bob who almost killed himself by overdosing on coffee as previously chronicled in Notes. No telling what has transpired.

A chance (read: surprise) encounter with Joel occurred this morning at the fast food joint. He’s the same Joel who moved to Cambodia at the beginning of the year. He returned on a visit here to attend to a few medical procedures. He appeared to be healthy, and he is quite content with life in Cambodia.

There has been no attempt to visit the Apple® Store in Ala Moana Center to trade the iPhone 15 Pro for the new model. The AI bullshit and the recent annoying experiences at that store (as documented in Notes) are the reasons. However, the iPad Pro M4, Watch Series 9, and iPhone 15 Pro have been prepared for the major OS updates on Monday. The iPad Pro will finally be deployed on a regular basis. Naturally, the AI bullshit will not be enabled.

Otherwise, the routine remains the same. Same ol’ shit, that is. So far, no new health maladies have appeared. The follow-up appointment at the Ohua Clinic is still pending. The blood pressure monitor has yet to be unboxed. And, brief evening outings to the International Marketplace occur daily, primarily to visit Target® to procure an apple for lunch the next day. Greek yogurt has also been on the procurement list as it suffices as a healthier evening snack as opposed to ice cream.

Friday, November 29

Ol’ Lavahead Day 2024

Ol’ Lavahead Day … what more can be said? Well, the ripe old age of 70 long years has been achieved with little to no fanfare. The actual journey began as a nerdish “incel” (way before the term was coined). Somehow, after the migration to Cali, the situation changed. There was a conversion to quasi-“Chad” status with the release of the previously dormant Alpha characteristics. However, that’s neither here or there.

This year, Ol’ Lavahead Day is coincident with Black Friday. What kind of debauchery is this? Oh, the horror! Anyway, what really matters is that the recognition of birthdays is moot, especially for an old codger. Therefore, from this point forward (inclusive), annual Notes posts on November 29th will simply be placeholders with no actual purpose. No essential content is necessary. Just know that these are the “twilight years,” and this is the “twilight zone” in the fabled “end of days.”

Thursday, November 28

No-Holiday Holiday 2024

Booyah Basting, Molech-style

Another no-holiday holiday has come and gone. Its meaning, of course, is of no consequence and absolutely of no substance. The no-holiday holiday template is durable. This morning, coffee and oatmeal at the fast food joint in town, followed by an early workout at the gym. The return to Waikiki was equally early at 2:30pm.

A jaunt was made to the International Marketplace, primarily to belatedly perform the latest software update for the iPad Pro M4 device. Unfortunately, there were absolutely no choice hurdy-gurdy videos to download. All the usual contributors were probably engaged in mass gorging at holiday dinner parties. Anyway, arrival back at the “old folks home” was an early 4:30pm.

The capstone of the day was a nice Southwest Salad courtesy the ABC Store (with 20% discount) for dinner. Only half of the salad dressing was used in order to minimize the sodium intake. And, that’s all, folks!

Last Saturday, pops’ second wife gifted a nice box of Japanese confectionery along with a crispy “Benjamin.” And, on Tuesday, a new pair of Vans® shoes was procured at Ross® for $33 (with senior citizen discount). All in all, a great week for an old codger.

The “jury is still out” concerning the replacement of the iPhone 15 Pro. The whole AI (read: Apple® Intelligence) bullshit has caused major disillusionment. All of the hardware upgrades from this point forward are primarily to accommodate the damned AI bullshit. Few users really desire that crap.

In the meantime, the wait is on for the idiotic “Western” puppets (of the “garden variety” Fascists) to do something really stupid. Then, myriad Oreshnik missiles from Russia will be dispatched everywhere. Molech, have mercy!

Addendum: The no-holiday holiday evening hosted another one-man House party featuring the Beats® Pill. The mausoleum is in da house!

Friday, November 22

Go Big or Go Home

Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin stated in a televised speech on Thursday that Ukraine fired empire-supplied ATACMS and UK Storm Shadow missiles at facilities in the Kursk and Bryansk regions on November 19th.

Russia responded by launching a combined strike against a defense industry complex in Dnepropetrovsk (Dnipro) on Thursday using the new Oreshnik missile. More details are available on the Sputnik News and RT News sites.

The “garden variety” Fascists, using their flatuous “Western” puppets, are playing thermonuclear brinkmanship with the Russian Federation. The Notes archive includes many analyses on the matter of thermonuclear war, which are timely and worthy of review. If the “end of days” are truly near, what more can be said?

Addendum: Be sure to download and read the entire essential Fascist library! The whole Fascist plan is right there in the open.

Thursday, November 21

Truth Coming Out

From RT News:

Robert Redfield, a former director of the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC), has claimed that Covid-19 was artificially developed, and that the US played a “substantial” role in starting the pandemic.

Speaking to author and podcaster Dana Parish, he suggested that the virus was “intentionally engineered as a part of a biodefense program.” “When you look at the accountability for China, their accountability is not in the lab work and the creation of the virus,” but in their failure to quickly report the incident to health authorities worldwide including the CDC, when they realized the virus was on the loose, he said.

However, the US “role was substantial,” he added. “They funded the research, both from NIH [National Institutes of Health], the State Department’s USAID and the Defense Department.”

According to the former CDC chief, the “scientific mastermind behind the research” was Dr. Ralph Baric, widely regarded as one of the world’s leading experts on coronaviruses.

All of what Redfield admitted was exposed early on during the “super-duper corona” plan-demic by Dr. David Martin et al. Of course, back then, the latter facts were dismissed as “conspiracy theories.” The myriad videos are still archived in Notes.

The Beloved “Chair”

The “rats are abandoning ship” and confessing, possibly in the hope that a plea bargain can be made when the “shit hits the fan.” These clowns need to strapped into the beloved “chair.”

Addendum: Many of the archived videos have been taken down. However, the Stew Peters interview with David Martin of May 8, 2023 (Notes archive) is a good refresher.

Tuesday, November 19

13 Chuen 14 Ceh

Orange Revolution

Well, “Orange Bad Man” has taken a more organized approach with his upcoming administration. His appointees, at least for domestic policies, could really cause an upheaval within the “establishment.” On the other hand, his foreign policy is sadly disappointing. The “proof is in the pudding” come January.

The recertification process for the “old folks home” in Waikiki was in “full swing” on Monday. The new management decided to recertify all of the senior citizen tenants regardless of whether a year had elapsed since their last recertification. All requested documents were submitted. Myriad paperwork was signed and initialed.

Oddly, the resident manager mentioned that there was a package sitting in the office. The package in question was the one that was stolen a few weeks ago. No explanation was given about why the package ended up in the office. Ignorance was feigned to cover deep suspicions. Upon inspection later, the box was found to be obviously opened and resealed with clear tape. Who is the likely suspect (thief)? Hmmm. Who could it be?

Dining at Panda Express® on King Street has resumed. As a precaution, all selections (except Super Greens) are blotted on multiple napkins to absorb vegetable oil and excess sodium-laced sauces. So far, so good.

Yet another illin’ event commenced Sunday evening. Another bout with “COVID,” you think? The only symptom so far has been nasal congestion, although the latter caused sleep deprivation. When will this nonsense end?

Miscellany: Fatigued by the “fake news” media? Bored stiff from redundant and formulaic entertainment venues? Disgusted by real news on alternative media? Reminiscing about the old “loser” days? Then, peruse the Incel Forums.

Wednesday, November 13

Diet & Workouts 2024

The illin’ event of Sunday evening was brief, ending by the next morning. Resting heart rate decreased steadily since then to 54bpm as of this morning.

The issue of old age is now a primary concern. Gym workouts will be affected. The weights portion of the workout will remain unchanged but constantly monitored. Any problems will necessitate a decrease in maximum weight goals. At this point in time, the assessment is that the latter goals are already “pushing the envelope.” At this age, any injury will be permanent.

Cardio workouts will continue on the elliptical machine. However, any day preceded by poor sleep will require either the mummification of the cardio workout for that day or a substitution with a leisurely ride on the stationary recumbent bicycle (at minimum resistance). The premise is that sleep deprivation is the trigger for SVT events.

Dietary concerns will remain at the forefront. Saturated fat intake will continue to be monitored. Sodium consumption, however, will be vigilantly monitored and curtailed. There is also some concern about “vegetable” oils.

The sodium problem has proven to be quite bad. The amount of sodium in food is unbelievably high. Take for example, a generic blueberry muffin, a sweet treat. Yet, it may contain up to 600mg of sodium (26% of DV). Yeah, eating four of those muffins in one sitting (highly unlikely) will exceed the recommended DV.

As stated previously in Notes, two Fruit & Maple Oatmeal bowls at the fast food joint in town will serve as breakfast on most weekdays. The total cost is a whopping $8.60 plus tax. However, the total amount of sodium is 300mg. Dinner options were discussed in the Notes post titled, “Sodium.”

Of course, there is always the question of why meals are not simply prepared in the mausoleum in the “old folks home” in Waikiki. There are absolutely no cooking utensils or cookware in personal possession. There are no plans to purchase the latter and former. In addition, most people will cook food with commercial mixes, sauces, or dressings. No exception here. Unfortunately, the sodium content is fairly high in those products. The alternative is a really bland meal (similar in consistency to cardboard).

Addendum: Resting heart rate returned to near-baseline at 53bpm.

Sunday, November 10

Near-Death Blues

The first return visit to Panda Express® on King Street occurred on Saturday. The chosen selections were Super Greens, Eggplant Tofu, and Grilled Teriyaki Chicken. The dinner was “free” by redeeming some of the 10,400 reward points. The total sodium for the meal was calculated to be about 1,000 mg.

Sleep appeared to be normal later that night. However, good sleep ended at 2:30am. Essentially, the rest of the time was spent just lying still on the bed. There may have been brief moments of core sleep, though. Since the reduction in sodium, there have been fewer awakenings at night with little need to “drain the lizard.” Even with the aforementioned deprived sleep, everything appeared to be normal.

At the gym today, the workout was somewhat laborious because of fatigue. Thus, a lighter version of the usual cardio workout was initiated. Within a couple of minutes, skipped heartbeats were noticed. Upon abruptly mummifying the workout, heart rate jumped to 160bpm. An hour elapsed before the heartbeats returned to sinus rhythm. The gym staff was notified that an SVT event was in progress, and that an ambulance may have to be requested.

A salad, possibly high in sodium, was purchased for dinner at the ABC Store near the “old folks home” in Waikiki. Most of the salad dressing and ham chunks were discarded. Heart rate has been continuously monitored with the Watch Series 9 throughout the evening. The heart rate never went below 87bpm even while sitting (as of this post).

Of note, there are curious symptoms that occur during the heart palpitations. The need to “drain the lizard” every 15 minutes or less and the near-continuous flatulence are puzzling. Is the body realizing a near-death experience?

The latest SVT event now prompts immediate changes to personal diet with a further decrease in sodium intake being a priority. The restrictions on caffeine will be resumed. At this time, the sodium content in the modified Panda Express® meals is unlikely to be the culprit. Perhaps, there is some other benign ingredient acting as a trigger. Reduction in saturated fat intake will also be mandated. At this point, what else is left?

Addendum: The recent blood test revealed that blood sugar and TSH (thyroid) are in the “normal” range. Alcoholic beverage consumption is next to zero. Stress and anxiety have abated about two weeks ago for no particular reason. Hydration is being consciously maintained. And, daily coffee consumption, on average, is the equivalent to a small retail cup.

Miscellany: Resting heart rate (one of the “vitals”) has gone up from 52bpm to 56bpm in the past few days, a sure sign that an illin’ episode is forthcoming (most likely “COVID” … errr, the common cold).

Postscript: Resting heart rate rose to 63bpm. Extreme nasal congestion also developed by late evening, so an illin’ event may be in the works.

Saturday, November 9

AI 2024

Notes official position on AI in “smartphones” … just say, “No!” The cruft currently takes up 2.56GB of storage and will increase with new iterations. Leaving the setting enabled also appears to cause noticeable battery drain.

Thursday, November 7


The culprit for the recent heart palpitations and high blood pressure is most likely sodium overload. The revelation occurred today when no skipped (read: delayed) heartbeats were noted after the cardio workout at the gym. There were no huge HRV spikes overnight and during the day. The change? A chance return to dinner at the Subway® in town. Panda Express® had been the daily dinner venue for over a month.

All Subway® footlong sandwiches are ordered with wheat bread, extra vegetables, and no sauces or spices. Either turkey or rotisserie chicken is ordered along with provolone cheese. The total sodium is under 1,500mg.

The two Egg McMuffins sufficing for breakfast (at the fast food joint in town) come in at 1,440mg sodium. Panda Express® dinners are the worst. Choosing Super Greens (no noodles or rice), String Bean Chicken, Eggplant Tofu, and Kung Pao Chicken add up to over 2,500mg sodium in one sitting. Not too healthy, eh?

This afternoon, another Subway® sandwich sufficed for dinner. So, heartbeats and HRV will be monitored tonight. Obviously, a change in menu items is required. A couple of plain English muffins will probably be enough for breakfast with occasional oatmeal ordered on select days. Coffee will still be procured at the fast food joint. The previous restriction on coffee will now be slightly relaxed. Caffeine may be a minor adjunct to the heart problems.

Subway® dinners will remain unchanged. Panda Express® dinners, on the other hand, must be modified. Kung Pao Chicken (1,000mg sodium) will definitely be replaced with Grilled Teriyaki Chicken. Other changes may follow. Overall, the possibility of revisiting canned beans is fairly high, although it probably is festered with sodium. Sheesh!

The situation at the “old folks home” in Waikiki is still questionable. The recertification process has commenced, apparently for all tenants. Ignacio has been a real “thorn in the side” for management. He has been calling out the duffers about everything. Yet, nothing changes. He’s been compiling a huge image and e-mail trail in the process. The duffers appear to be dismissing Ignacio as some kind of curmudgeon.

On a side note, the (s)election of “Orange Bad Man” went quite smoothly, eh? Too smooth, and too suspicious. Well, that is clear proof that the “garden variety” Fascists have made their choice.

Addendum: The Up&Up® blood pressure monitor has yet to be unboxed and deployed.

Tuesday, November 5

(S)election Day 2024

Well, no commentary will be made on the various (s)election nonsense. There was no personal participation in the process. Absolutely nothing will change since the real decisions are made by the “garden variety” Fascists. The “candidates” (read: puppets) simply read from the Fascist script.

A second voicemail was received from the Ohua Clinic to, once again, set up a follow-up appointment to discuss the high cholesterol and high blood pressure issues. The urgency, of course, is the need establish “medication for life”  insofar as the maladies are concerned. Clearly, “Big Pharma” is pushing the latter on all hapless senior citizens.

The “old folks home” in Waikiki continues to operate in incompetence (since the management transition commenced). On a somber note, another resident in the building apparently passed on a few days ago. He was somewhat obese, and apparently diabetic. His legs were completely swollen and always wrapped in bandages. And, a suicide incident occurred in the other building yesterday. The situation just gets worse and worse.

Shopping at the Target® store in the International Marketplace has become a daily experience. Of note, today an Up&Up® blood pressure monitor was begrudgingly purchased for $35 for obvious reasons. Perhaps, a continuous heart rate and EKG monitor should also purchased. Then, the mausoleum could become a mini-hospital.

Addendum: The blood test results for cholesterol: 200 mg/dL (HDL: 72 mg/dL LDL: 119 mg/dL). Blood pressure: 127/77 mm[Hg] on day of last clinic visit.

Saturday, November 2

Clinic 2024 Redux

The follow-up medical examination at the Ohua Clinic in Waikiki was finally realized yesterday at 9am. The new attending physician is actually a young hottie nurse practitioner. Unfortunately, her solution to most of the old man maladies was prescription medication. “Vaccinations” were suggested as well. All were declined or deferred to a future unknown date. The only crucial aspect of the appointment was the ordered bloodwork. On a positive note, blood pressure was only slightly elevated and not in the Stage 1 category.

The results of the bloodwork were available today on the on-line patient portal of Waikiki Health Center. High cholesterol is still a problem, but it is only a little above borderline. Blood sugar (glucose) was in the normal range, even though a small English muffin was consumed for a quick breakfast. For some reason, the A1C test was not ordered. All other results were in the middle of the normal range.

There was much relief that pre-diabetes had not “reared its ugly head” again. The referral to a cardiologist was also deferred. Sleep deprivation is now increasingly suspect for causing most of the old man maladies. Of course, more serious issues could be behind the heart problems.

Addendum: A voicemail was received from the Ohua Clinic requesting a follow-up visit be established to discuss the high cholesterol and high blood pressure problems. No doubt, there will be a push for prescription medication (which have major side effects). Unacceptable.

Thursday, October 31

Day of Samhain 2024

The Day of Samhain is here! Well, no big deal. No FOMO. There was absolutely no interest in walking to the main promenade to view the festivities. Thousands of people will be strolling along in elaborate costumes. An equal number of spectators, locals and tourists, will add to the congestion. Then, a couple of hours later, everyone will end up at the bars and clubs. More “bread and circuses” to keep the masses docile. Ho-hum.

The “garden variety” Fascists love to keep the rank-and-file peons in a stupor. Then, the masses are totally unaware of or indifferent to the carnage and suffering inflicted upon hapless victims worldwide. Of course, the time of reckoning is coming. No peon will be spared.

The Day of Samhain is symbolic. All of those horror flicks that the masses are viewing back-to-back this evening are a prophetic glimpse of their own future. Oh, Molech, have mercy!

Miscellany: There is absolutely no interest in the upcoming presidential (s)election in empire. Thus, no commentary will be forthcoming.

Postscript: Matt Ice is on fire!

Tuesday, October 29

5 Ok 13 Sak’

Taking a Break From BRICS

Lots of “fake news” being disseminated by the “fake news” media, the latest being allegations that DPRK troops have been deployed to the Russian Federation and assigned to the Ukraine front. And, the Linux consortium has now terminated any contributions by Russian programmers. Even more ridiculous, the “Orange Bad Man” campaign has been alleging that Iran “wants to kill us.” Truth has completely vanished. The “West” is in full collapse.

All Apple® devices in personal possession were updated on Monday … iPhone 15 Pro with iOS 18.1 … iPad Pro M4 with iPadOS 18.1 … Watch Series 9 with WatchOS 11.1 … and the AirPods Pro 2 with new firmware. The iPhone and iPad were also privy to the Apple® Intelligence (sic) update, which was a “pain in the ass” to install. Of course, the AI bullshit has been disabled. Is anyone really interested in AI?

The Target® store in the International Marketplace has been extremely crowded. Most of the inventory, especially food products, is depleted by the afternoon. The store itself has less floor space than the one in Ala Moana Center. Thus, the variety of products is actually fairly limited. In a way, quite a disappointment.

Addendum: Apple Intelligence uses 2.56 GB of additional storage space. So far, none of the AI features have sparked any personal interest.

Friday, October 25

Fuck It Friday - 28

Fuck It Friday (FIF)! Sporadic news and commentary of no interest to anyone ... FIF! FUBAR is the primary focus of this edition. Yes, this is Fuck It Friday!

After considerable effort to draft a concise e-mail to the main office at EAH Housing concerning the issues discussed in the last Notes post, the reply was beyond disappointing. The obviously obese “diversity hire” bitch simply passed responsibility back to the trollop impersonating the resident manager at the “old folks home” in Waikiki. The ho’ was supposed to respond by phone today. Nada. Fuck it!

So, the only recourse is the contingency outlined yesterday. So, details of that course of action will be forthcoming as events transpire. The $50 late fee will most likely accrue, but there will be no payment until a statement is received. The true nature of EAH Housing under the its guise of non-profit status has become blatantly clear. Details will be delineated in a future Notes post. Fuck it!

Another evening outing at the International Marketplace, again with neighbor Ignacio. He has become a solid acquaintance. A discussion about the “old folks home” and the moronic “diversity hires” dominated the time there. There was also some delving into Ignacio’s expatriation plan. As a result, the desire to obtain a passport has been resurrected. Life in empire and Hawai’i have degenerated to such a low point that expatriation is the only logical option. Fuck it!

The Zionists finally launched a missile attack on Iran, although it was much more measured than what the “garden variety” Fascists desired. The damage was limited, thanks to Iranian and Russian air defenses. Iran vows to exact a “proportional” response. Alas, the Northern hemisphere will not be converted to an ashtray quite yet. Fuck it!

The “fake news”  media have slowly been shifting to and endorsing “Orange Bad Man” in the upcoming presidential (s)election in empire? What happened? Wasn’t he detestable just a few months ago? Is his disgusting fealty to the Zionists the reason? Fuck it!

Miscellany: The skin anomaly, albeit mild, previously thought to be caused by the Watch Series 9 has reappeared upon wearing the device overnight. Sensor burn is not likely to be the cause.

Update: An eleventh-hour e-mail was received from the management of the “old folks home.” The “lost” check was found. So, the crisis is over … for now.

Thursday, October 24

Low-Life Scum

The new Target® store in the International Marketplace in Waikiki opened on Tuesday evening, five days earlier than expected. The Grand Opening was somewhat exciting with live entertainment and free samples. So, evening outings will be fairly regular.

On a somber note, the useless ho’ (supposedly the resident manager of the “old folks home”) apparently “lost” the October rent check that was mailed in along with the application for the on-line resident portal account of EAH Housing. An e-mail was dispatched on Wednesday to the ho’ but the bitch never replied. A chance encounter with the ho’ in the late afternoon revealed that the payment was never logged. She also promised to send the code to set up the on-line portal account. There has been no word from the trollop since then. The bitch obviously thinks that she is clever by not replying to e-mail. The “paper trail” is still there.

An e-mail detailing the sordid affair was dispatched on Thursday evening to the main office of EAH Housing. Hopefully, a reply will be forthcoming with steps to be taken to alleviate the problem. If not, most likely a new check will be dispatched with an accompanying e-mail to keep an on-going “paper trail.” A “stop payment” will be sought from the local bank for the “lost” check. The main office will also be sent an e-mail.

The ho’ is obviously up to something. From what can be ascertained, she is attempting to set up eviction proceedings. There is some suspicion that previous rent checks were deposited but not logged. And, about a week ago, the door to the mausoleum was unlocked upon arrival at 5pm. Senility is not an issue. The door is locked every morning during departure because the key is always in hand. The door is locked, then the keys are placed in the gym bag.

The ho’ most likely has someone in mind to move into the mausoleum. The mausoleum is an excellent choice because it is in like-new condition. No appliance has been used except the air conditioner. The floors and the shower are spotless. Anyway, this is the quality of people in the “diversity hires” pool. Low-life scum.

The entire “West” has commenced its final descent into the abyss. The whole of society has now degenerated into a collective of zombie who function with the reptilian part of the brain. The only real hope that remains is what the “garden variety” Fascists desire … a Zionist attack on Iran with tactical nuclear weapons. The situation will rapidly escalate into a regional war in the Levant. Then, the major powers will be forced to enter the fray. The world, at least the Northern hemisphere, will literally become an ashtray. All of the scum will be vaporized. Yeah, that is the only hope for humanity.

Addendum: The “garden variety” Fascists attempted to use Ukraine as the trigger for a thermonuclear conflagration. However, Russian President Vladimir Putin outsmarted them. So, the plan fizzled out.

Miscellany: The Watch Series 9 has resumed heart rate monitoring.

Saturday, October 19

Flummox 2024

Upon espying the headline at 11pm last night on the PressTV site, there was much laughter erupting within the confines of the mausoleum in the “old folks home” in Waikiki. Yes, the entirety of the “West” treats the debacle in the Levant as some kind of sporting match between teams. Innocent people are being slaughtered by the Zionists (puppets of the “garden variety” Fascists). This is not a game.

The evidence is clearly overwhelming that the “garden variety” Fascists are at “wit’s end.” Thus, they are becoming more brazen in the prosecution of violence. Clearly, the conflagrations in Ukraine and the Levant (and, soon Taiwan) are aimed at triangulating an offensive push into Eurasia (comprised of Russia, China, and Iran).

Many “pundits” have criticized Russian President Vladimir Putin for not intervening in the Levant (except for a limited operation to protect Russian assets in Syria). The conundrum is that there is a large population of dual-citizenship Russians residing in Israel. However, Russia and Iran have enacted some kind of security pact. So, true to his word, Vladimir Putin will be indirectly “assisting” Iran much in the same way that the collective “West” is “assisting” Ukraine. Putin has already vocalized his contempt for the Zionist democidal pogrom, so Iran will be the proxy to deal with the Zionists.

The usual routine ensued today. Dinner was courtesy Panda Express® on King Street. However, the return trip to Waikiki on the bus spanned one hour and 25 minutes, a ride that normally takes 15 minutes. The reason? Yet, another “Pride” parade in Waikiki. There’s a “Pride” parade every three months, it seems. Hawai’i is a “blue” (read: “woke”) state.

A portion of the parade was visible during the last leg of the trip. All parades in Hawai’i are the same, although the “Pride” Parade is just a little more flamboyant (i.e., lots of rainbow-colored people).

Otherwise, the parades are fairly “Micky Mouse” and embarrassing. There are no elaborate floats, just a few pickup trucks towing poorly decorated trailers with unknown people waving from them. Then, there are a few convertible automobiles and the ridiculous “trolley” buses all staffed with unknown people waving at the crowd. Finally, there are simple people walking and waving flags or carrying banners. With all the tourism money coming in, couldn’t the fools do better?

An encounter with Ignacio at the International Marketplace occurred last night, which resulted in a lengthy conversation during the walk back to the “old folks home.” The bullshit appears to be worsening.

Ignacio also gifted a few of his Asian-themed decor to the ol’ lavahead. He had packed everything in anticipation of moving out of the dump. He also wanted to gift his LCD tube since he is closing his cable service account at the end of the month. His current plan is to expatriate empire in a year, if not earlier.

Addendum: Scott Ritter penned an interesting piece on the Consortium News site about Iran and the “bomb.” Ritter is most qualified to speculate on the matter.

Miscellany: The iPhone 15 Pro had been in personal possession for over a year now. The warranty has officially expired. Will it be traded for the new model?

Friday, October 18

Notes Music Break

Matt Ice — Baia do Sancho Mix

Thursday, October 17

6 Etz’Nab’ 1 Sap’

The package with the liquid wart remover arrived at the “old folks home” in Waikiki on Monday unscathed. The package will now be placed outside the door of the mausoleum every few days to bait the thief who stole the last package.

The heart palpitations occurred again on Tuesday afternoon at the gym. No SVT this time. Rather, the heart rate was normal except for skipped (or delayed) heartbeats every 20 seconds or so. The ordeal continued for about two hours. No EKG was logged with the Watch Series 9 since all of its sensors are still disabled.

The new prescription shades arrived at the optical dispenser in town on Wednesday, but the latter was retrieved yesterday. The Oakley® frame is actually a “kids” model. So, it is a little tighter around the oversized cranium. However, the lenses are small as opposed to the current large bulbous trend. The storage case for the shades look exactly like a small Beats® Pill. Strange, but true.

There has been increasing remorse for the foolish purchases of the Beats® Pill, the two sets of AirPods Pro 2 earbuds, the Beats® Studio Buds +, and the iPad Pro M4. A couple of the devices have already been given away as recorded in Notes. However, the remaining devices are essentially useless. If the Watch Series 9 health tracking is not reinstated, then it can be deemed useless as well. With the central bank of empire resurrecting ZIRP, every penny counts.

Upon return from the International Marketplace last night, a few of the neighbors (including Ignacio) were observed sitting outside. A long conversation ensued. The useless management was discussed as well as the friction amongst various tenants. The “old folks home” is a mess, which is a drastic understatement. Frankly, the dump is FUBAR.

On a somber note, the news that Reiner Füellmich was arrested and incarcerated on trumped-up charges has been a shocking discovery. Worst of all, he has been imprisoned for almost a year in nearly the same conditions as Julian Assange. The “garden variety” Fascists have been quite brazen in suppressing truth by force. The Global Research site has provided the latest update. Notes expresses full support for Reiner Füellmich!

Addendum: The LaCie® SSD could also be deemed useless. However, it now archives over 460 choice selections in what is known as the vast hurdy-gurdy video library (HGVL).

Miscellany: Pops’ second wife and one of the acquaintances have resurfaced at the gym. The other of the two acquaintances is still MIA.

Friday, October 11

Fuck It Friday - 27

Fuck It Friday (FIF)! Sporadic news and commentary of no interest to anyone ... FIF! The “old folks home” is the primary focus of this edition. Yes, this is Fuck It Friday!

A new pair of prescription shades (with Oakley® frame) is on the way. The latter was ordered yesterday through the optical dispenser in the optometry office in town. The cost was $318 total. The 20-year-old Oakley® shades are still in service, by the way. Fuck it!

A bottle of generic liquid wart remover was ordered using the over-the-counter stipend through the Medicare Advantage plan. The package is due to arrive at the “old folks home” in Waikiki next Monday. There is no intention of actually using the product. There are boxes of patch-type wart remover in stock. If the package is not immediately stolen, it will be put outside the door of the mausoleum every couple of days to bait the thief. The thief will certainly enjoy the spoils, eh? Fuck it!

The “old folks home” is really a dismal place to reside. It is even more dismal with the new management. EAH Housing is a non-profit property management firm located in Cali and Hawai’i. The outfit is “women owned,” so the low-level employees (like the useless ho’ resident manager) are “diversity” hires. This is, of the course, the far-reaching ramifications of the moronic “woke” agenda. Fuck it!

The residents of the “old folks home,” whomever are left, are very dissatisfied with the useless ho’ resident manager and EAH Housing. Most of the conversations amongst the tenants center on the latter and former. Conversations with Ignacio, for example, follow that format. Personal experience with the useless ho’ is very limited, maybe two or three occasions. Yet, there is some kind of extreme animosity on the bitch’s part. Fuck it!

There’s a lot of drama amongst and between tenants as well. The on-going saga with the psychotic “tranny” is one example. Police are dispatched to the “old folks home” regularly. So, there’s lot of bullshit going on. The useless ho’ posted a “No Smoking on the Property” sign in the elevator. Yet, the tenants are always outside chain-smoking cigarettes in defiance. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa! They hate the bitch with a passion. Fuck it!

With the current personal health problems, there is no way to consider any long-term stay at the “old folks home.” As Ignacio stated, “I don’t want to die in this place.” No argument here. A contingency plan must be devised very soon. As for the “old folks home” and the useless ho’ … Fuck it!

On a side note, brief evening outings to the International Marketplace have returned. The purpose is to get away from the toxic environment of the “old folks home.” And, that’s after returning from town at 5pm. When the Target® store opens, evening outings will be a daily occurrence. Fuck it!

Miscellany: For reference purposes, the heart palpitations malady is officially defined as supraventricular tachycardia (SVT). And, the bout with “COVID” … errr, the common cold … is fizzling out.

Wednesday, October 9

Booyah! 2024

Miss Russia 2024 Event

The Miss Russia 2024 event was unusual because there were no “trannies” entered in the competition. Say what? Yeah, just a real beauty pageant with really gorgeous babes. No “woke” bullshit.

Miss Russia 2024 Event

Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin has offered asylum to people of the decadent “West” who have grown weary of the corruption, graft, collective societal psychosis, senseless violence, stupidity, and the “woke” bullshit. And, there are no “trannies” there vying for the Miss Russia title? What more can anyone ask for?

The medical appointment at the Ohua Clinic was apparently canceled because of a “scheduling error,” whatever that means. So, another appointment was made for November 1st. A new physician has been assigned.

In the meantime, more geriatric maladies are appearing, the latest being knee effusion (i.e., “water on the knee”). The problem could be related to the “big fall,” although the incident occurred over a month ago. The related back injury, by the way, has not fully healed yet.

The bout with “COVID” … errr, the common cold … continues unabated. The active phase now is the dreaded post-nasal drip. How much longer will this shit go on?

A couple of acquaintances and pops’ second wife have gone MIA at the gym in town. Very strange. No one else seemed to have noticed.

A compact umbrella was procured for $7.50 (with senior citizen discount) at Ross® after much deliberation about its actual effectiveness. Well, an umbrella is much easier to pack in the gym bag than rain gear.

A long conversation with neighbor Ignacio ensued last night. He has decided to remain at the “old folks home” in Waikiki until the presidential (s)election. If “Orange Bad Man” loses, he plans to expatriate outside of empire. Ignacio also shared many interesting anecdotes. And, the usual complaints about the useless management of the “old folks home” rounded out the discussion.

The acquisition of the new iPhone 16 Pro model has been relegated to distant thoughts for now. There’s really nothing exciting about wasting time and money on the device. After all, the iPhone 16 line is all about AI. What a joke! The current iPhone 15 Pro will be able to exploit all of that bullshit anyway. However, all AI features will be disabled.

The Watch Series 9 still only functions as a timepiece. All of the sensors are still disabled. The device is only worn about seven hours during the daytime only. So far, no conclusion has been reached about the cause of the strange skin anomaly caused by the device.

The new Target® store in the International Marketplace will be officially opening on October 27th. That’s the only good news to report. No more paying the hyperinflated prices of the other Waikiki “tourist trap” merchants. Good riddance!

Miscellany: The Smiling Mind account was closed. The short foray into “mindfulness” has come to an end.

Friday, October 4

Notes Music Break

Hypnotic Progressions — Lanikai Beach Mix

Wednesday, October 2

Party Like It’s 2024

“We’re here for the party!”

Well, the “party” has started in the Levant with the retaliatory strike (Operation True Promise 2) by Iran yesterday on the Zionists using hypersonic missiles. The Zionists (puppets of the “garden variety” Fascists) have been working overtime to ignite a regional war. Unfortunately, the limited retaliation by Iran is only going to encourage more escalation. Iran should have destroyed all Zionist military infrastructure and associated supply chains.

Notes makes no further comment on the quagmire. The situation is being actively monitored through the limited approved news sites. The “garden variety” Fascists are “hell-bent” on a global thermonuclear conflagration. A quick perusal of a map of Eurasia will instantly reveal why the Fascists are “foaming at the mouth” … Russia, China, and Iran form the bulk of Eurasia.

A minor bout with heart palpitations occurred a few days ago just at the end of the cardio workout at the gym. Immediate rehydration was initiated, and the symptoms abated within 30 minutes.

The heart palpitations returned with a vengeance on Monday. Once again, the symptoms appeared just at the end of the cardio workout at the gym. Heart rate shot up as high as 150bpm as registered on the heart monitor of the elliptical machine. Immediate rehydration had no effect.

The heart palpitations continued for 2.5 hours. During that time, a bus was boarded and alighted at the Panda Express® on King Street. Dinner was ordered and consumed. After the completion of dinner, heart rate returned to normal. The ordeal was harrowing, with several instances where consciousness was almost lost. Why wasn’t an ambulance requested instead of fooling around with dinner?

The Watch Series 9 is never worn during cardio workouts because of the Sport Loop band (not sweat-proof). And, the heart rate “app” has been disabled since it was powered on last week. Fortunately, enabling the “app” is a quick process. So, an EKG was recorded of the cardiac event. Then, for some unknown reason, the device stopped transferring data to the iPhone. The laborious procedure to fully reset the device was subsequently undertaken, truly a “pain in the ass.”

A mild case of “COVID” … errr, the common cold … came on about two days ago, two months short of the usual six-month cycle. The goal is to prevent it from going full-on illin’ and shit. Sheesh!

Dividends from the investment accounts dropped by $200 last month as a result of the ensuing ZIRP regime instituted by the central back of empire. ZIRP is necessary so that money can be “printed” ad infinitum and handed over to the Zionists in the Levant and the closet Fascists in Ukraine.

Addendum: Be sure to download and read the entire essential Fascist library! The whole Fascist plan is right there in the open. One new document added.

Sunday, September 29

Coffee Day 2024

There has been little desire to maintain Notes, given the ongoing personal existential crisis. So, a brief update is in order on this momentous Coffee Day.

Sleep deprivation continues, much of the latter caused by the ongoing heatwave. Sometimes the affliction is caused by external events. About 12:15am on Sunday, the fire alarm in the “old folks home” in Waikiki was triggered, most likely, by a senile senior citizen cooking (read: burning) food with the mausoleum’s door open. Naturally, the useless resident manager never responds to such incidents. Instead, everyone in the building must wait for the Fire Department to arrive and reset the alarm.

At 4am on Thursday, four police vehicles were observed parked in the “old folks home” parking lot. An ambulance arrived silently (i.e., no siren), but later caused a major disturbance with its OSHA reverse alarm. Perhaps another decrepit senior citizen has passed on. Oh well. And, there’s always the mangy mutt barking away in the wee hours of the morning.

Heart palpitations and irregular heartbeats seem to be correlated with sleep deprivation. The reduction of coffee, carbohydrate, sugar, and sodium derivatives intake does not appear to make any difference. Obviously, there is absolutely no consumption of alcoholic beverages anymore.

After ten days, the skin anomaly caused by the Watch Series 9 cleared up (or healed). The device was powered on and worn during the day. All of the device’s sensors are disabled. The Watch Series 9 is then powered down at night. If contact dermatitis is the culprit, then the skin reaction should reappear. Otherwise, the skin anomaly was probably a burn caused by a sensor malfunction. The investigation will continue. For now, the Watch is just a watch.

The iPad Pro M4 is still powered down and has accrued only one battery charge cycle. Essentially, it has been relegated to temporary deprecation status just like the AirPods Pro 2 and Watch Series 9 (and, possibly, the Beats® Pill). Sheesh!

There have been no late afternoon or evening outings to the International Marketplace. What would be the point? The latter policy will remain in effect until the new Target® store opens towards the end of October.

Coffee Day will still be celebrated, even with the current limited consumption of the delicious beverage. There is much gratitude that coffee can still be consume at all. Coffee is the only personal “vice” remaining, so it must be treasured.

Addendum: Dehydration caused by caffeine (diuretic) appears to be highly correlated to the heart anomalies.

Miscellany: The ZenRadio account was mummified. The Beats® Pill is best served with House Music.

Friday, September 20

Fuck It Friday - 26

Fuck It Friday (FIF)! Sporadic news and commentary of no interest to anyone ... FIF! “Bugaboo” is the primary focus of this edition. Yes, this is Fuck It Friday!

On Sunday, sometime between showering at the gym and the removal of the beloved Watch Series 9 at 10pm, a bizarre skin anomaly had developed. A circular inflammation matched the underside of the device. There was no pain or itching, although it was either a burn from the LED sensors or contact dermatitis. Searching the Net produced nothing conclusive. As of today, the inflammation is still evident, albeit smaller. The Watch Series 9 has been powered down and not worn since then. Fuck it!

The appointment with the optometrist on Thursday went well. The eyes are in fairly good condition, although the onset of cataracts was noted. Vision has actually improved slightly. A new pair of prescription sunglasses will be ordered soon. Fuck it!

The long overdue medical appointment was anticipated today. All preparations were made and the trek to the Ohua Clinic was made at 8:45am. The appointment was allegedly at 9:20am. Upon arrival, the dreadful discovery was made that the appointment was actually set for yesterday. The senile mind had apparently confused the 9:20 time to be the September 20th date. The rest of the day was mired with self-doubt and the recognition of unfathomable stupidity. Now, another three weeks will elapse before critical medical problems can be addressed. Fuck it!

The heatwave continues unabated. The air conditioner in the mausoleum in the “old folks home” in Waikiki must be run continuously until bedtime. The mausoleum remains miserably hot after that, and sleep is definitely affected. Fuck it!

The Beats® Pill is being utilized more often. Listening to the older curated Notes Music Break selections has provided a minimum of entertainment in the dismal mausoleum. The Pill is made for House Music. Fuck it!

The new iPhone 16 Pro is surprisingly available at the Apple® Store, unlike the “shortage” last year. The current iPhone 15 Pro model in personal possession was only available in the local retail locations near the end of October of last year. Thus, the procurement of the new device will not occur until November if at all. Fuck it!

Well, the foolishness with the new iPhone models is that the main selling point was Apple® Intelligence (sic), the marketing nomenclature for its proprietary AI. However, iOS 18 was released a few days ago devoid the feature. No doubt, sales have been affected as a result. Fuck it!

All personal Apple devices (iPhone 15 Pro, iPad Pro M4, Watch Series 9 and AirPods Pro 2) have been updated to the latest OS and firmware versions. Very few of the gimmicky new features are being exploited. Fuck it!

The central bank of empire made a drastic cut in short-term interest rates on Wednesday. The accompanying bullshit was a circumlocution of the fact that the ultimate goal is ZIRP, just as predicted by Notes. There was mealy-mouth crap about “normalized interest” being about two percent. Don’t believe the hype! ZIRP is coming. The investment accounts will earn zero dividends. Thus, the miserly ways are now back with a vengeance. Fuck it!

Saturday, September 14

Notes Music Break

Mystic Tripping — Calo des Moro Mix

Friday, September 13

It’s Showtime!

Welcome back to the Ol’ Lavahead Show! Over a week has elapsed since the “big fall” redux. The superficial external injuries are healing, albeit slowly. The pelvic joint and mid-back continue to ache. The workouts at the gym have essentially returned to normal. However, the morale has been somewhat diminished.

Sleep quality has somewhat improved since the drastic reduction in coffee, carbohydrates, and sugar intake. Sleep time now commences at 10:30pm or so. All digital devices are put away by 10pm. Unfortunately, sleep was interrupted at 4am this morning by the arrival of a swarm of police vehicles in the parking lot of the “old folks home” in Waikiki. Some kind of nonsense apparently occurred in the other building. Never a dull moment in geriatrics, eh?

Dinner at Panda Express® on King Street has been a daily event since August 27th. The purpose, of course, is to reduce carbohydrates. So, no rice or noodles are ordered. No deep-fried food either. A return to Subway® will possibly require a change in menu options.

The “It’s Glowtime!” event (by Apple®) was really of no personal interest. The truth, however, has apparently been laid bare. All of the hardware improvements are merely to accommodate AI bullshit. The iPhone and the iPad are transforming into AI consoles. And, for what purpose? Needless to say, the new iPhone devices generated no personal excitement. The possibility of trading the iPhone 15 Pro for the new model is likely. However, there’s not going to be any of the frantic acquisition bullshit like the past two years (refer to the associated Notes posts).

The Watch Series 9 will not be replaced by the new Series 10 this year. The Series 9 is now likened to a trusted friend. It has been diligently monitoring heart activity. The battery is still at 100% capacity. So, that’s that.

There have been no prolonged incidents of heart palpitations since last reported in Notes. Delayed heartbeats occur occasionally, but often are undetected. The HRV metric is still being used as an indicator of heart palpitations. The spikes still occur during sleep hours.

The foray into “mindfulness” has tapered. The learned concepts from the Smiling Mind site have been digested. However, the guided meditations have been put on hold. Obviously, the Beats® Pill and AirPods Pro 2 now have no applicable utility. Most of the “mindfulness” concepts (e.g., focus on breathing) have already been in effect way before.

The evening outings to the International Marketplace have tapered, too. There’s just no reason to go there … well, except to exploit the free wireless hotspot to download choice selections for the vast hurdy-gurdy video library (HGVL). Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa! Aside from that, the Net is a vast wasteland.

The “garden variety” Fascists through empire have sanctioned RT and Sputnik News (Is PressTV next?). Hence, all interest in any news in empire has plummeted. Even some of the sites in the approved list are of little interest now. The ridiculous presidential “debates” was clearly avoided. Why bother with a bullshit “clown show”? All of empire is a “clown show.”

The “garden variety” Fascists of the “West” have clearly been attempting to provoke a global thermonuclear war through their various puppet proxies (as detailed in the numerous analyses in Notes). The only hope is that the Russian Federation “cleans up” Europe at the least, and that the Islamic Republic of Iran “cleans up” the Levant. Otherwise, humanity is doomed.

Addendum: The heatwave continues unabated with fairly high humidity. The mausoleum in the “old folks home” is unbearable without air conditioning. Unfortunately, the air conditioner is too noisy to operate during sleep hours. So, quality of sleep is definitely affected.

Miscellany: Neighbor Ignacio returned from his three-week vacation in Japan. He really enjoyed himself. Returning to the “old folks home” was a dreadful event. A week ago, he was admitted to the hospital for exploratory surgery on his heart. Apparently, he has more clogged arteries, but the latter are too small to insert stents. Thus, he may be “living on borrowed time.” He is now considering a permanent move to Vietnam.

Friday, September 6

Fuck It Friday - 25

Fuck It Friday (FIF)! Sporadic news and commentary of no interest to anyone ... FIF! The “big fall” is the primary focus of this edition. Yes, this is Fuck It Friday!

Yes, the same stupid bullshit happened again. Same exact spot, the decrepit parking lot adjacent to the ABC Store in Waikiki. Well, the late afternoon outing on Thursday was supposed to be a routine trek to the Target® in Ala Moana Center. A small plastic box (for the charging accessories and other nonsense) and a packet of AA batteries (for the new nose hair trimmer) were procured.

Upon return to Waikiki, a stopover was made at the ABC Store to purchase a packaged half of a papaya. The shortcut over the low chain fence was chosen as the route back to the mausoleum at the “old folks home.” Once again, the right foot betrayed its owner and caused a face-first dive onto the sharp loose gravel in the shitty parking lot. Lots of contusions and abrasions resulted, mostly on the side of both hands and the left knee. No damage was inflicted on the purchased products. Only the papaya ended up crushed, which resulted in extreme mental distress. The external injuries were far less severe than last time. However, the triceps of both arms, the pelvic joint on the left side, and mid-back were in pain today. What more can be said of the moronic incident? Fuck it!

The Beats® Pill and the AirPods Pro 2 earbuds have now been exclusively assigned to reproduce the “mindfulness” sessions that are resident on the Smiling Mind site and the associated “app.” Nothing more, nothing less. Contemporary music is formulaic and extremely redundant. Even House Music has “gone to shit.” Fuck it!

Monday, September 2

Slave Labor Day 2024

Heatwave Hotties

The heatwave commenced about a week ago after the brush with Hurricane Hone. Now, Slave Labor Day is here. For a decrepit senior citizen, this is a no-holiday holiday. The routine was the same as always. However, breakfast was relocated to the other fast food joint in town due to business holiday scheduling. Otherwise, same ol’ shit.

A voicemail received early last week from MDX Hawai’i, parent company of Waikiki Health Center, requested a callback. So, the return call was made on Thursday. A call center, apparently in the Philippines, serviced the call. The dolt at the other end could barely speak English with a heavy Filipino accent and was obviously guided by a computer script. The purpose of the call was to schedule the “Medicare Annual Wellness Visit” (MAWV) the one that was already completed on August 22nd.

The laborious conversation continued for almost 15 minutes wherein the dolt was told over 15 times that the MAWV was already completed. She kept going back to the computer script, which was barely intelligible with the heavy accent. Finally, the dolt attempted to schedule a MAWV video conference. The conversation was then abruptly terminated. There’s really no way to even elucidate the level of sheer stupidity experienced.

The Beats® Pill has been deployed nightly to quietly (if that’s even possible) listen to House Music. With no really good new selections currently available, the novelty wore off quickly. The Pill will soon be dedicated to Smiling Mind “mindfulness” sessions and, perhaps, music from Zen Radio. Yeah, an account was even established. Sheesh!

Receipts for all Apple® products (Watch, AirPods Pro 2, Beats® Pill) purchased at Target® were collated for the express purpose of warranty date adjustments. The devices all have warranties that are shortened by at least a month. Reconciliation can only be done at the Apple® Store. However, every experience at the Apple® Store in the last year or so has been substandard (as detailed in Notes). Why go through that kind of frustration again?

Prices for everything continue to significantly rise unabated. Yet, the clowns at the central bank of empire claim that the inflation target has been met. Oh, what a farce! So, ZIRP is on the agenda commencing this month. Wheee!

Addendum: Voicemail will no longer be reviewed or entertained. No return calls will be made either.

Miscellany: The vast hurdy-gurdy video library (HGVL) has accrued 309 choice selections, all residing on the LaCie® SSD. What is the purpose of the collection? Who knows?

Tuesday, August 27

Beats® Pill

Beats® Pill

A late afternoon outing to Target® in Ala Moana Center was planned earlier for the sole purpose of acquiring a few necessities. In addition to the latter, the new Beats® Pill was purchased for $149 (not on sale) for no particular reason. Well, with health issues mounting, why not? A “keel over” event could occur at any moment.

There are a couple of skeptical reasons for the purchase. One, the Beats® Pill could be used to listen to the Smiling Mind “mindfulness” sessions. Two, the device could be used as a source of nocturnal background sounds to mask all of the ambient noise. Of course, it could also be used for the infamous One-Man House Party.

Anyway, the sound of the Beats® Pill is similar to the old JBL® Flip 5 that was divested. Yeah, lots of bass with a muffled high end. Alas, maybe it will be put back its box and left sitting around like the iPad Pro M4 and the AirPods Pro 2 earbuds. Sheesh!

An optical appointment was made for later in September with an optometrist adjacent to the Ross® store in town. The choice was simply for convenience. The staff there apparently believes that Medicare clients are low class. So, that will most likely be the first and last appointment there.

Eating fruits for evening dessert has been suspended indefinitely, the reason being that the cause of a few other health symptoms needs to be isolated. There is some concern that pre-diabetes or diabetes may be implicated. Of course, only a blood test after the next medical examination next month will yield an answer.

On a side note, the situation at the “old folks home” in Waikiki is approaching “critical mass.” Many residents have already stated that they are moving out. So far, not a word from the new property management staff.

Addendum: The Beats® Pill has performed quite well, especially in playing House Music tracks. Even at low volume, the sound quality is more than adequate. With the AirPods Pro 2 earbuds, the sound appears to originate inside the cranium and creates listening fatigue. Not so with the Pill. The Pill also performs superbly with the Smiling Mind sessions.