Friday, October 11

Fuck It Friday - 27

Fuck It Friday (FIF)! Sporadic news and commentary of no interest to anyone ... FIF! The “old folks home” is the primary focus of this edition. Yes, this is Fuck It Friday!

A new pair of prescription shades (with Oakley® frame) is on the way. The latter was ordered yesterday through the optical dispenser in the optometry office. The cost was $318 total. The 20-year-old Oakley® shades are still in service, by the way. Fuck it!

A bottle of generic liquid wart remover was ordered using the over-the-counter stipend through the Medicare Advantage plan. The package is due to arrive at the “old folks home” in Waikiki next Monday. There is no intention of actually using the product. There are boxes of patch-type wart remover in stock. If the package is not immediately stolen, it will be put outside the door of the mausoleum every couple of days to bait the thief. The thief will certainly enjoy the spoils, eh? Fuck it!

The “old folks home” is really a dismal place to reside. It is even more dismal with the new management. EAH Housing is a non-profit property management firm located in Cali and Hawai’i. The outfit is “women owned,” so the low-level employees (like the useless ho’ resident manager) are “diversity” hires. This is, of the course, the far-reaching ramifications of the moronic “woke” agenda. Fuck it!

The residents of the “old folks home,” whomever are left, are very dissatisfied with the useless ho’ resident manager and EAH Housing. Most of the conversations amongst the tenants center on the latter and former. Conversations with Ignacio, for example, follow that format. Personal experience with the useless ho’ is very limited, maybe two or three occasions. Yet, there is some kind of extreme animosity on the bitch’s part. Fuck it!

There’s a lot of drama amongst and between tenants as well. The on-going saga with the psychotic “tranny” is one example. Police are dispatched to the “old folks home” regularly. So, there’s lot of bullshit going on. The useless ho’ posted a “No Smoking on the Property” sign in the elevator. Yet, the tenants are always outside chain-smoking cigarettes in defiance. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa! They hate the bitch with a passion. Fuck it!

With the current personal health problems, there is no way to consider any long-term stay at the “old folks home.” As Ignacio stated, “I don’t want to die in this place.” No argument here. A contingency plan must be devised very soon. As for the “old folks home” and the useless ho’ … Fuck it!

On a side note, brief evening outings to the International Marketplace have returned. The purpose is to get away from the toxic environment of the “old folks home.” And, that’s after returning from town at 5pm. When the Target® store opens, evening outings will be a daily occurrence. Fuck it!

Miscellany: For reference purposes, the heart palpitations malady is officially defined as supraventricular tachycardia (SVT). And, the bout with “COVID” … errr, the common cold … is fizzling out.

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