Friday, September 6

Fuck It Friday - 25

Fuck It Friday (FIF)! Sporadic news and commentary of no interest to anyone ... FIF! The “big fall” is the primary focus of this edition. Yes, this is Fuck It Friday!

Yes, the same stupid bullshit happened again. Same exact spot, the decrepit parking lot adjacent to the ABC Store in Waikiki. Well, the late afternoon outing on Thursday was supposed to be a routine trek to the Target® in Ala Moana Center. A small plastic box (for the charging accessories and other nonsense) and a packet of AA batteries (for the new nose hair trimmer) were procured.

Upon return to Waikiki, a stopover was made at the ABC Store to purchase a packaged half of a papaya. The shortcut over the low chain fence was chosen as the route back to the mausoleum at the “old folks home.” Once again, the right foot betrayed its owner and caused a face-first dive onto the sharp loose gravel in the shitty parking lot. Lots of contusions and abrasions resulted, mostly on the side of both hands and the left knee. No damage was inflicted on the purchased products. Only the papaya ended up crushed, which resulted in extreme mental distress. The external injuries were far less severe than last time. However, the triceps of both arms, the pelvic joint on the left side, and mid-back were in pain today. What more can be said of the moronic incident? Fuck it!

The Beats® Pill and the AirPods Pro 2 earbuds have now been exclusively assigned to reproduce the “mindfulness” sessions that are resident on the Smiling Mind site and the associated “app.” Nothing more, nothing less. Contemporary music is formulaic and extremely redundant. Even House Music has “gone to shit.” Fuck it!

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