Friday, September 20

Fuck It Friday - 26

Fuck It Friday (FIF)! Sporadic news and commentary of no interest to anyone ... FIF! “Bugaboo” is the primary focus of this edition. Yes, this is Fuck It Friday!

On Sunday, sometime between showering at the gym and the removal of the beloved Watch Series 9 at 10pm, a bizarre skin anomaly had developed. A circular inflammation matched the underside of the device. There was no pain or itching, although it was either a burn from the LED sensors or contact dermatitis. Searching the Net produced nothing conclusive. As of today, the inflammation is still evident, albeit smaller. The Watch Series 9 has been powered down and not worn since then. Fuck it!

The appointment with the optometrist on Thursday went well. The eyes are in fairly good condition, although the onset of cataracts was noted. Vision has actually improved slightly. A new pair of prescription sunglasses will be ordered soon. Fuck it!

The long overdue medical appointment was anticipated today. All preparations were made and the trek to the Ohua Clinic was made at 8:45am. The appointment was allegedly at 9:20am. Upon arrival, the dreadful discovery was made that the appointment was actually set for yesterday. The senile mind had apparently confused the 9:20 time to be the September 20th date. The rest of the day was mired with self-doubt and the recognition of unfathomable stupidity. Now, another three weeks will elapse before critical medical problems can be addressed. Fuck it!

The heatwave continues unabated. The air conditioner in the mausoleum in the “old folks home” in Waikiki must be run continuously until bedtime. The mausoleum remains miserably hot after that, and sleep is definitely affected. Fuck it!

The Beats® Pill is being utilized more often. Listening to the older curated Notes Music Break selections has provided a minimum of entertainment in the dismal mausoleum. The Pill is made for House Music. Fuck it!

The new iPhone 16 Pro is surprisingly available at the Apple® Store, unlike the “shortage” last year. The current iPhone 15 Pro model in personal possession was only available in the local retail locations near the end of October of last year. Thus, the procurement of the new device will not occur until November if at all. Fuck it!

Well, the foolishness with the new iPhone models is that the main selling point was Apple® Intelligence, the marketing nomenclature for proprietary AI. However, iOS 18 was released a few days ago devoid the feature. No doubt, sales have been affected as a result. Fuck it!

All personal Apple devices (iPhone 15 Pro, iPad Pro M4, Watch Series 9 and AirPods Pro 2) have been updated to the latest OS and firmware versions. Very few of the gimmicky new features are being exploited. Fuck it!

The central bank of empire made a drastic cut in short-term interest rates on Wednesday. The accompanying bullshit was a circumlocution of the fact that the ultimate goal is ZIRP, just as predicted by Notes. There was mealy-mouth crap about “normalized interest” being about two percent. Don’t believe the hype! ZIRP is coming. The investment accounts will earn zero dividends. Thus, the miserly ways are now back with a vengeance. Fuck it!

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