The symptoms appeared on Tuesday, a mild headache accompanied by aches and pains. Then, insomnia. This morning, the body was completely fatigued, not to mention the grogginess. Illin’ again! Nonetheless, the daily routine must be followed.
The bus ride to town was somewhat uncomfortable because the air conditioning caused chills. Same with the dining room at the fast food joint in town. The decision was then made to sit outside across Tamarind Park. Along the way, an encounter with one of the gym members revealed that the gym was closed down because of a power outage. The problem apparently was only localized to the gym. Yeah, “things fall apart.”
The weather became much gloomier with moderate winds and some drizzling as the morning progressed. At 11am, the decision was made to go to the Kapi’olani gym. Only a portion of the weight workout was completed. The entire cardio regimen was skipped so as not to overtax the geriatric physique. Of course, after showering, the time was 1:30pm, way too early to eat dinner.
A circuitous bus ride was made to return to Waikiki. Once back in the mausoleum at the “old folks home” in Waikiki, the decision was made to go to Kahala Mall. The Route 2L bus goes directly there from Waikiki and is never crowded.
The big bag of clothes (and cordless trimmer) was brought along and donated to charity. A couple of dental products were purchased at Longs®. The Healthy Benefits+® card posed no problems. And, the “inner miser” was satisfied. There was some contemplation about dining at the mall, but that foolish thought was quickly dismissed.
The Route 2L bus was boarded at 3:30pm to return to Waikiki. Again, there was some contemplation about simply purchasing an overpriced salad for dinner, but that thought was dismissed immediately. Instead, a transfer was made to another bus. And, dinner was procured at the favorite Panda Express® on King Street.
Upon return to the mausoleum, mild nasal congestion was observed. Obviously, “COVID” may be “rearing its ugly head” again. As previously stated in Notes, any common cold or influenza symptoms are immediately “diagnosed” to be “COVID” as is the universal trend. If the symptoms linger for several weeks or totally unrelated symptomotogy is indicated, then the “diagnosis” is “long COVID.” What a farce! Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
Miscellany: Another pair of off-brand shorts was purchased at Ross® on Tuesday for $9 (with senior citizen discount).
Addendum: Heart palpitations came back with a vengeance on Wednesday evening. There seems to be a high correlation with bouts of “COVID.”
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