Slave Day, yet another no-holiday holiday, was uneventful at best. No rest for the weary. Breakfast was courtesy the other fast food joint in town. The remainder of the day? Same ol’ shit. There’s no reason to celebrate the holiday since all of the rank-and-file peons in empire are helpless, hapless slaves to their Fascist overlords.
Well, the latest infection with “COVID” ended up being fairly mild insofar as respiratory symptoms are concerned. Nasal congestion was limited most likely because no attempt was made to forcibly eject mucus from the nasal passages. Friday morning, the dreaded post-nasal drip commenced accompanied by the loss of taste and small. Fortunately, the symptoms abated a few hours later for the most part. Thus, gym workouts were completely back to the usual routine by Saturday.
Sadly, a few “COVID” symptoms lingered, including extreme “brain fog,” sporadic loss of balance, loss of coordination, and muscle cramps. By the way, this was the third bout with “COVID” since the beginning of the “super-duper corona” plan-demic. Perhaps, the deadly mRNA bioweapon “vaccine” should have been considered, eh? Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
Total personal expenditures for last month (not including rent for the mausoleum at the “old folks home” in Waikiki) amounted to $750 and some change. Conclusion? The miserly ways cannot be broken. Sheesh!
The homeless situation on King Street is spiraling out of control. There are now swaths of homeless colonies. The area within the Kalakau’a Avenue and King Street intersection (near the favorite Panda Express®) is one good example. Most of the homeless “campers” are squatting in and around the bus stops. The restrooms at Panda Express® and the fast food joint across Kalakau’a Avenue are often occupied for extended periods by the homeless. Or, they sit outside and solicit for a subsidized meal. Although there is some sympathy for the homeless (for obvious reasons), the latter have made dining out somewhat unpleasant.
The ridiculous elevated light rail, now known as “Skyline,” was finally put into limited service on Friday. That’s after 19+ years of construction. The most ridiculous part is that the entire 25-mile line is still not completed. There are only a few stops in service right now. How the masses of fools tolerated this kind of stupidity is beyond credulity.
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Vladimir Putin and Russian Muslims in Dagestan |
On a side note, the screenshot is from a video showcasing the visit of Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin to Dagestan during Eid. His reception by the people was quite amazing. Putin is more popular than he’s ever been, even after the maskirovka coup. And, why not? He has protected the Russian sphere from being corrupted and dismantled by the “Western” Neo-liberal Fascists. How many of the “Western” puppet leaders can garner that kind of admiration? Yeah, none.
Miscellany: About 30% of the local population (including 99% of senior citizens) are still wearing face masks full-time or intermittently. They are the “cream of the crop” of the slave class.
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